Full of secrets - Damon + Stefan - part 2

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Please read part 1 before continuing. Thank you!

Me and Damon turn to see Stefan standing in the doorway just staring at us, we slowly pull apart. I go to say something but no words come out. Damon just looks at his brother who looks like he has seen a ghost
"Stef?" Damon says walking towards his brother, Stefan snaps out of his gaze and just walks past Damon and me and walks to the stairs and picks up the bag that was on the stairs.
"Stefan please" I say. Then he bumps into Damon's shoulder before walking out and slamming the door. Me and Damon look at each other as Elena and Bonnie came through
"We heard the door slam what happened" Bonnie says
"Stefan forgot a bag so he came to get it and he saw me making out with his brother. So it is safe to say he knows about us" I say
"Oh god did he says anything?" She asks and Damon replies
"No, he just stood there got his bag, slammed into my shoulder then slammed the door so I think he's having a little strop" I look at him then put my head in my hands.
"He hates me now doesn't he? and now we have ruined their honeymoon" I say sitting down and Damon comes and sits next to me. He strokes my lower back
"Hey, hey we haven't ok it would be his fault if he let it ruin their trip. And I think no matter how or when they found out they would react the same" he says and I nod resting my head on his shoulder.
"Do you think he will tell her?" Elena says and Bonnie looks to her
"He has too they are husband and wife and they can't lie to each other days into the marriage"she says. I look to Damon and say
"What will we do?" He pulls me close to him and kisses my cheek
"We will have to wait and see" he says and I nod. Then I stand up and hold my hand out to him
"Lets go through and hang out with the others"  he takes my hand and I lead him through to where the rest of the gang are.

Damon walks over to the bar
"Who wants a drink" he asks and we all say yes.
"How long are they away for?" Jeremy asks
"Two weeks" Damon says then Tyler says
"We don't have to hear her going on about the wedding anymore!" And all the guys cheer as we roll our eyes
"But you will hear about the honeymoon" I point out and they moan.
"Hey Damon will Caroline be moving in here?" Matt asks and Damon hands him and Tyler their drinks, he shrugs as he hands the girls one.
"I don't no, originally I think that was the plan but now I am not so sure" he says sharing a quick glance at me and I look away because I know what he means.
"I heard him come in again before he left what did he want?" Tyler asks
"He forgot a bag" I say as Damon hands me a drink and sits on the arms off the chair I am on. We all sit in silence for a moment before Jeremy breaks it
"Who do you think will next get married in the group?" We all look at each other, I see Bonnie and Elena looks at me and Damon.
"I reckon Y/n" Damon says and I almost choke on my whiskey
"Yeah I can see that" Matt says and the others agree
"Who will be the lucky man?" Jeremy says wiggling his eyes and I flip him off. I look up at Damon who is already smiling at me I smile at him and mouth I love you. He rubs my shoulders as his way of saying it because he couldn't mouth it without being seen.
"Damon" Tyler says
"Yes wolfboy?" He replies taking a swig
"I heard through the grapevine that you have a secret girlfriend you haven't told anyone about. Who is the poor soul?" Everyone turns to Damon I look to Elena and Bonnie and they mouth we haven't said anything
"Not that it is any of your business but yes I have a girlfriend. She is insanely hot and way out of your league" he says and Tyler growls.
"Who would date you?" Jeremy says and Elena gives him a look and he mumbles sorry.
"Hey if you have a girlfriend why are you here with us, surely if she is insanely hot you wouldn't want her out of your sight. Or are you scared she might like us better. Scared she might leap into my arms and leave you for me" Tyler says and I feel Damon tense up behind me and he pulls me closer to him so I say
"You're not my type Lockwood" I say, they all look at me confused then I see Matt click it
"Wait?" He says pointing at me then to Damon "Are you two?" He says then Damon replies
"Ding ding ding we have a winner" and I shove him slightly.
"How long and why y/n why?" Damon flips him off again and he lifts me up sits down then puts me in his lap.
"It will be a year in around two weeks " I say and all of their mouths drop
"Because at first we didn't want to tell you guys because we didn't know how you would react and we also didn't know how Stefan would react. And we also didn't want to upset Caroline because she would think we are upstaging her" I say then Damon says
"And the reason Stefan slammed the door was because he saw me and y/n kissing" I nod. They all smile at us sympathetically. Then Elena says
"I propose we spent the next two weeks just having the time of our lives and make the most of our time together before they get back and each night one of us has to plan something for all of us to do" she says and I smile and says
"Sounds great" I say and everyone else agrees apart form Damon who moans so I stop on his foot
"Ok ok and I will be making sure Ric knows" he says and I smile triumphantly.

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