My Girl - Damon

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You and Damon had just moved in together into a lovely apartment so you decided to have the gang over for dinner to celebrate. You woke up early to start on the meal even though they weren't coming for hours. When Damon woke up to feel the bed empty beside him he sighed knowing what you were doing. He got up and walked int the kitchen to see you working away he walks behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.
"Come back to bed" he says nuzzling his face in your neck leaving a trail of kisses
"No I can't I want to get everything ready for when our friends arrive" you say giving him a quick peck on the cheek and heading over to check on your starter. He just watches you and smiles to himself, thinking how much he loves you. He shakes his head laughs slightly and walk back to the bedroom.

It has been a few hours and you and Damon are getting dressed . Your looking the mirror checking your outfit them Damon comes up behind you and starts kissing your neck, he finds your sweet spot and you let out a small moan
"Damon they'll be hear any minute" you say turning round and wrapping your arms around his neck he smirks "I'll be quick" he says leaning in and you start a heated make out section and you move over to the bed and he starts unzipping your dress then you hear the doorbell and Damon sighs into your neck and you let out a laugh. You both sit up and you head to answer the door.

You all have an amazing time just chatting and laughing trying not to think of the next possible supernatural mayhem that will be coming your way. You started collecting the dessert plates and you all took your wine glasses and sat in your living room. When you had finished in the kitchen you joined them and sat on Damon's lap.
"This place looks amazing, you've done a great job with this place" Elena says and you smile
"It was all Y/n" Damon says
"All Damon did was sit down and drink"you say and he fakes shock
"Excuse me I was very invested in this place"
"You compelled the owner to let us have this place for free for a year" you say laughing.
"Well Y/n it looks amazing, like you" Stefan says joking and winking. Damon wraps his arms around you and says
"Hey, My girl" he says and you all start laughing apart from him.

Eventually they all leave and you and Damon head into the kitchen to clean up after the meal. Damon is washing the dishes as you dry them, you were leaning against the door frame staring at your amazing boyfriend. Then he speaks up
"Why you staring" he says and you could hear the smirk on his face when he spoke.
"Your cute when your jealous" you say placing the cup you were drying on the island along with the dish towel. He sets the plate down he was washing and turns to you.
"I'm cute am I" he says, you smile and walk towards him and you lean against the island and say
"Your also very sexy when your jealous" you say looking at him and he walks towards you until your centimetres apart
"I'm sexy am I" you nod and Bute your lip knowing it will turn him on
"Maybe I should head over to see Stefan see what he is doing" he closes the gap between you and you start kissing, he lifts you up so your straddling his waits and he speeds you to the bedroom. Let's just say a jealous Damon is very affectionate.

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