Part Fifty-Two

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Nathan's POV

I am stood up now, waiting for the doctor waiting for him to tell me the news. Jay and Rach are both looking now and they also look eager to know. I feel like I'm frozen! It's half 11 and I've been up all day. I'm tired, I'm a mess and who would have thought you could find out so much in just one day. I mean I've been up court this morning and as if that wasn't bad enough in its self, I then find out that Lewis had been abusing Rheanna and he tried to rape her. I find out that Jay went round there and saved her, but I still don't know why he went there in the first place and then on top of that there is the fact that I found out that Angel and Wouter have been sleeping together and have a kid. Then to top it off Rheanna gets run over and we could have lost the baby. Why us eh? What have we ever done to hurt anyone? I know we slept together but that's all. I stare at the doctor still waiting. He takes a deep breath before beginning, "Ok, well as you know the baby four months early" I nod, dreading the next part. I just burst into tears at the prediction of what he is going to say. Rach and Jay are also in shock. "Well he is very ill, Rheanna lost a lot of blood and so she's on a drip right now. Also the baby will be in an incubated, we are expecting him to be in there for up to a month. We're very sorry." he says and I just sit with my head in my hands.

"and the good news" Jay asks, taking over for me.

"The good news is that Rheanna is recovering well and she should be discharged at the end of the week" he says. It didn't make me any happier. The fact that our baby could die makes my stomach churn.

Rheanna's POV

I open my eyes to find myself in a white room. I am linked to a drip and the all I can hear is the beeping of the machines in the room. I look around and see a nurse walk by the window, and then I realise that I'm in hospital. All I remember is me bumping into someone and then I saw a car and everything went black. The car must have hit me, but what about my baby? I pick up the cover, as I am in a hospital bed. Then I see that my stomach has shrunk slightly. I rub my stomach and it is so painful and I don't understand why. I then look under my hospital gown, only to see stitches. Oh no! My baby, what's happened to my baby? I pinch myself to make sure that I'm not dreaming and then I realise that I'm not. I begin to cry at the possibilities and the fact that I think I've lost my baby. How could I let this happen? It's my entire fault! Nathan is going to be broken. I get up in the hope that I might find someone to help me, I need to know what happened. I rip the drip from my body and I begin to walk to the door, but I'm too weak and my legs feel like jelly. I just fall to the floor and I lay there in pain. Then suddenly a doctor comes into the room and sees me lying on the floor. I try to get up, but it's too hard. The doctor holds onto me and pulls me up, "What happened here then? Let's get you back in this bed, shall we?" He says, smiling. Once we get back to the bed, I lay down and he and he put the drip back on me. Then he takes some tests and writes a report. "What happened to my baby?" I ask, crying.

"Oh has no body explained this too you yet?" He asks me. I shake my head and then he continues. "Don't panic, but you were hit by a car which caused you to lose a lot of blood, because of this, your child wasn't able to live off of you anymore." With this my face drops and I burst into tears again, I am crying more than I ever have done in my life. "No, no, don't worry. The baby survived, but he is very ill. He is in an incubator."

"Thank God" I say smiling, with relief.

"Would you like to see her? And your boyfriend is outside, he's been very worried" The doctor tells us. I nod and he leaves. After about five minutes, he comes back with a wheel chair. He clips the drip onto the side of it. He then lifts me into it. After this, he wheels me out of the room and I see Jay, Rach and Nathan sat on the chairs outside.

"Rheanna!" Nathan says, jumping up and walking towards me. When he finally reaches me he kisses me, with relief that I'm ok. We then both go into a little room, where there is an incubator. They have given him a privet room. Jay and Rach wait outside, as only family is allowed in. We have to put some anti-bacterial liquid on our hands before we go in, so that we don't pass any germs onto the baby. Nathan wheels me over to the little incubator and I just stare at him, stroking the glass, as I can't pick him up. He is so small. He hasn't even got a name yet.

"We should name him" I say, not taking my eyes off of him.

"Yeah, but what?" Nathan says, smiling.

"I don't know" I say, trying to think of one.

"Richards a nice name" Nathan jokes.

"No way. I'm not going to call my son Richard, people will call him Bob!"I laugh. Nathan laughs too.

"How about Leo?" Nathan asks smiling.

"Aww, it's so cute. Let's call him that" I smile. Nathan smiles back, before kissing me. I just wish I could hold him. He looks so small and innocent and I just want to hold him and make sure he's going to be alright. He has so many wires attached to him, it's actually frightening. I'm not a religious person, but even I have said a little prayer for him, in my head.

Claire's POV

*The next morning*

I wake up to find that I have about twenty missed calls, all from different people. I look over at Siva and he is sleeping peacefully. So, I don't really want to wake him. I decide to listen to my voicemails, as there are three on my phone. The first one is from Rach. Why has she been calling me? I've only met her a couple of times and that's only because she was with Max, until we found out about her lying and everything. I put the phone to my ear and listen to the voice mail. "Claire get to the hospital, Rheanna's in hospital". What the hell? What's she doing there? I then listen to the second voice mail, which is from Jay, "Hey Claire, Siva isn't picking up and you're not picking up, so I'm going to have to leave a message. Rheanna's been taken into hospital. Me, Rach and Nathan are already here, but you're her best friend and I think she would appreciate you being here". I don't understand why is she in hospital? I roll over and shake Siva to wake him up.

"What?" He groans, with his eyes still closed.

"Get up! You need to take me to the hospital!" I say, trying to get him up. I then get out of bed and begin to get dressed, once I'm finished I go back over to the bed and shake him once more. He reaches his hand out from under the cover and picks up his phone. "What, it's only half 6" he says climbing out of bed really slowly.

"I know, but I need to know what's wrong with Rheanna" I explain. After about half an hour, we finally arrive at the hospital. I run over to the desk worriedly. "Can you tell me where to find a Rheanna Boyes?" I ask the woman behind the desk.

"Yes, sure" she types something into her computer and then says "Room 409 on floor three, try not to make too much noise. Also make sure you knock before entering"

"Ok" I say as Siva comes up next to me and holds my hand. We walk down the corridor holding hands, until we hear laughing and talking coming from one of the rooms. I look through the glass window to see Max, Tom, Kelsea, Jay, Nathan, Maria and Rach sat around the hospital bed, which Rheanna is laying on. I walk into the room and they all turn and look at me. I then notice all of the flowers and grapes on the table next to the bed. "Sorry, I didn't get you anything. I didn't even know until I got up earlier and I came straight here" I tell her smiling.

"Now your all here, I would like to announce that the reason I am in here, is that I got ran over yesterday by a car" Everyone gasps at this, apart from Rach, Jay and Nathan that obviously knew already. "And well because of that, I had to have an emergency caesarean. So, what I'm saying is, I've had the baby" She smiles.

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