Salvatore + Mikaelson

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Sorry in advance, this is terrible
So here is the deal you are Y/N Salvatore younger sister of Damon and Stefan your boyfriend is Kol Mikaelson who is the brother to Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah. They all love you but they hate your brothers, and your brothers hate them. You can see my problem.

You loved your brothers to pieces, even though they can be utter humanitiless dicks. You stuck together through thick and thin, through Damon fighting in the wall and Augustine, through ripper Stefan, Lexi was your friend as well. Through your fathers abuse the whole works. You were close with Katherine and still are, which your brothers didn't know, they also don't know that your boyfriend is Kol Mikaelson. You used to live with your brothers until you and Kols relationship got more serious so you moved out of the boarding house to the Mikaelson mansion. You actually do t know how you and Kol have managed to hide your relationship for this long. You want to tell your brothers but you know if you do all hell with break loose.

You were currently sitting in the lounge with Kol, Klaus, Katherine just talking, then the topic of your relationship comes up "So when are you going to tell your dumb brothers about you two" Katherine asked "I will soon but I want to enjoy the peace before all hell breaks loose" "If they don't accept it I can always kill them, it'll be easy" Klaus says smirking "that sounds tempting but as much as my brothers annoy me I couldn't live without them" Katherine makes a gagging noise "hey you can't talk, your still hung up on Stefan, anyway wouldn't you miss toying with them" you say as Kol and Klaus laugh "haha funny one. "Darling we will tell them soon won't we because I wanna be able to go out in public at least once so I can rub it in people's faces and before Klaus daggers me again" "yeah I will I promise, and I wk t let Klaus dagger you again otherwise I will kill all his precious hybrids" you all burst out laughing and you continue to talk so you don't realise your brothers entering. Klaus looks up and is a bit shocked and send you a quick your fucked face "Stefan, Damon what a pleasant surprise" when he says this you spit out your drink and you and Katherine slowly sink in your chairs and Kols grip around you tightens. "I ts never a pleasure Klaus and I see your waste if a vampire brother is here too" "lovely to see you Damon, I've always got a spare bat around in you want to meet it" you and Katherine look at each other you whisper "what are we going to do?" She says "we can always speed away" but then Stefan speaks up "who are to two un lucky lady's who have the pleasure of your company" you whisper "shit" what you don't realise is your britches recognise your voice instantly "Y/N????" You slowly stand up and turn around "Hello brothers" then Katherine decided to stand up "Hello brothers,  Miss me?" Damon looks at you angrily "what are you doing  here with them?" Then you say "well now is a good a time as any. I live here with my boyfriend" they both say "boyfriend??l then Kol speaks "Hello brothers"

"You can't be serious Y/N why are you dating the enemy" Damon says and Stefan just stands there stunned "they are your enemy Damon, not mine. They are very accepting of me and they like me and I like them" "these are the Mikaelsons you are talking about". You laugh "Damon if your head wasn't so far up your ass you couldn't see any daylight and stuck in Elena Gilbert world then maybe you would get to know them and see that they are lovely people" "cmon Damon grow up, you don't have to like us but just accept your sisters relationship and we can all move on" Klaus says as he stands beside you "As much as you two hate me, you know that I will never let anyone lay a hand on her and I'll protect her with my life and so silly, my family. So to be honest I don't really care if you don't accept it because that's nit going to stop us seeing each other" he says and he puts and arm around you. "Why aren't you saying anything" Damon says to Stefan "we should just be happy for her and she'll be safe, everyone is scared of this family. I accept you two" he says and you run and hug him and you look at Damon "ok if it makes you happy" you hug him tight. But it you hurt her I will will all of your family" Kol and Klaus just laugh "uh huh okl Kol" says

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