I am the prank master - Tyler

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@crozario089 I hope you like this

I was sitting in Tyler's bedroom waiting for him to come from his work when I hear a bang come from downstairs. I am confused by this because he is not supposed to be home for about half an hour. So I take my phone and head out his room and downstairs. I see the front door is open, and i remember locking it behind me, then I turn round to go looking around the house when someone jumps from behind the sofa with a mask on. I don't flinch or jump at all and I just stand there with a hand on my hip and an unamused facial expression
"Really?" I say and Tyler takes off the mask
"Nothing?" He says chucking the mask on the sofa.
"It takes a lot to get even a flinch off me Ty" I say and he flops on the sofa pouting.
"It's so unfair, people prank me all of the time and I can never get them back" I start laughing clutching my stomach "What?" He says annoyed
"That was supposed to be a prank?" I say between breaths
" Piss off" he says and I go sit next to him and straddling him so he will pay attention to me
"Babe if you needed help pulling pranks you should asked me" I say stroking his cheeks and he looked at my confused
"Why?" He says and I laugh
"I am the prank master" I say and he starts laughing
"You? The prank master" I get off him and stare at him. I smirk 
"You know when Damon and Stefan thought their house was haunted?" He nods and I point to myself, he raised his eye brows
"You did that?" And I nod "what about when everyone thought Elena has fallen down the stairs and died?" I point to me again "Klaus was back" and I nod again "woah you are good"
"Told you" I say smirking and he stands up and gets down on his knees
"Please please please help me my love my life my everything" I pat his head.
"No" I say walking away and head out the door "later Ty" I say smirking and heading out the door.

Once I got in my car and was a safe distance away from his house so he could hear, I phoned Matt through my car, it rang a few times before picking up
"Hey Matty" I say
"Hey you, whats up?"
"Tyler has been complaining that he has been getting pranked and he didn't believe me when I said I am the prank master" I say and he laughs
"Oh no he's a dead man" he says
"I think he needs a little lesson and you are going to help me" I say and he groans
"Ok, only because I know that if I don't help me you will prank me to" and I nod
"Aaah I gave taught you well" I say and then I explain to him my plan.

I told him to meet me at the boarding house because I need Damon's help as well. One I arrived Matt was pulling up as well so we walked towards the door and Damon opened it
"What is this about? You were interrupting my day of brooding" he says and I smirk
"We are prancing my boyfriend because he didn't think I was good at pranks and I know you hate him so we need your help" he smirks as well
"Come on in" he says

"Y/n NO this is too far i an nit doing this" Damon says standing up.
"Come on Damon, I'll be fine!" I say standing up
"You could DIE!" He shouts back
"Y/n I agree with Damon! You cannot do this, I don't think I can even do this" Matt says
"Guys please I need to wipe that cocky bastards smug look of his fucking face" I say
"Y/n we are both extremely stubborn and in this case it is getting out of hand. I know you want to prove a point but you shouldn't risk your life for it!" Damon says taking your hands. "I am not putting your life in danger for the sake of a prank" he says.
"My life won't be in danger! As soon as I reveal it is a prank you can heal me!! And if I feel bad at any point I will shout" I say. I turn to both of the,
"Please. We all know Tyler is a privileged prick. Think of what happened to Vicki?" I say looking at Matt knowing it will have pulled a trigger "think of everything he did to trigger Klaus and put all of us in danger" I say
"Please. I promise after this I will never pull a prank on either of you again. I will never get you involved again I promise just please help me" I say and they share a look
"Promise you will end it as soon as possible?" Matt says and I nod
"If you feel anything go wrong promise me you will shout?" Damon says looking at me concerned and I nod. "Well Matty you better be good at acting" he says

Later on I called Haley over
"What's up?" She says and I say
"I need you to slash me up and make it look like a werewolf attacked me" I say and her eyes winded
"I am pranking Tyler" I say and she smiles
"Oh ok" She says getting her claws out
"But please do it enough to look bad but not so I will actually turn into a wolf" I say she nods. She starts slashing my torso, face arms everywhere. I try to to scream in pain. Once she stops I fall to the ground
"Thanks" I sat and she nods
"Tell me how it goes" she says as see speeds off.
"Matt call him!" I say groaning and they both rush through and see me "now!" I say
"Jesus Christ y/n Damon"  says looking at me and Matt gets his phone put and he puts in on speaker

"Hey Matt" he answers
"Oh my god oh my god Ty" matt says
"What's wrong?" Tyler answered worried
"It's y/n she's she's been attacked. I d don't know what to do" he says
"WHERE ARE YOU" he shouts into the phone
"Boarding house" then Tyler hangs up. Matt kneels next to me
"I hope you know what you are doing" he says and I nod

Suddenly he comes barging through the door and he sprints over
"Oh my god what happened" he shouts and he looks over my injuries
"She hasn't spoken since Matt brought her here, I don't think she can the pain it too much" Damon says
"Why haven't you healed her" Tyler shouts
"I can't, they are too bad and I don't want to risk KILLING HER" Damon's shouts
"Oh my god this is my fault" Tyler says "y/n y/n please just answer me" he says fully sobbing. His tears are stinging my cuts
"Guys her heart rate is slowing down" he says and I slightly move my head.
"Tyler...." I say really huskily
"Oh my god!" He says and I smile
"I am the prank master" I say and he looks at me confused. I look at Damon and he nods. Biting his wrist and letting me drink. I feel all my wounds heel. Tyler is looking at me confused. Even though my wants aren't fully healed I stop drinking
"I AM THE PRANK MASTER"I shout standing up and high fiving Damon and Matt. Tyler sits there is shocked
"Never cross me" I say ruffling his hair. He stands up annoyed and
"You made me think you were dying!" He shouts and I laugh
"Well just know bit to cross me again. I say hugging him and me hugs back
"Fully noted" he says and he looks over my body
"You do realise you now have a load of big scars right?" And I nod
"Well just think of it as a reminder" I say kissing him and I turn back to the other two
"Thank you you two" I they breath a sigh of relief.
"Never again" Damon says patting me in the arm. Matt shakes his head
"Y/n I want to hate you so much right now but I can't" he says hugging me and I laugh.

Later that night, I was still at the boarding house because me and Damon we're hanging out. I excused my self to go the the bathroom. Once I did my business I was washing my hands and I look at my reflecting and my eye were glowing amber
"Oh fuck" I shout and Damon comes rushing to the door.
"What's wrong?" He says and I open the door and he sees my eyes and says

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