Run Rabbit - Stefan - Part 2

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thank u all fore requesting a part 2, this is one of my fav parts I have written and for it to be the second last part I write for this book is really nice

 You know the drill, please read part 1 before continuing and I love you all ❤️

I have been running for what feels like days, my whole body is aching and my lungs are begging me to stop. I have managed to go deep into the woods, my legs gave way and I leaned up against a tree. 

I grabbed my phone and with shaky hands I scrolled to Stefans' contact and pressed call. Even though he  would be able to hear you didn't care. I need to save my friends. After three rings he pick up

hey, where are you we are all worried

S st Stef I n need to tell you something 

why are you so out of breath, what's wrong?  he asks worry evident in his voice

p please j just listen to me I d don't have much time, put me in speaker

what do you mean? Y/n where are you?

I I am a doppelgänger, she was one of K katherines friends. S she has k known for a w while but h helped me keep it a secret. I i i am so sorry I k kept it a secret for so long, b but Klaus has found and, he's chas chasing me but I'm gonna let him find me

NO Y/n you are I interrupts him

O once he has enough b blood I will get out of there. I am so sorry E elena kept getting hurt because I wa was selfish. Hopefully by me d doing this it can begin to m make up for it

y/n i'm coming to find you Stefan begins but Damon grabs the phone 

Y/n get back here right this second

Before I can reply I see a pair of legs in front of me. Klaus. he takes my phone 

"I'm afraid that won't be possible until I am finished with her. Have a nice day Damon" He sys hanging up. He turn my phone off and put's it in his pocket 

"well that was fun" he says and I narrow my eyes at him "oh don't be like that now love" he says before kneeling down and compelling me to fall asleep. 

Stefan's POV

When Klaus hung up I grabbed my phone from Damon and chucked it against the small making it smash into a million pieces.  

"well that wasn't very smart now was it?" Damon says trying to lighten the mood but all I see is red. I grab him guy the collar and throw him against the wall

"MY GIRLFRIEND MIGHT DIE DAMON, BECAUSE OF KLAUS FUCKING MIKAELSON" I say and Damon speeds so i am against the wall with his arm over my neck

"I know Stefan, I know. We won't let him to this again, but what if y/n tries to contact you?" he says and I sinking his grip. 

"FUCK!" I shout shoving him off and walking over to the fire

"I'll text her saying that your phone broke and to contact one of us" Bonnie says and Damon nods. 

"Wolfie and Matt, you get in a car and go around the town see if you can catch a scent or something" Damon says and they nod leaving. 

"I can't believe she is a doppelgänger, and Katherine knew and not me?" Caroline says and we all look at her 

"I know that's not important, she had every right not to tell us" she says sitting down and Ric joins her.

"so what's the plan?" he says and Damon turn to Bonnie 

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