Please come back to me - Damon

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You were in the army and you were currently in a break after fighting away for months. You were spending time with your boyfriend Damon and you were just enjoying each others company forgetting about your job for a while but you knew eventually you would get a phone call and you would have to leave again. This is the longest break you have had in years, sometimes you would only be home for two days another time months. But since you were badly injured on the last mission so they wanted to give you time. Damon was supportive of your job but he can't help but wish you didn't have to go, he knew it was selfish but you were the it person that hasn't left his side completely apart from his brother. Especially since you were shot.

You were currently in the grille with Damon in a lunch date, chatting about a weekend away you were planning when you got a phone call. You recognised the number it was your Sergeant, you excused your self and stepped outside:
"Afternoon Sir, what can I do for you?"
"Y/L/N we are being deployed to help with the violence out in Syria, we are leaving it two days at 1200 hours. I'll have Matthews come pick you up, this will be our most dangerous mission, if you are not ready I understand
Sir, I am prepared for the mission. I want to help the people
Ok Y/L/N I will  you when you report for duty. Have a good day
Thank you sir, I'll see you in two days"
You hang up with a shaky breath, you step inside and you look up to see Damon with tears eyes knowing he has listened to your conversation. You open your mouth to stay something but he looks away, "Damon, I'm sorry but you know I have to go"he sakes his head "you don't, you could leave the army or ask for a longer break I mean for God's sake Y/N you were shot!!". "Damon my job is to protect people no matter the cost, I'm willing to risk my life if it's saves innocent lives" "you only just got back and your ready to leave again?" "Damon they need me!! I'm nit going to leave them just because you want me to stay"

You guys leave the grille still arguing, when you arrive back at the boarding house you have finally had it "it's to dangerous you pre going to get hurt again" "How do you think I feel every time you go out on one of your supernatural missions Damon? This is my job I'm aware if the risks" "you can't go" "Damon why are you being like this!!! "Because I can't loose you!!" He shouts and you stand there "You are the most important person in my life, you are the only person that hasn't chosen to leave ,me. I can't stand the thought of one day you nit being here. I can't handle the thought that when you walk out that door you may never come home" He says tears falling down his cheeks. "I can't" he says walking away and sitting in the couch un his hands. You wipe your own tears and move to sit next to him taking his hands in your own. "Damon listen to me carefully ok. I love you so much you are my everything there is no way in hell I am going to leave you ok? , the only way I am going to leave you is if you ask me to. Now I can't promise that I'll come back because I don't know what is going to happen but I am going to do everything I possibly can to ensure I'll come home"  he nods and you wipe his tears. You look him in the eyes "I love you ok, but this is my job and I am leaving in two days so can we please make the best of it" he smiles and kisses you with so much passion "I love you too"

Who would you rather be your twin Elena,Caroline, Bonnie or Katherine?

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