I Know, Yes I Know That I'll Be Fine

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(Your P.O.V.)

"What movie do you want to watch?" Harry asks, hunched over in front of the cabinet that holds all of our movies, scanning the multitude of choices.

"Whatever you want."

"Love Actually?"


"Hey," Harry drawls. "It's a classic."

I laugh lightly. "Alright."

Harry places the disc into the DVD player and grabs the remote before joining me on the couch. He wraps an arm around my shoulder before pressing play. I rest my head on his chest as the movie begins to play.

Not even five minutes into the movie, my phone begins to ring. I check the caller ID and see that it's my dad. I get up and grab my phone and walk into the kitchen.


(Harry's P.O.V.)

It's been twenty minutes and (Y/N) still hasn't returned from her phone call. I lean my head back over the couch to try and get a look into the kitchen, but the wall's in the way, and I don't hear her talking either.

I get up and take a few steps toward the kitchen, craning my neck to see if I can hear her voice, but I don't. I take a few more steps and when I still don't hear anything, I call out her name. She doesn't respond.

"(Y/N)?" I call again, but there's only silence.

I walk around the island in the middle of the kitchen and find (Y/N) sitting on the floor with her knees pulled up to her chest.

"(Y/N)?" I ask, kneeling down next to her and I see that her cheeks are stained with tears. "What's wrong?"

She buries her face into her knees as she begins to cry again. I sit down next to her and pull her into my embrace, holding her shaking body close to mine.

She sniffs loudly and brings her head to rest on my chest as she continues to sob. I place a hand on her back and rub up and down soothingly. She seems to relax a bit and sniffs once more before bringing her hand up to wipe at her nose.

"My mom died," she says quietly.

"Oh, (Y/N), I'm-" I start but I'm cut off by the sound of her crying. I squeeze her a little tighter while continuing to rub up and down her back. "I'm so sorry."

She doesn't say anything, and neither do I, so I just hold her while she cries into my chest.

Eventually, I pick her up and carry her to bed, and she eventually falls asleep with her head tucked into my neck and my arm wrapped tightly around her waist.


Three days later

"Babe?" I ask from the doorway of our bedroom. "Do you want anything? Are you hungry? I could make you something to eat if you want."

"No," she says quietly, not turning around to face me. She's been like this for the last three days, but I don't blame her though, because if one of my parents died, I know I'd be the same way. I just can't stand to see her like this.

I walk over to the bed and lay down next to her, fitting my chest to her back and holding her close. I place a kiss to her shoulder and and reach around to interlock our fingers.

She inhales deeply and lets it out slowly. I don't say anything and neither does she. I don't push her to talk and I don't say anything because I know she wants to be left alone, so I pull her closer to let her know that I'm here and I always will be.

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