Security - Kol - part 2

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(Jack Lowden is the Prince Robert of the Highlands and Islands in this)

A year ago, two months after you left Kol at the restaurant

You were currently on a tour of the UK, visiting your people who you who eventually rule. You were favoured by the public and they liked you very much so you wanted to travel round to see if there was anything you could help with.  You visited schools, visited charities and do course you had to visit your family and various royals scattered about the place. This was a great thing for you because it was helping getting your mind of Kol. He really broke your heart when he didn't come after you or even text. You truly cared for him so you guessed he stopped felling the same. When you visited Stirling, you stayed with the Prince Harry and his son Prince Robert. When you arrived you got a lovely greeting from Harry
"Your highness, what I pleasure is it to have you staying with us" he has bowing and kissing the roof of your hand
"The pleasure is mine, sir Harry. I have always loved it up here. I wish I could come up here more often but duty calls" you say and he laughs
"My son is inside in a meting but he should be out to greet you in a moment" he says as he leads you inside. He takes you on a tour as your security check the area to make sure it is safe. You are taking a walk in the garden when you hear some speak
"Your highness" you turn round to see a very handsome man looking at you. "I have seen photos of you and watched you on tv but that doesn't do you justice. You are breathtaking" he says and then he bows to you "prince Robert a pleasure to finally meet you" you nod to him
"Please enough with the formalities' you say and he nods "do you great every royal like that?' You say smiling and he shakes his head
"No, only the special ones" he says winking and you laugh
"Wow, you are forward" you say and he shrugs
"I only speak the truth" you look at him for a moment to see if he was joking but he wasn't " like what you see?" He says and you are taken a back then you decide to have some of you own
"I've seen better" you say walking away leaving his standing there with a smile on his face. Then he watches you as you head inside.

During your stay with then you and Robert got very close and in fact you started dating . He came down to London often to see you and your parents loved that you were with another royal because if things went well it would secure your thrown and would make a very strong alliance. Well, you two did, Robert and You are now engaged. It was  announced to the public a few weeks ago and they were so happy for the two of you. You two had a photo shoot, interviews and you guys were very happy together. The rock is so beautiful!

 The rock is so beautiful!

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Present day

Your parents were throwing you an engagement ball with all of their court and advisors and your families of course. You and Roberts were currently waiting to be announced in the room. Your lady was just making sure your rest was immaculate.

 Your lady was just making sure your rest was immaculate

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"You look gorgeous Y/n" he says kissing your cheek
"You are looking very handsome yourself" you say takin a breath "why do we have to smile and talk to all these people. We have a wedding to plan! Why are my parents to infuriating" you say and he puts his hands on your arms and turns you so you are facing him,
"Darling, you are the future Queen. Your jobs it to chat to people and listen to them and get compliments. Plus your parents are so proud of you and want to celebrate our Marriage. Tonight is all about us. Plus you have been so stressed with the wedding you need a break" he says rubbing your arms and you nod.
"I know you are right. Idiot" you say and e laughs kissing you
"I love you and can't wait to show the world that how much and that I am marrying the fairest maiden in all the land" he says raising his arms dramatically making you to laugh
"I love you too" you say kissing him again then someone clears their throat
"Your highness, they are ready for you" you nod thanking him and he bows. Rob offers is rm and you take it heading towards the doors. It opens and you walk in and the announcer speaks
"Her royal Highness Princess and his highness the Prince Robert"  you both look and everyone bows and your parents approach you both so you both bow.
"You look beautiful" you mother says "now go and greet everyone. Robert needs to stay here because me and your father need to have a word with him" you nod and start making your way around the guests.

You had been around 50 people, and when you approach the next person your heart sinks when you see him
"Your highness, you look ravishing" he says bowing and you just stand there. You remember you are on show so you smile and nod your head to him when in actual fact you want to slap him.
"What are you doing here? You were not invited" you say
"Wow, great to see you too Kol how have you been?" You smile through the pain
"Kol, you shouldn't be here" you say and you see sadness n his eyes
"Please, y/n I was an idiot for the way I acted I was being selfish. I wasn't thinking of your situation and I know I am late in saying this but I can live with the security. As long as I am with you" you stare at him in disbelief
"Kol, I am engaged. You re at my engagement ball. Do not make a scene just because you were to selfish to change" you say he goes to speak but you hold up your hand to stop him from speaking. You make it look like he is kissing your hand
"You need to stay away Kol. You lost your chance. Now let go and move on" you say and you move away so you can talk to other people.

Once you made the rounds you head towards your head of security and Robert notices so he ones over
"Kol is here. I want him to leave, can you see to it quietly and make sure he leaves the grounds" he nods
"Yes your highness right away" he bows and walks away signalling for two other security to come with him
"He is here?' Robert says taking your hands and you nod
"He wanted to talk to me but I told him to leave us alone. Why was he here" you say moaning and Rob strokes your faces and kisses you
'Did he bother you?' I shake my head. "No, lets just enjoy ourselves you say" he nods as you watch your security ushering Kol out. He excuses him self for a moment as you watch him leave the hall.

Kols POV
I head towards my car after being rejected by the woman of my dreams because of my stupid actions when I hear a voice all out my name. I turn round to see Robert, we have never met but I recognise him from the photos
"Why did you come?" He asks and I sigh
" I just wanted to apologies and catch up but she shot me down. I shouldn't have come" I say and he nods
'She was really hurt by you. She doesn't want to see you anymore and as her fiancée it is my job to protect her so just leave us alone ok? For her sake and yours" he says as h walks away but he turns round again
"If I see you near us again. I won't hesitate to take action" he says and he walks inside. I stand there for a moment wanting to fight bak but I just turn round and get in my car and drive away. I need to leave. I can't handle seeing her with him. I need to try and move on.

Are there any imagines in particular that you want a part two that I haven't done?

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