You are unbelievable - Stefan

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You were meant to have a date with Stefan but something with your children (pre-named).

Before me and Stefan has started dating I was married and I have two children with my ex husband. I have a 3 year old girl called Adelaide and a 9 month year old boy called Colin. We love them so much and you share custody with your ex husband. You both get on fine and remain friends but you just did not love each other any more. We were finalising the divorce papers when I found out i was pregnant. When Colin was only a old that was when I started to date Stefan, at first I wasn't sure it was going to work but he told you he was going to be there for you. I had been friends with Stefan for years and I was in the mystic gang for ever and they all loved my ex husband and my kids loved them so it was so natural.

He would come over a lot to help with the kids and would babysit them sometimes to give you a break and to hang out with friends. The kids loved him which made you so happy, when you started to become more serious I had to talk to Adelaide and she understood, she is very smart, and she was happy her mummy was happy.

This week your ex husband was having the kids for a whole weekend as a trial run to make in a more regular thing, which gave you the opportunity to relax. So when you told Stefan this he has booked you two a trip to Hawaii which you were so excited for.

So I were making the finishing touches to Colin's baby bag and putting Adelaide's bag by the front door of the boarding house. Because as soon as your ex came me and Stefan were heading to the airport. Stefan was putting all of the bay bottles in the bag, when Colin started crying in the crib so I ran to pick him up
"Hey hey it's ok little one sh ssshh" I say when my phone starts ringing
"Stef can you get that I need to calm him down"
"Yeah" he says as he picks it up. He comes through
"It's John" he says and I sigh, holding Colin on my hip as I grab the phone
"Hey what's up?" I say making a face at Colin
Hey, listen I am so sorry but I can't take the kids any more this emergency work-
"Are you serious right now?!?! I say to the phone
I am so sorry I -
"When did you find out about this could you not have told me any earlier?" I shout
I literally got the call as I was leaving the house. I have to fly to Dubai for a meeting
"John we have a holiday booked and there is no one else that can look after them!" I say and Stefan with Adelaide playing
"Can't your girlfriend come pick them up and look after them till you come back?"I say "or at least ask of you can bring them with you?" I say desperately.
Y/n I'm so sorry I can't. Plus she is has to look after her sisters kids And I'm late for the airport. I have to go I am about to speak but he hangs up. I stare at the phone in disbelief. Then my daughter comes speeding through
"Where's Dada?" She says and I look at her
"Your Daddy is not coming, he has to work" I say putting Colin back in his cot and I bend down to her. "I'm sorry hunny" I say stroking her arms and she starts to cry
"Why doesn't he love me?" She says sobbing and I hug her
"Hey hey sweetheart of course he loves you" I say giving her a hug as Stefan comes through the room and starts to tidy up.
"Why doesn't he want to see us?" She says sniffling
"Daddy had a important meeting at work that his boss asked him to go. So Daddy has to cancel. But your daddy loves you so much! And I love you so much" I say and she smiles
"I wuv you mamma" she says hugging me and I hug her back lifting her up and spinning her. Which causes her to giggle. As I set her down. I go and pick up Colin and I put him on one side and reach out my hand to her.
"How about you take your brother and play with his toys. And I will see if I can get a hold of your auntie or uncle" I say as I walk through to the lounge and place him in his bouncy chair. She sits next to him and hands him toys. I walk back through to where Stefan is
"I am so sorry for my idiot ex husband. I know you had arranged this whole trip and it was ruined" I say hugging him and he lets out a small laugh
"Y/n its ok. It not your fault. I called the airlines and the hotel saying that we will arrive tomorrow and that we are staying a day later" I look at him confused
"But I have the children I can't go anymore" but he smiles
"I called Ric and he said he will take care of them for the week" and I stare at him and can't help but smiles
"You are unbelievable" I say and I lean in and kiss him. But we get interrupted by the door bell. We break a part and I look at him confused
"Are you expecting someone?" I say and he smiles at me and walks to answer the door. When he opened it I saw Ric
"I'm here for the rascals" he says and I look at Stefan confused
"I thought you were coming tomorrow?" I say and he says
"I thought you could use a break and some time alone" he says and I hug him
"Thank you!"I say and I leave to go get the kids.

I walk in the room
"Ade go put your shoes on Uncle Ric is going to take care of you for the week" I say and she jumps up
"YAY" she says and I pick up Colin
"You heard that? Col?" And he makes a happy noise. So I walk them through
"Uncle Ric" she screams and she jumps into his arms
"Hey munchkin" he says picking her up
"Shoes please" I say and she plops on the ground and he puts her shoes on for her. Stefan was putting all of their luggage in the car.

We all walk out to the car and I hand Stefan the baby so I can hug Adelaide goodbye
"Have fun with Uncle Ric, behave, eat your vegetables and I will see you in a week" I say hugging her
"I love you mummy" she says
"I love you" As Ric helps her in the car then I hug Colin
"I'll miss you little man! Don't start talking until I am back" I say jokingly and kissing his head so much. Then I hand him over to Ric who puts him in the car seat.
"All the bottles he needs should be in the bag. If anything is wrong phone me and I'll come straight back" I say and Stefan hugs me
"Relax, everything will be fine" he says and I hug Ric goodbye
"Have fun you two" he says, then hugs Stefan and gets in the car. I wave the, goodbye

Me and Stefan walk back in the house and it's silent. I am in the middle of a thought when I feel a pair hands round my waist. I turn and put my arms round his neck
"So what do you want to do?" I say and he smiles
"I have an idea" he says leaning in and kissing me and before it gets any further I pull away
"Let's save that for Hawaii" I say walking away to the kitchen knowing I have left him wanting more.

Side note: I love Mabel!! Who else likes her

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Side note: I love Mabel!! Who else likes her

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