Trick or Treat

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"Can we go yet? Please?" my six-year-old daughter, Ally, pleads from the window, already dressed in her princess costume.

"It's not dark enough yet, love," I say.

"But the other kids are already out there," she says, pointing out the window.

"Yes, but not everyone is handing out candy yet."

"Fine," she huffs impatiently, plopping onto the couch to wait.

The doorbell rings and I get up from my chair and hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters waiting on the other side of the door, bright smiles painted across their faces. I sit back down in the chair after giving the kids their candy as (Y/N) makes her way down the stairs dressed in her costume - a queen, to match the princess.

"Wow," I mumble under my breath, unable to tear my eyes away from her. She really does look like royalty.

"Can we go now, mummy?"

"As soon as daddy changes into his costume," (Y/N) says and Ally looks at me with eager eyes.

"Alright," I huff, getting up from my chair again and going upstairs and quickly changing into my costume. I make my way back downstairs, adjusting the crown resting on top of my head before turning to Ally. "Ready to go, princess?"

She doesn't answer - instead, her response is a squeal of delight. She grabs her plastic pumpkin and runs toward the door.

"I think someone's excited," (Y/N) leans in to whisper, and I nod in agreement with a smile.

I open the door and place my left hand on my stomach and lean forward while extending my right hand out to the side. "After you, your majesty," I say and (Y/N) just shakes her head and follows Ally out the door.

I close the door behind me and jog to catch up to (Y/N) and Ally walking down the street. Ally walks up to the porch of the first house and rings the doorbell. An older woman opens the door and I can hear Ally say, "Trick or treat." The woman smiles and drops a handful of candy into Ally's pumpkin. Ally says a quick "thanks" and turns around and skips happily back to us.

We walk to the next house and Ally rings the doorbell again. This time a man probably in his forties opens the door wearing fake abs.

I scoff. "What's his costume supposed to be? Channing Tatum in Magic Mike?"

"I don't know," (Y/N) says, covering her mouth to stifle a laugh. Then she turns to look at me. "Maybe that should've been your costume."

"Nah," I say. "I was gonna wear that when we got home."

I wink at her, but she doesn't get a chance to answer since Ally appears in front of us. She just smirks over her shoulder and takes Ally's hand and turns to continue walking down the street.

For the next forty minutes, we take Ally to what feels like every house in the neighborhood and her plastic pumpkin is nearly filled to the brim with candy.

"Ready to go home?" (Y/N) asks when Ally lets out a yawn and she nods. I grab her pumpkin and (Y/N) lifts her up to carry her home, Ally's head resting on her shoulder.

We circle back to the house and (Y/N) takes Ally upstairs, changing her into her pajamas and tucking her into bed. I walk over and place a gentle kiss to her forehead as she exhales slowly.

(Y/N) and I stand in the doorway, watching our daughter and I instinctively pull (Y/N) closer to me and place a kiss to the top of her head.

"What are you thinking about?" (Y/N) asks, looking up at me.

"Just about how I have the best family in the world."

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