Sleep tight - Elijah

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You knew getting mixed up with the Originals would be messy, when you first started dating Elijah he kept telling you how much danger you would be in and how your life would change. But all you wanted was to be with him so you didn't care, plus you were a vampire so you knew you could take care of yourself. The rest of his family loved you and they all treated you as one of their own which meant a lot to you because you haven't seen your family since you were turned because you didn't want to put them in any danger.

You had gone out with Caroline for a shopping trip and when you entered the Mikaelson residence you saw that they were all having a hushed conversations and they all seemed on edge because when you closed the door they all jumped slighting and looked well, afraid.
"Is everything alright" you say looking really confused
"Everything is fine" Elijah said. You didn't believe him for one second but you decided to leave it because you didn't want to intrude on something that wasn't your business. Plus you were tired and groggy so didn't really want to deal with people. You walked up to your room to put your new purchases away and when you opened your bedroom door you saw your furniture has been turned over, your clothes were everywhere some of them ripped to shreds. All your photos and CDs are all over the place.
"What the hell" you half shout. You turn round and head towards the stairs
"Right who trashed my room?" You say and they all turn round in confusion.
"What's wrong love?" Klaus says
"Which one of you guys trashed my room, it's not funny" you say annoyed now. They all give each other worried looks and they all speed to your room. You look at them waiting for an answer.
"None of us did this y/n" Bekah said which made you laugh
"Wow guys real mature" you say dryly. You stare at them expectantly waiting for the to explain what is going on. You sigh and are too annoyed to deal with them right now so you turned round and starting walking towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Elijah half shouted
"Out" is all you say as you slam the door shut. You just need some fresh air away from everyone because you are fed up of them lying to you and not letting you in on anything you're a vampire for Christ sake, you can look after yourself. As you were walking you started to smell something. Blood

You sped into the woods to try and find the source in case someone was hurt. You were looking around and you heard a twig snap which made your head whip round. You zeroed in your hearing to see if you could hear a heart beat which is when you felt a pair of hands around your neck then you felt them close to your ear as they said
"Sleep tight love" you eyes widened as you realised who it was
"Mikael" you said in your mind then everything went black

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