Protective - Klaus

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Sorry it's long

You and Klaus have been dating for two months and you could be happier, you met because he and your friends do not get a long but you and Klaus had a budding friendship which turned in to something more. He came to your house and asked you on a date which you thought was very sweet and you took the micky out of him a bit because of how formal it was. You and been on a couple of dates and you spent quite a lot of time at the Mansion bee sue you loved hanging out with his family. They love you more than the rest of the mystic falls gang and treat you like a member of the family. They are all quite protective of you and Klaus definitely is, he told you on your first date the risk that comes with dating him and you said you don't care. He introduced you to his hybrids as well and offered one of them to be your personal bodyguard which you thought was sweet but you declined, what you didn't know is what he said to them once you left. "Every night there are going to be three of you stationed outside her house whenever she is in the house or her family. Do not let anyone in who isn't Y/N her family or me, Got it!" He looks around at them and they all nod, his face changes as he says "and if anything happens to her or her family I will personally whoever was in that watch hunt and kill them, and their entire family, now leave" they nod and walk away. So over time you would notice his hybrids stationed outside your house, then you started to notice them in the background when your at the grille with the gang or even going out to the shops, even if you go for a walk or a jog on your own, they are always there. sometimes it wasn't hybrids, it was the other sibling. Yesterday you were at the grille with Elena,Bonnie Caroline,Damon,Stefan,Ric and Jeremy just chilling trying to forget about all the supernatural business and you noticed a Hybrid at a table not to far away form where you guys were sitting and also Kol and Elijah sitting on the opposite side watching you occasionally but then turning away once they see you looking. You decided you wanted to know what was going on so you excused yiurself amd walked up the hybrid who was drinking but stopped once they saw you approaching "Why are you following me?" Then he laughs "Can't someone just enjoy a drink" then yiu say "why are there always some of you outside my house every night?" Sitting down in front of him " he looks at you and says " I don't know maybe your imagining it" he downs it then heads to the bar to get another leading you there stumped then you turn to the Mikaelson brothers you were obviously listening to your conversation and immediately turned away and acted like they were in deep conversation so you immediately stood up and walked over to them and says " Why is there walkways one of you around wherever I am, are you following me or something" "No no of course no Y/N we wouldn't invaid your privacy like that, I cer" Elijah starts but is interrupted by Kol "Just because my brother is infatuated by you doesn't mean the world revolves around you darling, but if you wanted a personal bodyguard I would be more than happy to oblige" with a smirk and winking at you. You roll your eyes and walk back to your friends. The next day after school you were looking forwards to walking home a lone with only your music and thoughts, so you got through the doors and were putting your headphones in when yiu looked up to see one of Klaus' hybrids standing next to a dark car looking at you and you take your headphones out and he says " I have orders to drive you home and ensure your safety ma'am" and opens the door and you stand there and say "are you serious" laughing at how far he has taken this "these are my orders ma'am so if you could step in the vehicle opening the door. You stand there for a few seconds then say "ok but take me to the mansion" you say before you get in the car, he nods and he drives you to the mansion as soon as the vehicle stopped you threw the doors open grabbed your bag and stormed into the house shouting "Klaus, Klaus where are you we need to talk!" He comes strolls down the stairs smiling and saying "what can I do for you my love" "Why are you having me followed everywhere I go by one of your hybrids or even siblings huh?" he's taken a back by your town and says "I just want to make sure your safe love" laughing slightly and you keep a straight face " I understand but you can have me constantly under surveillance
, it's suffocating there's no sense of privacy. It's like guy don't trust me or something, my friends think your using me to find out information and having hybrids constantly tagging along isn't really helping with that either" you sigh looking down then look up to see a shocked Klaus which is not a common sight "Listen I like you klaus but there needs to be some boundaries. I know you care but this is way to much. Once you find you can trust me give me a call but I need a break"; you turn to leave and leave him there and you say ask your walking about the door "Don't follow me or get anyone else to" you walk out and ask the hybrid to drive you home then leave. Klaus is standing there realising he has just driven away.

Not sure how I feel about his ending. I like it but if you want a part 2 I will make it

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