Another one - Matt

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You and Matt are happily married then something unexpected happened.

After everything that has happened in mystic falls over the course of a few years I thought it was time to move on so after I finished university I applied for a few jobs in Seattle and I got it. Me and Matt had been dating for years at this point, since high school,  and as much as he loved mystic falls he knew it was time to leave. When I told him I was applying he also applied for place jobs and there was an opening for Sherrif which he also got. So we moved.

This was now four years ago, in this time we have got married and had a son Joey. He is now three years old and we are just a happy family. But recently I have fallen ill so I can't go into work because I don't want to give what I have to my patients, also because we have a nanny to look after our son I have nothing to do all day except catch up on emails and paper work. Matt is also very busy with work but he will text me whenever he can. Although I don't feel like I have a cold, or the flew because I don't have any headaches, or a blocked nose or any congestion. But I keep vomiting every so often, I can keep stuff down and drink but every so often it comes right back up. Then I remember this was the exact symptoms I had when I was pregnant with Joey.
"Well shit!" I said. So I stood up and headed to the hospital because I knew they would be able to tell me. I texted the nanny saying I was heading out for some fresh air.

After a short ride I arrived at the hospital and I walked towards the receptionists and they nodded to me
"Afternoon Ladies" I say walking up to the desk
"Y/n, I thought you were off the rest of the week?" Emma asked and I sighed
"Yeah I am but I need to check if what I think is happening is right so I need a second opinion. Who's on break?" I ask and she checks her computers 
"Allan and Darcy are off right now" she says and I tap the desk
"Thank you girls, see you in a bit" I say and I head towards the elevator.

Once up there I head towards the staff room, once I enter I see my two colleagues sitting there
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" Darcy she says standing up
"Um I need some help, I don't think I'm ill" I say and they look confused
"What do you mean?" Allan says
"I need to take a test to see if what I think is happening is happening" I say and they both nod
"Well what do you need?" Darcy asks and I laugh
"A pregnancy test..." I say fiddling with my hand and both of their eyes go wide
"Seriously?" Darcy says walking towards me and I nod
"Well I have no other symptoms of any illness or infections. And not until I realised this was what it was like when I was pregnant with Joey, so I need to check" I say and they nod. Darcy leaves the room to go get a container for me to pee on. Allan walks up to me and presses his hand in my stomach to check if there was any discomfort, there was.
"Were you and Matt trying?" He asks and I shake my head
"No... to be honest we haven't even discussed having more kids" I say and he nods as Darcy comes in and hands me the container. I head into the bathroom. Do my business and I hand it back to her.
"I'll go run some tests" she says and heads out the room.

Me and Allan sit there for a few minutes just catching up on what I have missed when I was away, then Darcy comes back in. I can't read her face
"Well?" I say crossing my arms. She opens looks up at me
"Your pregnant" she says and I nod
"Wow, ok" I say and I look a them "Well I guess was right" I say and I sit down.
"Congratulations" She says and I smile
"Thanks" I say turn I pat my thighs and stand up
"Well I guess I have to go talk to my husband" I say and I hug them
"I'll be coming in tomorrow and don't try and stop me" I sat pointing st them. They smile as we say our goodbyes. I head back down the elevators and tell the girls the good news, then head home.

When I get in the house I see our nanny and Joey playing a games
"Mummy" he shouts as he runs into my arms
"Hi buddy" I say picking him up. Then I feel another pair of arms round my waist.
"Was wondering where you got too" I hear him say and I turn round to see Matt
"Hi, What are you doing here?" I say and he smiles
"I got let of early" he says then turns to the nanny
"Hey since she is back you can take off if you need too" she nods
"I'll see you tomorrow"  she says as she grabs her stuff. I walk with her to the door so Joey can say bye, once she has left I turn to him and say
"How about you go through to other room and play with your toys and me and daddy will make dinner, how does that sound?" I say smiling and he starts getting excited
"Fun fun fun" he says and I kiss him on the cheek and let him down and he runs away.

Then me and Matt walk through and start making the perpetrations, I got him to chop some vegetables whilst o started to prepare the sauce. We worked in silence until he broke it
"Are you ok? You seem distracted" he says and he puts the vegetables in my sauce.
"Um I'm just lost in thought I guess" I say as I turn up the heat. After that I walk away to get the pasta as he fills up a pot of boiling water. I watch him for a bit then I say
"Can I ask you something?" I say and he puts the pot down
"I know we haven't discussed this but have you ever thought of having more kids , is that something you would want?" I say looking at him and he smiles
"I mean of course I would want more kids and to be honest I having been thinking about it recently. But I don't know if now is a good time because we are both so busy" he says and I nod my heart sinking. I try and hold back tears "is it something you want?" He asks looking at me and I bite my lip.
"I'm not ill Matt, I was at the hospital today because I needed to take a test and what I thought it was, well I was right" I say and he looks at me I'm confused.
"What are you saying?" He asks. I can feel the tears begin to fall so I was about to reply when we get interrupted
"Whats for dinner." Joey asks and I wipe my tears turning round to him
"My pasta" I say putting a smile on and he starts jumping up and down.
"Yay yay yay" he says and I smile.
"Hey bud do you mind going back through I need to talk to your mum" Matt says, then the phone starts to ring. I walk over and answer it
"Hello?" I say
Y/n it's Elena! I just wanted to catch up
"Oh hi, yes of course you can" I say as I walk through to a separate room.

Phone call
"So what is happening in mystic falls?" I ask
The usual Damon and Stefan driving each other insane. Me, Care and Bonnie just ranting about our boyfriends all day, missing our friends like crazy she goes on but my mind keeps going back to what he said and I start to sob. I thought I was covering it until she stops talking
Y/n? Hey what's wrong? She asks
"Um well I asked Matt if he wants more children and he says yes eventually but not right now. And now my child has n father" I say sobbing and she tries to calm me down
Hey Matt would never leave you! He will not leave you and Joey you shake your head
"No no it's not that. I'm pregnant" I say and there is silence
Wait your pregnant?? Oh my god that's amazing news congratulations
"No it's not! My child is going to be without a father and he is not even aware there is going to be another child because he said he doesn't want a other yet before I even could" I say wiping my tears
You need to tell him Y/n, he will change his mind as soon as you say. He will be so happy! He loves you so much he will never leave you or the baby. Tell him! And text me when you do and call me back
"Ok..." I say wiping my tears
Love y0u talk soon
"Yeah... love you too" I say hanging up.

Whilst you go to answer the phone His POV
I watch as she goes to answer the phone, I'm slightly worried about they way she reacted. I exam of course I want more children but I just don't think now is the right time. Plus Joey is getting to the age where he craves attention. I walk over to him and pick him up
"I think your mum has a secret she's not telling us" I say and he sticks his bottom lip out. I poke it slightly as I put him in his chair and I start to set the table when the door bell goes. I set everything down and head to the door, when I open it I see Allan one of Y/n's co workers
"Oh hey Matt, is y/n available"
"She's on a call right now" I say and he smiles
"Oh ok well she left her papers at the hospital earlier so I thought I'd drop them off. Congratulations" he says smirking and patting my arm and turns to walk away. I look down at the papers and it says
Pregnancy test
Positive, three weeks.
I stare at the words. Oh my god that's why she was asking, and why she has been throwing up. I can't believe I was such and idiot. I walk quickly to the kitchen.
"I'm going to get mum, you wait there" I say and I run up stairs. I notice the spare room door open and I hear her crying. I walk slowly in and she lifts her head up.

Your POV
I was trying to wipe my tears when I heard someone come in, I look up to see Matt looking at me with a guilty look and holding a piece of paper.
"What's that?" I say trying to avoid questions and he past it to me and I look at it and realise it's my test results from earlier. I look up at him not knowing what to say, but he grabs my face with his hands and kisses me for a moment. When we pull apart he says
"Y/n, I am so sorry for what I said, I had no idea what was happening" he looks down to my stomach and puts a hand in it
"I know it wasn't planned and we haven't talked much about it but this is the best surprise I have ever had. I take back everything I said earlier. I can't wait to be a new dad again and I know Joey will be so happy to have another sibling" he says and I put my hand in top of thus
"You sure about this? I mean you sounded pretty serious earlier" I say and he kneels down in front of you
"Y/n I love you, I love Joey and I can't wait to love our new baby. You have made me the happiest man alive. You give me a family. You are my family"he says and smile.
"Nice save" I say and I stand up.
"Lets go to tell our son he's going to be a brother"

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