Dangerous Women - Damon

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You used to date Damon but he broke up with you which broke your heart so you moved away to get over him and you needed a change and you bumped into someone and you both go back to Mystic falls to reek havoc

You used to date Damon Salvatore the key word being USED. Until he became a selfish cheating dick. He had been cheating in you with Elena Gilbert YOUR BEST FRIEND for a whole year. And to top with whole experience it was in your birthday at your birthday dinner. You were sitting with Damon in your left and Elena sitting next to him and you turned your head absentmindedly and you saw Damon's hand under her skirt. You just stood up and left and when Damon came after you you had a massive blowout. You couldn't face any of your friends because you couldn't trust any of them anymore. Over the next you days after that you just stayed in your house and you booked flights to Chicago, rented a furnished apartment, sold your house with all your furniture and packed all your belongings sending them to the apartment. Packed and left not anyone you left.

You took a few days but you fell inlove with Chicago and have met so many nice people and your friends having been texting you asking why there are people in your house but you have had no texts from him or her. You decide to go for dinner in a bar and you were having a drink when you heard a familiar voice
"Y/n Y/l/n" you look up to see Katherine Pierce standing beside your table"
"Katherine what are you doing in Chicago?"
"I got tired of hiding and the people here are so easy to feed on, but why are you here? Shouldn't you be with the Salvatores and my annoying lookalike"
"I've moved here and I don't talk to any of those people anymore" you say and she smirks obviously intrigued so she sits down
"Oh do tell"
"Damon cheated on me with Elena for a whole year and I hate all there guts" you say picking up your whiskey and she dies the same
"That we can both agree on" you clink your glasses and down your drink.
"You know Y/n you were always my favourite, you seemed similar to me" she says and you nod
"I always liked you, your fun" you say and she smirks
"Well lets have some fun shall we?"

That was a year ago since then you have become a vampire, curtesy of Katherine, turned your humanity off which was the best decision you ever made. You and Katherine go out every night drinking and feeding in people, you compelled a man to let you have a mansion for free and you two are having the best time.

One night you and Katherine are feeding in some college students and she speaks up
"I've been thinking why don't we give Mystic falls a visit?"
"Cause some trouble and torment lives?" You say as you both smirk
"Great minds think a like" as you both chuck the bodies in the ground
"Pay the beloved Salvatores a visit and ruin their lives"
"Oh how I'd love that" you say as you start to walk home.
"Are you still obsessed with Stefan Katherine, you could do so much better? You say and she sighs
"I'm not obsessed with him in that way, I love messing with then and their beloved Elena" she says as you guys walk in your living room and she speeds and grabs some blood bags
"How about we kill her? You say staring of as she hands you a blood bag then looking at her
"You serious?." She says and she can tell by the way your looking at her you are
"Wow y/n I love how I've rubbed if on you" she smirks and you smirk as well
"So How shall we do it?" You say as you both sit down
" I don't know but it needs to be slow and painful" she says and you nod
"Drain her, cut up her limbs and sent a part individually to a member of their schoolboy gang" you say and she looks at you shocked
"Ooo I like that. Now before we do this plan is this out of jealousy or what cause I dint want to do if it is as much as I'd love to kill her" you shake your head
"I always hated how she thinks she's the most important person in the world and everyone is inlove with her. She always brings you down as well. Her having sex with Damon was just the cherry on top of the fucking cake" you say and she smirks
"Well Mystic falls here we come"

You guys arrive arrive in Mystic falls and you don't want people to know that you are here yet you want to have some fun first, you start by feeding and killing people leaving bodies all over then town. You also decide to torment Damon by appearing every so often to he thinks he is seeing things. Until one day you two decided now it's time to put the plan in motion, so you followed Elena and her friends back to the boarding house and you waited for a while listening in to their conversation about all the murmurs
"Why are all of these people turning up dead. None of us are killing people" She says
"Are you sure the Mikaelson are in New Orleans" Stefan says
"Yes they are to preoccupied trying to run and empire" Caroline says
"Of course she knows" you say to Katherine
"Guys I swear I have been seeing Y/n around town recently" Damon says
You and Katherine smirk
"You think she's linked to this? She's not a vampire" Elena says
"Maybe she's just moved back to town?" Caroline says
"Right back to the problem at hand" Stefan says
"We need to find out who this rogue vampire is and kill them" he continues
"Shall we join the party?" She says and you nod. So you both slam open the door and walk in and you see all the shocked faces
"Oh sorry have we ruined the party?" Katherine says mockingly smirking and you look at Damon then Stefan
"Hello brothers. Miss me?"

 Miss me?"

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