Savior - Klaus

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Warning, quite mature content that could be triggering so please read ahead with caution.
I am very proud of this so I hope you like it do but please read ahead with caution.

You have been dating Stefan Salvatore for two years now and you love each other dearly and you can see yourself with him for the rest of your life, or so you thought.

Silas had woken which caused you and your friends to go into a frenzy trying to stop him from cause any mayhem and hurting any humans. You had gone to the gym late at night one day to try and calm yourself after a stressful day of hunting Silas. You met Klaus there because you had that night, then you guys became quite close and he was helping you with self defence and you didn't want the others do find out and ruin that. So you guys had so you just covered it up by saying you were going to the gym. 

You were currently waiting for Stefan to come and collect you so you were waiting outside the gym in the car park. Klaus offered to give you a lift but you said Stefan was coming so you sent him away, which you now regret for the rest of your life. A few minutes later you just received a text from Stefan him and Matt had just got a lead on a way to end Silas so he can't collect you anymore so he is sending Damon instead. This made you sigh because you and Stefan haven't had an awful lot of time alone recently because you all have stuck together a lot so you were looking forward for some times alone. 

You were sending him a text back when you saw a car pull up in front of you, you starting walking towards it still looking at your phone because you assumed it was Damon them suddenly there was a hand over your mouth and an arm wrapped around your face. You were whimpering trying o break free then you felt them breathing by your ear then they whisper
"Don't worry hunny you're safe with me" said a familiar voice but you knew it was Stefan. He moved the hand from your mouth and before you could scream for help your head was whacked against the car and everything went black.

That was a month ago.

You have been tortured, beaten to a pulp, bruises all over your body. Gashes in your head, arms, stomach, sides and legs. You have been burned. You were mentally and physically scarred. Lost all hope of being rescued, you have come to the terms that you will probably meet your death here. For the first few days you kept thinking that your boyfriend is coming for you with your friends but now you know they don't care about you at all. They have probably forgotten about you. You are starving and thirst because you have eaten in days.

Currently you were lying in the ground with tear stained face, because you have no more tears left to cry (sorry I had to) then you heard the door open and you flinched.
"Morning beautiful, how are you today" he asks crouching in front of you stroking your side then putting pressure in your wound. You don't speak, you don't want to waist your breath but you start biting your lip to stop yourself from screaming.
"Nothing such a shame. Are you still waiting for your boyfriend and your friend to come save you" you open your mouth and your voice sounds very raspy 

"No" you say. He strokes your face and you flinch. Then he lunges and starts drinking your blood, you're so weak that you couldn't do anything you up, once he had finished draining he picks you up and throws you across the room.
"Until next time love" he says smirking them he slams the door shut. You're in so much pain and you just break down because you just want it to end you don't see any point.

A few hours went by then suddenly the door was slammed open and you were hoisted up and your hands and legs were being tied, he put a gag around your mouth, and you were being dragged out the room.
"Looks like someone has come for you sweetheart, but that's not going to happen now is it?" He says staring into your eyes with a sinister look, then suddenly a familiar voice loomed through the empty building
"Silas, let her go you fucking bastard or I'll make sure you never see the light of day" it was Klaus, you starting to cry and tried to call out for him but the gag was making it rather difficult. Silas stops for a second thinks then starts to smirk he lifts you up and puts your head in a dead lock and brings you over to the barrier, so you can see Klaus in the floor. He looks up to see you battered to pieces, all power drained from you in a dead lock in Silas's arms
"The Klaus Mikaelson, wow, what an honour" sarcasm dripping from his voice. Klaus looks from you to Silas jaw clenched, his knuckles white and his face contorted to pure rage. He goes to step forwards and Silas' grip tightened and he speaks up
"Uh uh uh one more step and her neck will snap like a twig" Silas says and you see Klaus' breathing heavy and he stays put.
"What will it take to let her go" he says his eyes not leaving yours. You're have a full on panic attack and you can't stop crying, all you want is to be in Klaus' arms but you are worried for his safety.
"All I wanted was to make a point, I did that. But having this one in my company was to fun and I didn't want it to end. We get in so well, don't he darling" he said stroking your face and kissing your check. Klaus is about to loose it all he wants to do is get his filthy hand if you but he knows that if he moves you die
"What. Will. It. Take" Klaus says threw gritted teeth. Silas looks from you to Klaus
"We have a common enemy, The Salvatore's. Who care for this little one here"He says
"But you also care for Y/N" he turns to Klaus dropping you to the ground beside him, you fall to the ground loosing consciousness. 

"Kill the Salvatore's.  I'll give you her back and you if you kill them. If they aren't dead by this time tomorrow I will come for Y/N and kill her". He bends down and lifts you back up again causing you to regain a bit of conciseness he grabs your face and pulls it very close to his and he says
"I will make it very slow and very painful and I will make sure all your friends and family are there to watch" fear bleeds through your eyes. Silas lifts you up and throws you over the banister and speeds away. You are screaming on the top of your lungs, you scrunch your eyes bracing for impact but then you are wrapped in someone's arms you open your eyes to be met with Klaus' concerned eyes. He carefully takes the ties of your hands and legs. He takes the gag off your mouth and you instantly wrap your arms tightly around his neck and cry into his neck, he wraps his arms tightly around you. You are trying to ignore the immense pain your in Klaus keeps whispering things like "your safe love" "I'm here now, I'll protect you" you finally put apart and you stare into his eyes
"Y-y-you s-saved me" he nods and he strokes your checks and you put your injured hands over his
"I'm so have been through this. I promise I will make it up to you and protect you for the rest in my life" you looks at him tears streaming down your face. You start sobbing and he rest his head in yours just letting you guys sit in silence.
You hear Klaus slightly laugh and you pull away giving him a confused look
"You don't know how hard it is not to kiss you right now. I have not stopped looking for you since I heard what happened. I haven't slept because I wasn't going to stop until I had you safe in my arms. Y/N I am madly in love with you and this seems like the shittest time but the thought of loosing you nearly killed me. I am not willing to take advantage of you after what you have been through. Plus you have a boyfriend" he says laughing and you laugh for what seems like the first time in forever (oh god). Which brings a smile to his face.
"Well it doesn't feel like I have one. He clearly doesn't care about me as much as you do" you smile and look at him. Suddenly you feel very dizzy and you feel your self falling then everything goes black. The last thing you here is Klaus calling your name
"Y/n??? Y/n? Wake up please!"

Part 2??

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