Part Thirty

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Part thirty

Max's POV

I stare at Rach waiting for her to finish what she is saying, but she just goes quiet and looks at her thumbs, which she is fiddling with.

"Well?" I ask eagerly.

"Alright, alright, but promise that you wont judge me on the past" she says, nervously.

"I promise" I say reassuring her and smiling.

"Well about two years ago when Maria was about eighteen and I was seventeen. Well Maria had a boyfriend called Rob and a lot of things happened and I ended up sleeping with him, anyway she found out and as you can imagine, she wasn't too happy. That's why she hates me" She says, looking ashamed of herself. I hug her, tightly and tell her "It's alright, the past is the past right?" I smile.

"I love you" She says bursting into tears. Why didn't she tell me that she slept with Maria's ex boy friend? It's not like it matters now.

"I love you too" I tell her "But I do think you should try and sort it all out with Maria. I mean your sisters. Blood is thicker than water, after all"

"Yeah, I suppose. It's just I don't think she will ever accept it and I don't blame her" She says looking guilty.

"That is it, right?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, of course" She says looking shifty.

Rheanna's POV

*The next day*

I sit on my bed, feeling really ashamed, that I let Lewis push me around. I don't understand him at all. One minuet he's taking me back and the next, he's telling me I can't go out and pushing me around. Surly that isn't right. It's killing me not being able to see Nathan. I know we were never going out and we're just friends, but I do miss him. It's like not seeing him, is like when you are home sick. I just can't stand it. I can't even ring him, seeing as though Lewis broke my phone and he will never let me near the Landline. I bet he's got a tracker on it now anyway. I don't know what is wrong with him. I just know that this is making me dislike him and I don't want that to happen because I love him. What if the baby isn't even his though? He was annoyed enough when I told him I am pregnant, let alone if I tell him that the baby isn't his. He will kill me and the way he's been acting, it wouldn't surprise me if he literally did. It's been really scaring me, I just want to leave and never come back, If only he hadn't locked the door and hidden the key. He's down stairs right now, watching one of his stupid programmes. It's been about two weeks since I was allowed to watch what I want to. It's like I can only do what he wants me to, and even then it isn't right. I quietly walk down the stares to try and get a drink.

"Rheanna, I can hear you" Lewis says, bitterly.

"Oh, erm, I just wanted to get a drink" I explain, nervously.

"Ok then. Get me one too" He says, smiling. Maybe this is it, maybe he's ok now? I make us both a drink and then I take it into the living room. I put his drink on the coffee table, next to where his feet are. I hate it when people put their feet on the table, it's disgusting, but it's not like I can say anything is it?

"Come on, sit down then" he tells me. I slowly sit down next to him. He puts his arm around me. All I want to do is wriggle away. Maybe this is it, maybe he is back to normal now?

"Erm, Lewis" I begin nervously.

"Could you, erm, get your feet off the table, please" I ask politely.

"What?" He says, annoyed. I just look away. He then kicks the table over, spilling the drinks all over the floor. I just burst out crying.

"There is that better!" He shouts.

"Please, calm down" I tell him.

"What have I told you about telling what to do?" He shouts again and stands up. He pulls me up by my hair and takes me into the kitchen.

"Apologise, now!" He shouts, as he puts my head in the sink and turns on the cold tap.

"I'm sorry" I gurgle. He pulls my head from under the tap.

"What?" He asks.

"I'm sorry" I repeat.

"No! I'm sorry... what?" he asks, pushing my head under the tap again.

"I'm sorr-" I gurgle, then he pulls my head from under the tap again. "I'm sorry, Lewis. Please just let me go" I beg. I then he pushes me to the floor and says "Thank you!" Then he walks away, not even bothering to help me up. I sit on the floor and just cry, with my head in my hands.

Nathan's POV

It all seems to be going really well with me and Renee lately. It's like our lives are finally back on track. I mean maybe it's like the whole 'Cold Turkey' thing, but not having Rheanna around has helped us massively. I mean Rheanna is still a friend of mine and she could well be carrying my baby, but it's not very good for Renee, having her around. I haven't even told her about the whole baby thing yet. I mean why is there any need to spoil the good thing we have going right now. She will find out when the time is right. Maybe this could be mine and Renee's big chance at being happy. We might even have our own children one day and if Rheanna's baby is mine then I'm sure Renee will be fine about it. If it is my baby though, I am not having that stupid Lewis anywhere near it. He is just too weird. I know me and Rheanna have done things that were wrong, but the fact that he feels the need to keep us away from each other is just ridiculous. I mean we are just friends for God's sake, nothing else. We were basically just friends when we slept together too. Like friends with benefits isn't it.

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