Part Fifty-Seven

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Rheanna's POV

Lauren looks at us both blankly. "Tell me then!" She demands.

"I haven't been sleeping with Rheanna, but I have been sleeping with Angel" He says looking ashamed and guilty.

"You what?" she shouts, with tears filling up her eyes. She looks like her whole world has just smashed and something has died inside of her.

"Tell me you're joking" She says, but she has stopped shouting, she is now just talking. She breaks down onto the sofa and just sits there, with her head in her hands.

"I'm sorry" He says, trying to stroke her back, but she pulls away.

"And that isn't even the half of it, is it Wouter?" I say.

"What? There's more?" She says, looking up and revealing the make-up which has ran all the way down her face.

"They have a child" I tell her.

"What? You're Alice-May's father? What about Elton?" She asks him, sobbing.

"That's me, I'm sorry" He says, looking down at the floor again.

"Don't lie! You're only sorry you got caught. Now run along to your other family, because you're not welcome here anymore! I hate you!" She shouts, but he doesn't move.

"But I love you Lauren!" He says. She stands up and punches him right in the face.

"What the hell are you doing you crazy bitch!" He shouts.

"Get the fuck out of my house; I never want to see you again!" She picks up a family photo of them all, from the side table and throws it at him. It hits him in the face. "So much for our happy family, eh?" she cries. Wouter then takes this opportunity to escape and runs out of the front door. I sit next to Lauren and put my arm around her.

"Don't worry about him. He's just a waste of space. You don't need him" I tell her.

"But you don't understand. I'm pregnant!" She sobs.

"Well don't worry. I can help you out. Whatever you do, just don't take him back" I tell her.

"I'm so sorry, Rheanna. I was so horrible to you and when you needed all the support you can get."

"It's fine." I smile.

Siva's POV

*Two weeks later*

We are all off to Egypt today and it is going to be amazing. Rheanna's invited Lauren to come with us, which might make it a bit awkward, but who cares! Everything is getting back on track! Apart from Max and Rach, but I'm hoping this will make them come together. Me and Claire are all packed and ready to go. I pile our suit cases by the front door and then we sit on the couch waiting for everyone to finish and to arrive, as we are all meeting here. Then all of a sudden Kelsea and Jay come out of their room, holding their suit cases. They were obviously heavy because even Jay was struggling to carry his.

"You, looking forward to the holiday then?" I ask him.

"Yeah" He says smiling and dropping his suit case on the floor next to mine. Kelsea does the same and then they join us and sit down.

"They better be some good bars out there!" Jay smiles.

"Is that all you ever think about?" Kelsea asks, rolling her eyes. Jay, doesn't answer, he just kisses Kelsea, to shut her up. They have been acting weird since we found out that Jay went round to Rheanna's. Then the door bell rings and we find Rheanna and Nathan stood there. Rheanna's is holding Leo in a carry cot. He is adorable!

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