Part Twelve

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Rheanna's POV

What have I done? How could I do this to Lewis? He can never find out about what happened last night. I mean it wasn't just me was it? I mean it takes two to tango doesn't it? What is wrong with that guy? One minuet he hates me and then the next we're kissing and he didn't pull away did he? Or am I just remembering it wrong? And out of all the days it had to happen yesterday didn't it? When we have to go to our first session at the church today. It is going to be so awkward. Me, him and Renee all under the same roof. Why did Siva have to pick Nathan to be his best man? What's wrong with Tom or Max. At least that way it wouldn't be so awkward.

Tom's POV

Nathan came home at about half one last night, and boy was he upset. He just went straight to his room. When I went to see if he was ok, he just told me to go away. He was just sitting there with his head in his hands like he was crying or something.

Anyway today is the day that they have our first session at the church, so we all need to put on our happy faces for Seev and Claire. I mean after all they are what today is about. I just can't help thinking that something is coming. It's like when you can feel a storm coming, because of the pressure in the air. But this time it feels even worse. There is so much tention between everyone. I mean Nathan and Max are not speaking and Rheanna's not speaking to Nathan. It's like everything has just gone down the pan. Nothing is how it was and it's killing us all. I don't even want to be in the same room as them when their together, it's like they actually hate eachother! And I just feel sorry for Siva and Claire seeing as though they have to go to church with Rheanna and Max today, might be a bit awkward and to be honest, I'm glad I'm not going.

Siva's POV

*9.00 waiting to go to the church*

I'm so excited that the first steps are being made towards our wedding. I can't wait to make this girl my wife. I love her so much. We have to wait for Rheanna, Renee and Kelsea to arrive before we can all go to the church. Nathan has just come out of his room wearing a suite. "Very snazzy, Nath" I say to him.

"Thanks" He says, without any expression on his face. It's like he isn't even there. Then suddenly the door knocks. Claire answers it and it is Rheanna. This is where it's going to get awkward eh? Claire is talking to Rheanna and Nathan is now sitting on the couch. Rheanna just stands there and she doesn't even look at him. Nathan is just reading a magazine. Hang on, is that magazine upside down? It is, what the hell?

"Erm Nath, your magazine is the wrong way up" I tell him, he goes bright red.

"Oh, erm, yeah I know. I like to read this way" He says, clearly lying.

Then there is another knock at the door and it is Renee and Kelsea. Renee stands staring at Nathan, but not saying anything. What is wrong with everyone today?

"So shall we get going then" I ask, trying to break the silence. We all head out to the van. I sit in the front with Claire. Rheanna climbs into the back of the van and sits down. Then Renee sits next to her. Nathan and Kelsea sit in seperate places.

"Hey" Renee says to Rheanna.

"Erm, hi" Rheanna says looking ashamed. Nathan is sat in the back staring at the pair and looking nervous.

"So how have you been?" Renee asks.

"Yeah, fine, er em, what about you?" she asks still sounding nervous.

"Not really a certain person" She begins loudly so that Nathan could hear and then continues "Never bothered to call me back last night!"

"Oh" Rheanna says awkwardly. The rest of the journey is silent. It is just lucky that the church isn't too far away. When we get to the church we all get out of the van and enter the church. There are loads of people there already so we just sit on the nearest row that had a space. I sat down first and then Claire sat next to me. Then Renee sat down, Then Rheanna and next to her is Nathan, then on the end is Kelsea.

Nathan's POV

Oh God! Hang on I probably shouldn't say that, seeing as though we're in a church, but seriously! Out of all the people I could get stuck next to it's her! Why? She turns to be and gives me the dirtiest look I've ever seen. This is so awkward!

"Erm, I just need to go to the toilet, I'll be back in a minuet" Rheanna says, getting up and sqeezing past me and Kelsea to get out of the church.

"Yeah, it's really crowded in here, I think I need some air" I say, looking around, Claire is giving me evils. I quickly get up and head for the door. I go outside and see Rheanna sitting on a bench, with bottle of vodka. So I go and sit next to her.

"What are you doing?" I ask her, wondering why anyone would want to drink vodka at a church.

"Go away!" She says bitterly.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask, annoyed.

"What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you, you mean!" She says loudly.

"Well your the one sending out mixed signals. I don't know what you want me to do" I tell her.

"I want you to go away and leave me alone" She says, taking a sip of the vodka.

"No you don't, Rheanna" I tell her

"Don't tell me what I want. I think I know myself better than you!"

"Well I know that you don't want to be with Lewis" I tell her

"You don't know anything" She says, putting the vodka back into her bag and going back into the church. I decide to wait a minuet so that people don't realise that we have been talking. Then I decide to go back in, where she is still giving me evils. But I really don't understand what is wrong with Claire, she keeps look at me like I'm a murder or something. What have I ever done to her?

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