He turns of his humanity - Elijah

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He turns of his humanity because clearing up his families mess is getting to much

You could tell Elijah was getting stressed, everything thing that has happened recently is getting to him. Hope got kidnapped and Haley was going at him for letting that happen to Hope, Bekah has gone rogue and Klaus was deliberately trying to ruin everything. Elijah is usually good at hiding his emotions and when he was struggling but you knew he was in the edge. So you decided to leave him for a while so he could have some space clear his head. You also happened to be going on a trip for your college course for two weeks so you thought that was a good opportunity for him to have some alone time.

You texted him every couple of days and he didn't reply which you thought was odd but you decided not to hold on to that because you knew he needed space. You got back late on a Sunday night and you fell straight to sleep but you got woken up in the middle of the night by a phone call, you saw it was Klaus
"What do you want"
"Well What a lovely greeting, I'm going great"
"Klaus it's the middle of the night, this has to be important or I'm hanging up"
"Elijah turned his humanity off" you sit up wondering if you heard right
"He turned it off the day you left, we have tried everything but you are our last hope" you put a hand on your head and sigh
"Ok I'm on my way" you hang up and get ready to leave.

Once you park Klaus appears at the door
"Thanks for coming love" you share a tight hug
"I'll do anything for him" you say as you break off
"He's in the living room" you nod and head through the door but he grabs your arm
"Be careful, he's dangerous" you nod and walk in to see him sitting facing away from you reading a book
"Aah my wonderful girlfriend is back from her trip" the way he says that send chills down your spine, he stands up and faces you and his clothes are covered in blood
"What have you done" is all you say with a sinister smile
"I did what needed to be done, I was tired of having to care for everyone and help everyone when all I needed to do was help myself by flipping the switch. My life has never been better. Now" he says as he walks towards you, you step back but he takes hold of your arms
"Now you have returned this is perfection" he moves to kiss you but you turn away so he kisses your cheek. His grip tightens
"What is the matter Y/n"
What you are doing is far from perfection. You are killing innocent people that's not right, that's not you" you say but his grip tightens more and you start to whimper
"Oh But it is, you see this is what vampires are supposed to act like, it's in our blood" he whispers in your ear
"Let me go" you say and he does, then you think of something that might work 
"If this is what you want then I don't want to be a part of it. I'm leaving" you say as you turn away and start to walk then you see a blur of darkness then feel a sharp pain in your chest where your heart is, you look down to see a piece of wood stuck in there. You look up at Elijah with watery eyes
"If you don't want to be with me then there isn't much lint if you being alive then is there" he says with zero emotion or remorse. He lets go if you and you collapse to the ground, life gone from your eyes.

I hear the cries of my siblings as I see then rush towards something
"What did you do??!!" Niklaus shouts tears in his eyes, Rebekah is there just sobbing into something. I try to think what it is then suddenly all the emotions come crashing back at once. I blink then I realise what I had done, I push past them hoping it's not true but then I see her body, Y/n's body lying there lifeless with a stake in her chest. I collapse on my knees, breathless, I couldn't believe I did this to her, I killed her. Tears were flooding down my cheeks, I picked her up gently and rocked her in my arms
"This is what you deserve you bastard" Bekah cries as she speeds out the room. Klaus stands up
"She gave you everything, treated us like family, loved us and this is how you repay her. I hope everyday you remember this, I hope you feel something because that is the least she deserves. I coulda treated her better that you!!!" He shouts as he speeds away. I just cry.

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