He looses his temper - Klaus - Part 2

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Please read part 1 before you read ahead
Your eyes start to flutter open, they start to hurt because of the bright lights. You start to take in your surrounding and you see the white walls and you hear the beeping of machines, you realise Elijah must have taken you to hospital. You look down at your arms to see needles in there and you start to feel plain down your side and you try to move to make it more comfortable. You look around the room again then you see Elijah sleeping in the chair by your bed, you smile and you speak
"Lijah?" You say and he opens his eyes and when he realises you were awake he sits up
"Y/n, how are you feeling?" He says taking your hand
"I'm a bit sore but other than that a bit drowsy" you say and he stands up to go get the doctors .

Once your doctors have checked everything ok you were allowed to sit up and have something to eat.
"I'm sorry this happened Y/n" he says looking down but you shake your head
"It's ok Lijah, I should have seen it coming don't blame yourself. It's his fault anyway" you say and he laughs .
"I'm sorry on his behalf then" he says and you smile
"Where is he anyway?" You say and he shrugs his shoulders
"I don't know, he never came back to the compound after he ran out the other night" and you laugh
"Sounds like him" you put your tray beside your bed and you sigh "can you just heal me so we can get out if here?" And he shakes
"It'll be too suspicious" he says with a sad smile and and you let out a sigh. You spend the rest of the day talking until Bekah comes bursting your room a few hours later
'Nik has come back to the house, he couldn't fund father so he thinks he has left town. He has also been asking us questions about where you are" she says as she looks at you
"What did you say?" You ask her
"I told his you were on a school trip but he's getting suspicious. I'm worried he'll go to your parents and ask about you and ruin the plan" she says sitting at the end of your bed
"You know how he will react if he finds out he did this? It will destroy him. I'm going to be here for a few more days so they can keep an eye on the stitches to make sure no infection spreads. You need to keep him at bay until I can go see him" you say and they both nod
"What are you going to do if he notices the bandage?' Elijah asks. You think for a moment
" For the bandage I will say that I just cut myself on a broken glass in chemistry. Then for the stitches/scar I will say it was deeper than I thought" you say and they nod
"Y/n love I dont think you realise how deep the cut was, your scar is goin to b a lot bigger than you think" Bekah says holding your hand" and you shrug
"Oh well" you say and you all laugh. They both stand up
"Well we better go see him, I'll come back after" Elijah says as he kisses your forehead. Bekah does the same and you pickup your book and read.

Later that night Elijah comes back and you talk until you both fall asleep. What you don't realise is that Klaus had him followed to the hospital because he wanted to know where he was disappearing to.

I had one of my hybrids follow my brother to wherever he was going and when he reported back he said he went to the hospital. I was very confused so after that night I went to the same hospital and when I arrived I looked around every room until I began to smell a smiler scent, the scent I loved so much. The smell of the person I loved so dearly. My heart began to race as a I slowly approached the room and I saw her sleeping in a hospital bed, with my brother sleeping in the chair beside her. I had the hold the wall so I didn't fall down, I can't believe the love of my life is injured somehow. I vowed to find whoever harmed her and kill them. I was staring at her so peacefully that I didn't realise Elijah had stirred
"Niklaus?"he says sitting up, shocked "What are you doing here ?' He says standing up
"I had you followed" I said looking at her, then I turned to him anger in my eyes
"Who did this to her?' I said and he looks down avoiding my eyes, he had hurt in his eyes. I look at him confused
"Brother, it was you" he says and I feel numb, how could I do this to her.
"She doesn't blame you,  she knows you were under a lot of stress" he says and I look at him and nod, not sure if I believe him.

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