Part Nine

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Tom's POV

*The the next morning, Tom is laying in bed thinking*

I still can't believe that Maria turned me down a second time, I mean I really opened up to her. I have never felt this way about anyone before and it's killing me. I have a plan though and one that she won't be able to say no to. I get out of bed and get dressed ready to prepare the first part of my plan! She is going to love it.

Claire's POV

Me and Siva woke up earlier than usual this morning, so we decided to start planning the wedding. So we went down to a local church, it is really big and beautiful, not like one of those small crumbling ones. It's really beautiful. It is pained White and it has an arch door with beautiful big windows. I'd been past this church lots of times before, hoping that one day I would have a chance to go in and see if it's as beautiful inside as it is outside. Don't judge a book by it's cover and all that. Me and Siva walk through the big open doors hand in hand. Once we get inside, there is a massive hall, like really massive! There are loads of pretty stained glass windows an around them are like gold plates. But not the tacky looking gold, the really nice one which sparkles when the light hits it. There are about forty benches, twenty one each side of the room with a large isle going through the middle, not too big, just about the size of those, which they have in a shopping centre. I look at Siva and he looks just as much shocked as me. 

"This place is amazing isn't it?" he asks me smiling 

"Yeah, I love it" if it is possible for someone to fall in love with a building, then I just have. Not as much as I love Siva though, that's impossible. 

"Hello" a voice says, coming from behind me. We both swing around, to see that it's a priest standing there. 

"Oh, hi. We were just wondering about getting married in this church" Siva says nervously 

"Oh right, do you want to come through to my office" he says heading for a little door by the front of the church. We follow him through the door, into his office. We both sit down at his desk, opposite him. 

"So I take it you have thought about what is required for this attachment?" he asks 

"Well Erm, kind of" I say nervously. 

"Well do you go to church weekly or four-nightly or not at all?" he asks 

"Well not at all really, but we really want to get married at this church it is so beautiful" I say, scared that he will say no. 

"Well that's fine. It just means you two, the best man, the brides maids and the father of the bride, will have to church to get the bands read, are you ok with that?" he asks 

"Yeah, what for like every-week? That's fine" Siva says not really know what the others will think about it. 

"Good, now do you know when you want to get married, have you got a date" he asks 

"I don't know, sometime in June? It is now April so we will have to get the plans moving on. 

"Ok then yeah, we have an opening on the 20th of June. Would that be ok?" he asks. It is now the 15th of April so we had just over two months. We agree to take the opening, I am just dreading when we have to tell the others that they have to come to church with us, and we haven't even chosen the brides maides and best man yet! Times ticking eh?

Rheanna's POV

*With Lewis at his house*

I think I might actually be falling for this guy. He is so amazing. We are snuggled up on the sofa watching TV. Then he slowly kisses me on my forehead. So I lean up and kiss him passionately on the lips. However we are interrupted by my phone ringing. 

"Hello?" I ask, slightly annoyed that we had to stop. 

"Hi Rheanna" it's Claire. "I have something I need to ask you, do you want to come over?" 

"Well can I come over another time, I'm kind of with someone" 

"Ooh, who?" she says excited. 

"Oh no one" I lie 

"Oh come on, you can bring them with you. I don't mind" she insists. 

"find" I say giving in. So me and Lewis head over to the boys place, not really knowing what she wanted to talk to me about. Maybe it's about what happened the other day with Nathan, oh no! I feel like I naughty school girl, being sent to the head teachers office.

*At about 4 o'clock we arrive*

I knock on the door with Lewis by my side. Nathan answers it. 

"What the hell do you want?" he asks bitterly 

"Well Claire invited us.." I tell him. He looks at Lewis's black eye and bursts out laughing. Lewis just looks at the floor feeling quite intimidated. 

"Leave him alone Nathan, he's never done anything to hurt you!" I say pushing him out of the way and entering the flat. I turn round to see Nathan saying something to Lewis. So I go over and grab Lewis's hand and pulling him away from Nathan.  

"I would just like to let you all know that this is my new boyfriend Lewis" I tell everyone. Everyone is here, Jay, Kelsea, Nathan, Tom, Renee, Claire, Siva and Max. 

"But we all thought that your were seeing Max" Tom says confused. 

"What?" Max says shocked. Everyone is staring at Lewis and probably wondering why he has a black eye.  

"Anyway I called you all here to tell you that the wedding is going to be on the 20th of June and we wanted to announce who we wanted to be our brides maids and best man" Claire says, breaking the awkward silence. 

"Yeah, and Nathan, I was wondering if you would be my best man?" Siva announces 

"Oh my God! Really? I would love to!" Nathan says, sounding really happy and flattered. 

"Yeah and Rheanna would you be my chief brides maid? You've just always been here. Your like my best friend" Claire asks. What? Why me? I know we're friends and everything but I just thought she would choose someone else like her sister or something. 

"I'd love to, thanks" I say hugging her. 

"And I want the other brides maid's to be Kelsea, Renee and my sister, who sadly couldn't make it here today" she tells us. 

"Oh and now here's the bad news" Siva begins "We all have to go to church for the next six weeks" everyones face just drops.

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