Part Sixty-One

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Kelsea's POV

I have to do something to get Jay off of the drugs. I know how about I make him go all cold turkey, that's the only way with these addicts isn't it. Once we get home. I tell Jay to meet me in the bedroom. He goes to his room and once he has I run to the door and close it. I then put the coffee table in front of the door. Wait, that won't hold will it? I then run over to the sofa and drag it in front of the door.

"What are you doing?" Jay laughs from inside the room.

"Nothing" I lie, slightly out of breath.

"What's going on?" He asks, slightly confused. I then hear him getting closer and I see the door handle move several times, before I hear Jay speak again.

"What the hell are you playing at, Kelsea? What's going on?" he shouts from inside the room. Then all of the sudden the front door opens and I jump onto the sofa, in a laying down position. Siva and Nathan walk in and just stare at me.

"What's going on? Why has the furniture moved?" Siva asks me, suspiciously.

"Long story" I say quickly.

"Well it's a good job we have a lot of time then isn't it" Nathan buts in and comes over to me. He sits on the edge of the couch, as I am taking up most of it. I sit back up straight and then I we both feel the door banding into the back of the sofa.

"What the hell! Who's in there?" Siva gasps.

"Jay. He's on drugs and I'm trying to make him go all cold turkey" I explain.

"Jay's on drugs!" Siva gasps again. Nathan doesn't even move. He just sits there as normal as ever.

"You knew about this?" I ask him.

"Yes. I was going to tell you, but he told me he would stop" Nathan tells me.

"Oh, well obviously. That's what addicts do and did you know it was your girlfriend who has been selling it to him?" I ask him. Again, he doesn't move. Siva is looking around, with his mouth hanging wide open, as if his jaw has snapped or something.

"What? Rheanna and Jay, drugs? What? I'm confused!" Siva says, in a bit of a fluster.

"Yeah, but Rheanna stopped when she I found out" Nathan says confused.

"Well she seemed to be dealing again, when I saw her earlier" I tell him.

Nathan's POV

How could she not tell me about her dealing again? She assured me that she had stopped and that she was going to stay away from Norman. That's it! I get up off of the sofa and storm out of the flat, I get into my car and drive all the way home, where I Rheanna watching desperate housewives.

"What are you going here? I thought you were going for a drink with Siva and Jay?" She asks me.

"No, it seems like Kelsea is too busy trying to get Jay off the drugs, which you sold to him." I tell her, her face drops. "You lied to me" I say quietly.

"I'm sorry. It was a one time thing, a favour. I have stopped I promise. That's it, he only wanted me to do one more thing and I did, so he's let me go. I swear" She tells me. I look her in the eyes to see if she is lying. Her eyes are so beautiful. Wait, no! I look closely and then I decide to trust her. She wouldn't lie to me again would she?

Rheanna's POV

Well I couldn't exactly tell him the truth now could I? He would kill me and then Norman would kill me, because he hates Nathan and Nathan would make me stop. Norman is a really nice guy when you are doing what he wants, it's just when you're not that he starts to get, well violent and I don't want that! He smiles and kisses me. I almost feel guilty, because I am lying to him, again. I mean seriously though, he doesn't need to know. He doesn't need that pressure.

"I love you" he says, softly.

"I love you too" I smile.

It's not like one white lie will hurt him, you know what they say, what you don't know, won't hurt you. I just want us to have our happy family, without anymore problems.

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