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THANK YOU FOR BEING PATIENT!! YOURE ALL AWESOME!!! :3 and I just want to say thank you so much for fanning and commenting and voting. I really love it, like it makes my day so much better! you probably hear that a lot huh? But for me its 100% true! you don't even know how much you brighten my day! especially the people that I've come to wait for their comments and wait to talk to them :)

sorry for blabbing! PLEASE enjoy!

*Oliver's POV*

There was a constant knocking on my door as I walked down the hall of the small apartment. "Coming!" I shouted at the door, it was eight in the evening and although I shouldn't be this tired, quidditch practice was brutal—suppose this is how my team felt when I was captain.

I opened the door to find Riley bouncing on her toes, a nervous habit she's had since she was five. She was holding a small cake up as she smiled at me.

"Cake," I mused as I leaned forward slightly and observed it. "Smells have something important to talk about."

"Hey! I haven't seen you in a while, I wanted to bring you something and check on you!" Riley pouted slightly before I chuckled and let her inside.

"You're doing your foot thing which means you're nervous," I stated as we walked over to the kitchen island to sit.

"So maybe I do need to talk about something," Riley shrugged slightly.

"Well go on then!" I laughed as Riley pushed her hair behind her ears.

"I'm pregnant....again." Riley muttered.

"The twins are turning a year old tomorrow and you're already on your third child?" I chuckled slightly as Riley hit my arm playfully.

"Yes, yes I know it's extremely funny," Riley snorted.

"How's Fred doing with the news?"

"Haven't told him," Riley blushed slightly. I raised my eyebrows as a sign for her to continue, "the shop isn't doing well during the school year. The guys are busy enough trying to get another store in a better area, I just haven't felt the need to add to the pile."

"So I'm the first one you've told?" I asked curiously as I took a bit of cake, white chocolate butterscotch—so good.

"You and Nellie..." Riley smiled slightly.

"One year olds don't count, my dear," I snorted before standing up. "Come on, let's get going."

"Where are we going?" I looked over my shoulder and raised an eyebrow at Riley who began shaking her head. "No, its late! Come on, Ollie! I just wanted to sit and talk to you like old times! Remember when we use to just lounge and laugh? I made your favorite cake!"

I laughed as I took Riley's arm and guided her out the door, we quickly disapparated and appeared in the soft light of the kitchen and dining room. Soft clinking of dishes being put away sounded from the light as we walked forward, there was a soft hum and it wasn't until I was in the doorway did I realize what I was seeing. Fred stood, swishing his hips and bobbing his head from side to side along with the low hum of music that was emitting from the small radio next to him.

"Hello, Freddie!" I laughed slightly which seemed to startle Fred as he almost dropped the glass he was cleaning.

"H-H-hello Oliver, I didn't know you were coming over," Fred smiled as his cheeks started to turn red.

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