Part Fifty-Nine

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Nathan's POV

*Four days later*

It's been a really rough four days! I can't even remember what happened that night, all I remember is Rach falling to the floor and everyone running to her. I don't really understand why anyone would want to shoot another person, even if they did have a reason, it can't have been worth death! I mean, it just seems bazaar that someone would do that, when we don't even know anyone here, We're in Egypt for gods sake! I just can't wait to get home now, this holiday was a disaster. We are just boarding the plain to leave, well I say we, but I mean apart from Max, Tom, Rach and Maria. They all want to stay with Rach, as the hospital isn't happy with moving her back to the UK yet, which means we wont be able to do any work for the next few weeks. But I'm not complaining, means I get to spend some extra time with my beautiful son.

Max's POV

I am sat holding Rach's hand as she is now awake, which is a relief. I thought I'd lost her and I don't know how I would be able to cope with that. There is nothing I wouldn't do for Rach, and if I had a chance, I would have jumped in front of that bullet for her. I know I said we should wait to get back together, but I don't know. Maybe this is just what I needed to realise how much I actually love her, and I am never going to leave her side again. I just can't imagine what my life would have been like if the surgery didn't go the way it did and we actually lost her. Maria is sat on the other side of her, holding her other hand and next to her is Tom.

"Maria? Max?" She whispers.

"Yes!" We both say, eagerly.

"Where am I?" she says slowly.

"You're in hospital. You we're shot" Maria says, slowly. I glare at her.

"What?" She asks.

"You could have broken it to her a little more lightly" I say, then I look back at Rach, who looks rather confused.

"What? Who? Why?" She says, softly, "All I remember was walking out of the club and then it all went black"

"Don't worry, Rach. Nothing's going to hurt you now" I tell her, squeezing her hand, to reassure her.

"I'm so sorry Rach, for everything. I've been such a bitch and you didn't deserve that. I love you and I can't imagine my baby sister dying. Please forgive me. You needed me and I wasn't there for you." Maria says, with a shaky voice, as if she is going to cry.

"I should be saying sorry to you. It was all my fault, that everything happened, not yours. You have nothing to apologise for" Rach says, quietly. Then suddenly the door opens and in walks a police officer. He smiles and walks over.

"I'm sorry to inform you that we have searched the streets around the club, for miles and we found nothing. We think it was just a random attack, they have been happening more and more around here, I'm afraid. However we will find the criminal, there is only so many places a man can hide and we have noticed a pattern in the victims, they all seem to be late teens, early twenty's who have been on a night out. We will contact you with any updates with the case. Now get some rest" He then leaves.

"Is that it?" Maria asks, upset, just as the police officer closes the door. All three of us turn to look at her. "There not actually going to do anything?"

"They're doing all that they can, Maria" Tom explains.

"Well it's just not good enough!" She says angrily.

Rheanna's POV

I can't believe everything that has happened. Rach is such a loveable person, why would anyone want to hurt her? Me, Nathan and Leo are back at the house now and Leo is fast asleep, bless him. When I was pregnant I thought that I would be up all night, with Leo crying, but he's as good as gold. He just sits there silently most of the time. It's only when he's hungry or needs his nappy changing, that he cries. Me and Nathan are sat on the sofa watching some rubbish movie. I would go to bed, but I can't because of the jet lag and it's only 6.30. I am so tired though! Nathan is slowly drifting off, when his phone vibrates on the side of the chair. It must have made him jump, because he jerks forward and hits me in the head with his elbow.

"Ouch!" I say, loudly.

"Sorry" He laughs, and then kisses me on the forehead. He then answers the phone.

"Hello" He says and then he looks slightly confused "Yes". I just look at him, wondering who it could be. "What? Are you sure?" He asks, with a look of shock on his face. He then hangs up and get's up.

"What's going on?" I ask him.

"I, erm, I've got to go. I will be back soon, I promise" He says, kissing me goodbye and then leaving. What could be so important that he has to run off like that?

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