Revenge - Klaus/Elijah - Part 3

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Please read the first two parts before going on
After Nik had ran out the house he disappeared for two weeks. Not telling anyone where he has gone but just disappeared off the face of the earth. We were all expecting a trail of bodies or for him to start a new beef with someone but nothing has happened. This was worrying all of us because this is very unlike him. Me and Elijah have been spending a lot of time together because he was cornered for my safety, which was very sweet of him, but also because no one is around to stop us. Although my mind can't help but wonder bak to Nik wondering what he is doing.

I woke up in my own apartment, I sat up and had a stretch. I had nothing planned for the day so I was going to have a self care and pamper day. So I got up and wet down to my kitchen and made myself a smoothie for breakfast. As I turned on the blender and I saw my phone light up so I pick it up and I see it is a text from Elijah saying to get dressed because he wanted to take me out for lunch. I reply with a smiley face and saying what time to pick me up. So I finishED MY smoothie then I head upstairs and get ready, as i am make the finishing touches my landline starts to ring, so i set down my hand bag then run to answer the phone. i pick it up
"hello?" I say, but there is no reply and all i hear is breathing, I sigh
"who is this? hello?" I say and still there is no reply. So i say
"Kol is this you?, if so this joke is very old. your brother will be annoyed if you are the reason I am late for our date" I say and then the number hangs up. I laugh
"gotcha" then i put the phone down. I quickly skim through my bag again making sure I have everything. Then I realise my glasses are in my car and I won't be able to reads the menus, so I put my handbag down and take my keys out. As I am about to put my phone down it starts ringing and I see Elijah's name on the screen
"hey baby" I say
"Darling, I am going to be running, it appears that Nik maybe making an appearance soon so I just need to make sure people are on the lookout" he says
"oh I see, has he contacted you?" I say
"no h has not. He is probably not going to talk to me for a while" he says and I let out a nervous laugh as I open my front door.
"was that your door?" he asks
"yeah, I have left my glasses in my car and I need them for our date" I say as I unlock my car and open the passengers side and search for my glasses
"you found them?" he says
"got em" I say and I stand back up and close my car door. I lock the door and when I turn round I see Nik standing right in front of me. I drop my phone in shock. He just stands there smirking at me, I see the veins appear under his eyes and his eyes go black. During this Elijah is still on the other side of the phone
"y/n? Y/N? what's happened. Y/n answer me right now" I look down at my phone and Nik is right it front of me now. he says
"karma's a bitch" He says and he grabs me and smashes my head off the ground knocking me out.

Elijah hears this so he doesn't hang up and speeds to my house, once he arrives me and Nik are nowhere to be seen. He looks at my car which he sees is still there. Then his eyes dart down and sees my phone on the ground covered and surrounded by a pool of blood. my blood. Rage boils and he let's out an anguished scream and chucks his phone shattering it into pieces. He kicks my car leaving a huge dent. He speeds back to the compound and shout out for his siblings
"BEKAH, KOL GET DOWN HERE NOW!" they both instantly speed down to see him there
"What's wrong what has happened?" Kol asks
"Our brother has taken y/n and we need to find her NOW!"

 He speeds back to the compound and shout out for his siblings "BEKAH, KOL GET DOWN HERE NOW!" they both instantly speed down to see him there "What's wrong what has happened?" Kol asks "Our brother has taken y/n and we need to find her NOW!"

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Part 4?

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Part 4?

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