Part Thirty-Four

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Rheanna's POV

*The next day*

I have to get some food somehow, I only have a packet of crisps left and they aren't the healthiest of things. I don't want my baby to suffer because of the mess that I've got myself into. Just then I hear a bang. I run to the window and see that Lewis is leaving. Where is he going? Why has he just left me here? Hang on, why am I not getting food? I run down stairs and try the front door, he's locked it again. I grab all of the food from the cupboards that I can carry and I run back up to the bathroom. I get in and lock the door. Wait a second, if he's gone, then I can use the phone! I run back down the stairs and pick up the house phone. Who shall I ring? My mum? Nathan? The police? The police that's right! I tap in the numbers and put the phone to my ear. After about two minuets I realise that there isn't a sound coming from it. I look at the wire to make sure it was plugged in alright and it is. Then I notice that the wire has been cut. I go over to the window and begin to hit it. I manage to smash it and climb out, but just as I feel the fresh air on my body. I see Lewis coming up the path. "How did you get out? Get back in that house now!" he demands, like a mother to a grounded child. I begin to run, but he trips me over, causing me to fall over. He begins to laugh. He then grabs hold of my arm and makes it look like we are linking arms. I struggle to get away but he just carries on. He unlocks the door and pushes me in. Then he locks the door and I run to the smashed window, but he is too fast and catches up with me. He pulls me back by my hair, keeping me back. Then he goes to the window and places a big enough picture from on the wall, over the top of the hole. It is the picture of me and the boys, when we went to Spain two years ago. I then take this opportunity to run back up to the bathroom and lock the door, before he could stop me. At least I have more food now.

Nathan's POV

*Three weeks later and the day before the wedding*

I can't believe Siva is getting married tomorrow. I mean seriously? It's come so quickly and everything has changed. Maybe this will be a chance for us all to come back together properly, without the arguing and everything else. I tried to contact Rheanna to see if she is still coming, seeing as though we haven't seen her for ages, but it said that her number was unrecognised and her house phone was the same. I am starting to worry about her now. Anyway I can't think about that now, me and the boys are going out tonight to celebrate siva's last night of freedom. I know we shouldn't have done it the day before the wedding, because of the hang overs but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Anyway this was the only time we are all free. I mean Renee seems to have come to terms with the whole baby thing and things are really good between us now. I think it's the fact that she doesn't have to face Rheanna as much now that has caused her to be able to react more maturely to the news. I mean there's still a chance that the baby might not be mine and anyway we can still have out own children one day, then we can be a happy family.

Claire's POV

Some chief brides maid, Rheanna has turned out to be, not even turning up to the hen night. Her number isn't even recognised anymore which means she's changed her number and not told any of us. I know that she is ok, because Jay went round to check on her and Lewis said she was asleep. I mean this is just a joke! It wouldn't even surprise me if she decides not to turn up to the wedding tomorrow! I mean it's like she's trying to cut us all out of her life and at the end of the day, I know that she's had her problems but there's no need to take it out on all of us, is there. I've done nothing but be there for her and she does something like this. Well she better have a damn good excuse when I see her next, because I am not going to be able to control myself!

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