Part Seven

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Siva's POV

The turn out for the party was really good, I mean there was loads of people there. All of my family and Claire's family. I'm really surprised that they came with such short notice. Claire seemed to be having a great time with all of her friends and I was able to spend some quality time with my brothers. They have left me now though, I don't know where they have gone. It's so nice to share this with the band and everyone and the most important thing is that everyone seems to be getting on. Max is chatting to Rheanna and My cousin is chatting to Tom. Could it be going any better? Anyway I think I better make the announcement then. I go over to Claire and her friends.

"Babe, we need to do the announcement" I tell her.

"Ok then"

"So, I would just-" I started, however no one even turned around to look at me. Some people are so rude.

"Why don't you go and get one of your mic's?" Claire suggests. So I go into my room and I get the mic's from under my bed.

"Hello everyone" I say through the mic. At that moment everyone just stopped and looked at me. But because not everyone can see me and Claire stood here. We decide to climb on top of the tea table which is in the corner of the living room. "Can everyone see me? Good. So I would just like to thank you call for coming especially since it is such short notice. I guess you have all figured out that we have some news to tell you guys" Then Claire pulls the mic off of me.

"Yeah, so basiclly..." She says pausing, before screaming "We're getting married!" Everyone begins to cheer and clap. Then we get down from the table so we can go and talk to all of our friends and families about it. I am so excited about the whole thing though. Claire doesn't know this, but I have wanted to marry her for about a year and a half now, so it just looks like my dream is finally going to come true.

Tom's POV

It's been about an hour since everyone has arrived and yet I still can't see anyone that I know, well appart from Jay and kelsea. I'm feeling quite lonely here, actually. Wait a minuet, is that? Oh God it is! It's Maria! I just have to talk to her and maybe she wont blow me out again, like she did last time. So I strole over to her, trying not to look at her. Then I perposly bump into her.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there. Wait a minuet, your that girl right? That one from the other night. I remember your face. Martha isn't it?" I say, trying to act like I didn't even remember her.

"Yeah" She says, uncomfortably.

"So do you want to give me your number now?" I ask her

"I supose it won't hurt" Yes! Finally she has given into my unresistable sexiness!

"So..." She says, obviously feeling a bit awkward.

"So how's about we go to my room?" I ask her, winking.

"Erm, I'm sorry Tom but-" She begins

"We don't have to do anything. It's just a bit crowded in here and I want to get to know you" I tell her.

"Alright then" She says. I can't believe it has actually worked. Yesterday she didn't even want to know me. So we both head over to my room. Once we get there I sit on the bed and she comes and sits next to me.

"So tell me Maria, why are you playing hard to get?" I ask her, smiling.

"I'm not. I just don't go for guys that are full of themselves and anyway even if I did get with you, which I'm not going to, but if I did I wouldn't want to be in the spot light the whole time. I would want to be me. I don't think it's right how other girls, like Claire have to suffer the way they do, with the paparazzi, it's just not right" She explains.

"So that's what your worried about? The paparazzi? Well don't worry we just won't tell anyone" I say leaning in to his her, but instead of letting me kiss her she pushes me away.

"I've told you Tom! I don't want to go out with you and anyway, you don't even know me. I might have a boyfriend for all you know!" She says getting up.

"Wait, Maria, I'm sorry" But it's too late. She has already left.

Jay's POV

*The next morning*

Last night was so amazing. Me and Kelsea had a really good time and everything. If only I didn't have a hang over! I mean I didn't even drink that much. I am sat in the living room, scrunched up at the end of the sofa as Rheanna is curled up on the best part of it. I swear Rheanna practically lives here most of the time. She is still asleep bless her, Max must have worn her out. It's really weird though, because they never really even talked until a few days ago when they went clubing together, and now there like the best of friends. It's like since Nathan got a girlfriend she has had to replace him with Max. Which is weird because Nathan and Rheanna were like best friends for years. I don't know what happened. Hope that doesn't happen with me and Kelsea! She means too much to me, to be stolen away! Suddenly Nathan comes into the living room in just his boxers.

"Put some clothes on, mate!" I shout to him across the room. Then just as those words come out of my mouth, Renee comes out of Nathan's room with one of Nath's T-shirts on. Aww, there such a cute couple.

"She stayed over again?" Nathan says in disbelief, looking at Rheanna asleep.

"Yep" I told him.

"Doesn't she have a home to go to?" Renee says in a bitter tone, and Nathan laughs along.

"What's going on with you and Rheanna, Nathan?" I ask

"Erm, What? Nothing!" Nathan says sounding guilty.

"I mean one minuet your the best of friends and then the next it's like you hate eachother" I state.

"Nothing happened, we just grew appart" Nathan says, diappearing into the kitchen, with Renee behind him. There is definatly something going on. Then Tom comes out of his room and sits on the other couch.

"Is she alright?" he asks looking at Rheanna, curiously.

"I think so why?"

"She looks dead!" Tom laughs.

"Yeah well it was a long night" I tell him.

"Yeah maybe for her new chum Max" he laughs again. Nathan appears in the doorway between the kitchen and living room.

"Her and Max?" He says confused.

"Yeah, they've been getting close don't you think? Ever since that night when Max didn't come home. It's like something happened between them. If you know what I mean" Tom says, moving his eye brows up and down.

"It was him!" Nathan whispers, as if he'd just realised something.

"What's up?" I ask him, wondering what he's going on about.

"Well the other night when Max didn't come home, I rang Rheanna to ask her about something and well, she had a guy there with her. It must have been Max!" He announces. So it looks like that little situation is cleared up then. Max and Rheanna are going out. I never thought I would see the day!

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