You save him - Matt (brother)

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You and Matt were currently running for your lives trying to get away from one of Sybil's possest puppets whose name you learnt was Theo. You were running around trying to find somewhere to hide so you can make a plan, you kept looking back to see if he was very far behind.
"Where are Stefan and Damon I called them an hour ago" you say as you and Matt crouch behind a some bins "I don't know but there's no point waiting for them" "how are we going to get out of here" you say looking at him "I don't know" he says looking down "we can't keep running, he'll catch up with us. We're going to have to fight him or kill him" you say taking his hand knowing what his reaction is going to be "No Y/N no killing he's only human. To many people die because of people like Sybil. He's innocent" Matt says avoiding eye contact, you can tell he's getting worked up. You gently put your hands on your on his shoulders and you gently turn his head to make him look at you "listen Matt I understand but he has killed innocent people" "under Sybil's compulsion Y/N" you sigh "look I don't agree with killing people either but think about it. One the compulsion is broken he'll remember all he did, he won't be able to handle it" you were about to say more until the bin you were behind got lifted and chucked away and you see Theo who was chasing you and another guy. He grabbed you and threw you away from Matt against a wall, you hit your back really hard and you were groaning in pain. You watch has Matt is fighting the vampire and Theo at the same time and you can't do anything. You can see he's struggling so you slowly stand up and move lol to see how you can help. When you look back you see Matt has stuff a piece of wood in the Vampire sowing him down for a bit. Whilst Matt is catching his breath he doesn't see Theo stalking his way towards Matt, suddenly this adrenaline rushes through you and you pull out the gun that Damon gave you and you aim at Theo's back. You pull the trigger and


Your eyes widen as you see Theo fall to the ground, your body starts to shake and you stare at him lying there not moving

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Your eyes widen as you see Theo fall to the ground, your body starts to shake and you stare at him lying there not moving. You drop the gun staring at your hands. Damon and Stefan coming running in and they stare at the site in front of them. Stefan grabs the vampire at rips his heart out and check on Matt whilst Damon slowly walks towards you "Y/N you ok?" You don't answer your just stare at your hands "I just shot someone" you say quietly then you look up at him with tears streaming down your cheeks "he he w was going to hurt Matt" you say looking at him "he he" he nods li know I knows" Damon then hugs you tight "Y/N you saved my life" Matt says walking towards you "y your not mad at me" you say pulling away from Damon he shakes his head "you saved my life, you did what you had to do. Thank you, I promise I will try and protect you next time so you don't have to do that again" you smile and pull him into a hug.

 Thank you, I promise I will try and protect you next time so you don't have to do that again" you smile and pull him into a hug

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