Woman in power - Kol

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You are the young Queen of England and you meet a very cocky Duke 

You are walking through the corridors of your palace speaking to one of your ladies when your royal advisor is walking towards you
"Your majesty, I have just heard news that the Duke of Kent is in his way to the palace and is requesting a meeting with you to discuss his land"
"Is this the duke that is known for having many nights with whores and all of his staff hate him because he is rude and heartless" he nods
"What could possibly be wrong with his land?"
"I do not know ma'am" you nod
"Very well, tell the kitchen hands to set up tea in the east wing" he nods and walk off. You turn to your maid and you begin to walk into the thrown room
"What have you heard if this duke?"
"I have heard that he is very sure of him self and he likes to charm women" she says and you scoff as you sit on your thrown
"I hope he is not expecting to charm me, I think he needs a lesson from his Queen on manners" she smiles as one of your lords comes forwards
"Are you ready for the meeting to begin your majesty" you nod. As a Queen you have sit down and listen to some of your peoples problems and you try your best to find a solution. Your lords often come and say something aswell if they didn't have time during in of your council meetings.
You have just finished and you stood up to return to your chambers when one of your guards came in the room
"The duke has arrived your majesty how do you wish to greet him?"
"Take him to the drawing room and make sure the tea is ready and tell him I will be with him shortly" he bows and heads away and you start to walk back to your chambers
"What would you like to wear?" One of your ladies asks and you smile to her
"I do not care in the slightest I just want to make him wait. See how he will treat a queen, see if I can track h8m some manners" she smiles and you enter your chambers and your maids start to get you ready, making sur to tell them to take their time. You are in no rush.

Mean while the Duke was getting agitated waiting for you. He just wanted to meet the famous queen, he wanted to see how beautiful she was himself
"How long will she be?" He asks getting impatient
"The Queen will be here when she can" one of your guards says as the doors are opened and you walk through
"Her majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom" your announcer says and you walk towards him and you raise your hand and he takes it and kisses the top of it
"It is an honour to meet you your majesty" he says and you nod and sit down
"I have heard a lot about you sir Duke, not all of them good" you say as your maids make the tea. You nod to them to thank them, he does not.
"Please enlighten me" he says slightly smirking which takes you aback but you don't back down
"That you entertain lots of whores every night and you are horrible to your staff and don't take care of your duties or land" he looks taken aback for a moment but he comes round
"I wish that wasn't the case but it is. I like to have fun" you laugh slightly
"So your version of fun is having everyone hate you?" You say and he doesn't say anything

"What in particular is wrong with your lands may I ask" he looks confused
"That is why you are here isn't it?" And he smiles
"I wanted to meet the Queen and might I say what everybody says about you doesn't give you justice" he sets his glass down.
"What everyone says about you is true then"
"When I see something go like I don't tend to hold back" you laugh slightly
"Well Sir Kol if you think you are trying to flatter me, a queen into bed you are certainly mistaken. If that is what you came for you have wasted a long journey. I hope you have a safe one back" you stand up and start to leave but he speaks up
"You do t know what you are missing, I am quite the catch" you turn around again shocked at the way he is asking
"I think you are forgetting I am a Queen, I am your Queen. Watch the way you are speaking to me. You think that every girl will fall at your feet and that you will bewitch them into bed just by looking at them. I am afraid that is not the case and I would never get into bed with a horrible man like you" you start walking out the door leaving him shocked
"Guards make sure to escorts the duke back to bus carriage and send him in his way" you keep walking hearing his protest you stop to turn round just to say one thing
"You like to be in control but I am the one in power" you continue walking.

Later that day you sign documents you ordered for the ripping of the dukedom from Kol Mikaelson

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