Say yes - Enzo/Mikaelsons

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I'm the youngest Mikaelson sibling, I love my siblings dearly but whenever I meet someone it isn't the first thing i say. You may think "but surly they'd know who you are" Well because I'm the youngest they are very protective of me, people are aware of who I am but they don't know what I look like. Which is why when I met the love of my life, Enzo, he wasn't repulsed or afraid of me. He knows I am a vampire but I pretend that I'm younger than him and not as strong, one time I was nearly caught it when one of Klaus's hybrids came to our apartment and he recognises me and I shake my head flashing my eyes to tell him "Don't you dare" he nods scared shitless

Your sibling were aware of your relationship and understood you didn't want them to interfere or make Enzo aware that you are related but they kept saying he is going to find out one day. You and Enzo had been together for two years and you loved each other so much, you knew you wanted to spend an eternity with him but you were so scared that he would leave you when he finds out.

You guys were celebrating your anniversary and you wanted to go away to celebrate, because Enzo loved music you suggested going to New Orleans which he over, it was the birthplace of jazz. He loved the idea and immediately booked it, you regretted it because you knew that's where Klaus was rebuilding his empire and the rest of your family are. So once Enzo booked you phoned Klaus
"Love, are you ok what's wrong. Are you hurt?'
"I'm ok don't worry, it's just me and Enzo are coming to New Orleans for the weekend so if you see me or if anyone see's me can you just pretend you don't know me. Or stay away'
'Ok love, don't worry. I'll tell the hybrids not to make contact but they'll keep and eye on you make sure no one hurts either of you"
"Thanks Klaus. Talk later"
"Bye love"'

The weekend of
So now you and Enzo are walking hand in hand in the french quarter and you notice some of Klaus's hybrids just standing round, knowing Klaus sent them to keep and eye on you. You guys went and sat in a restaurant just enjoying each others company and you see Klaus enter, he nods to you and sits a the bar. You know he is here on business because he told before hand but it still put you on edge. So you guys were just enjoying each others company ad laughing, you were sipping on some wine and you saw Enzo just staring at you
'What? Have I got something on my face?"
"No no, I just can't believe how lucky I am to have a girl like you after my horrible life'
'Stop, I'm the lucky one' in you head 'you don't realise how lucky I am'
"I love you Y/N so much" he says grabbing your hand
"I love you too"
"I can't imagine this life without you in it now. Before I met you I thought it was going to be and eternity of misery but them you came along. The light in my dark, dark life. I know we are stuck together for an eternity anyway so I just thought I should make it official" he says standing up, you realise what's happening and your heart starts to race and eyes water. You know you have to tell him now and you will probably loose him. He kneels down on one knee and brings out a small box with the most beautiful diamond ring.
"Y/N, will you do me the greatest honour of becoming my wife" you're speechless,you don't know what to say all you can do it stare at the ring. You mustn't have realise how long for "Y/N love are you ok?" You stutter " I I c can't Enzo, I I'm sorry" you say leaving him looking surprised "Y/N I can tell your lying" "I'm not" you say looking away "you love me right" he says looking in your eyes, you nod tears falling "then say yes" you stand up and shake your head " I can't Enzo, I've been lying to you and I can't anymore, I can't risk your life and cause you anymore pain" he looks at you confused standing up. Then Klaus speeds next to you "Love don't, be happy" Enzo lol sat you "What is he doing here, what is this have you been cheating in be?" You say "No, no not at all. Enzo my last name is Mikaelson. Klaus is my older brother" he looks at you shocked "y your a Mikaelson" you nod looking down not looking at Enzo, "I just dint want to to judge me because of my name" he doesn't look at you " you have been lying to me for two years straight" you look up to see his head in his hands. "I need time, I need to get out of here" he says walking past you leaving you crying in Klaus's arms

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