Part Ten

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Maria's POV

I woke up like normal today and the day went by as usual. I just spent most of the day sitting in my room online, seeing as though Renee was with Nathan and everyone. It's hard being an outsider, especially since me and Renee have been like sisters ever since we were in primary and were both eighteen now. But I can feel her slipping away with this new life of hers, she's changing. It's about seven o'clock now, so I think it's time to come off of my laptop now seeing as though I've been on here for about seven hours. At that moment I hear my favourite song begin to play, it was 'just the way you are' by Bruno mars. But when Bruno was meant to be singing it was someone else. Who could that be? I look out of my bedroom window to find out what or who it was. Then I see Tom stood outside my house with a CD player and a microphone. Around him were about fifty bouquets of White roses, which are my favourite flowers. What the hell is he doing? Oh my God everyone is looking out of their windows at him.

"Maria, please just give me a chance" he says into the microphone, so everyone can hear him.

"Oh my God, you fool" I giggled, embarrassed. I run down the stairs and out of the door. I jump into his arms and hug him.

"You are such a div" I tell him. He hugs me back.

"So your not playing hard to get now then?" he asks, laughing.

"Shut up!" I laugh. Everyone is still staring at us from their windows and some people are watching from on the street.

Jay's POV

*The next day, around 12 o'clock*

Where the hell is everyone? Nathan is round Renee's, Tom never came home last night, Max snuck out this morning at around 10, Siva has gone shopping with Claire, so it's just me. I know I will call Kelsea to come over.

*Around 2 o'clock, Kelsea arrives*

There is a knock at the door. I answer it and Kelsea is stood there looking quite happy. "hi!" she smiles.

"You alright?" I ask her, smiling back

"Yeah, I wondered what you was up to. Are you the only one here?" she asks

"Yep, we have the flat to ourselves" I smile.

"Cool" she smiles "DVD's and popcorn then?"

"Ok then" I say going into my room and getting Avatar.

"Oh how did I guess, Jay?" she says cheekily. I laugh. She knows this is my favourite movie in the whole world! We both sit down on the couch and I put it into the DVD player.

"You're such a geek" Kelsea says, playfully.

"No, I'm not" I laugh

"Yeah, you are! The way you haven't even blinked at the screen yet and it's only the credits"

"Shut up!" I laugh, starting to tickle her. I fall on top of her and we kiss passionately. I pull away quickly "I'm, er, Sorry" say awkwardly. But Before I could even move, she rolls her eyes and pulls my face back in to kiss her.

Max's POV

I spent the morning with Rach. She is so amazing, and despite everything she is really cool. The only problem is, I don't know how to tell the others about it. I don't know how they will react. We spent the day at her house.

"Why haven't I met any of your friends yet?" she asks me.

"Well it's just a bit complicated, and anyway you might like one of them more than me and I can't risk that" say in an innocent little voice, which makes her smile.

"You know that is impossible" she smiles and kisses me softly on the lips.

"Your so sweet, we can go back to mine now if you want and you can meet them?" I ask her

"Ok then" she agreed.

When we get back to the flat, we are greeted by Jay and Kelsea snogging on the sofa, with avatar in the back ground. I wondered how long it would take them to get together. "ahem" I cough to try and get their attention. They quickly jump off, hoping that we hadn't seen them, but it was to late.

"Er, Em hi" Jay says embarrassed.

"This is Rach" I say, putting my arm around her. She smiles.

"Oh hi" Jay says still embarrassed.

"This is Jay and that is Kelsea" I explain.

"Oh ok then" Rach says awkwardly.

Renee's POV

I was with Nathan all morning, but he's been acting really weird. Every time I mentioned one of the others he would just go quiet and change the subject. It's like he hates them all at the minuet and I just can't put my finger on why. They've always been so close especially him Max and Siva. It's like their brothers. I even heard a rummer that Nathan pushed Max into a fountain. I'm not sure how true that is. But it's just not like him at all. It's like everyone is going mad. Nathan's always been so peaceful. It was like he only wanted me for one thing, and that thing wasn't talking. He tried to kiss me but I pushed him away, because I don't want to be used.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" he asks me, annoyed.

"Well we haven't even spoken to me, it's like you only want one thing"

"Oh really? Well sorry for being me" he says storming out of the house. What the he'll is wrong with him? It's like he doesn't even like me any more. Maybe we were right to slow it down because I'm not sure I like him at a minuet. He keeps just shouting and slamming doors, it's actually scaring me. When we first met, he was so sweet and he seemed like he wouldn't hurt a fly, but now I'm not so sure.

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