Part Forty-Two

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Tom's POV

I really want to know what is going on with Rheanna. I mean why was she in hospital? Why was she meeting some random woman at the hospital? Why wouldn't she tell me what it was about? I go back to Lewis's room to let them know that I was leaving. I need to find out what is going on. I go into the room to find a young girl stood outside of the privet room. She was looking through the glass window, looking in. She looked no older than eighteen and she didn't even move, not even when I got closer. "Eh hem!" I cough. She doesn't even flinch. She just stays peering in. As I get closer I see that her face is pushed up to the glass, so that her face is misshaped. I think she might be insane. I look at her and then through the window, curiously, to see what or who she was looking at. I then realise it was max. "Are you a fan?" I ask, slightly scared. She then slowly removes her face from the glass to reveal a creepy smile.

"No, I'm mrs george. Max's wife" she says, in a scary stalker tone. I don't think I have ever been so scared in my life. This is like some horror movie! She is just staring at me with wide eyes and for gods sake it has a bald head! I call it 'it' because I really don't know what this is.

"Erm, I think it's time for you to go home" I say, putting my arm around her to lead her away from the room, but at that moment she elbows me in the head at an attempt to avoid me. As she does so, I see that she has a scare on her arm. It looks like it has been carved using a knife. It is in big letters, it reads "MRS GEORGE". It is so sad that some fans become that obsessed and reliant on us that they put themselves through physical pain. At that moment I feel my eyes welling up, it's too much to take. I don't care if she is the craziest person I have ever met, she needs to meet Max. I go back into the room and Max looks around at me.

"You alright mate? You look like you've seen a ghost" he asks me.

"Max, do you want to come outside a minuet. There is someone I need you to meet" I tell him, as I step back out of the room. Max follows me. I stand to the side of the door, which is in the middle of the fan and Max. When Max sees the fan, his face drops.

"What the hell do you want? You creep!" he shouts. Just then, the girl begins to cry. Just then the true girl was finally shown. She isn't crazy, she's she just crazy about Max and that is why she was acting the way she was. She is only an innocent little girl underneath all of that. What is Max thinking? Treating a fan that was is not right, whatever they seem like. These are the ones that have brought us to where we are today and we should thank them not yell at them.

"Max, She's a fan. Don't talk to her like that!" I tell him, putting my arm around her and this time she didn't pull away.

"But she's crazy! She hid in my shower, she cut off her hair and sent me a wig and now, now shes turning up here!" he rants.

"I don't care Max, she's a fan and she doesn't deserve to be treated like this! Apologise now and I want you to make it up to her somehow!" I tell him, firmly.

"Whatever! But not in a sexual way!" he says, sounding annoyed, but it was enough to make her little face light up and I have to say it made me smile too. I really do feel sorry for this poor fan. We all go and sit down in a little sofa area, which is just outside Lewis's room.

"So do you want to tell us a bit about yourself?" I ask her, smiling. She is sat opposite me and Max.

"Well I've loved you all for Years, but mainly Max. I came to meet you once. I stood outside for seven hours with my friend. We even camped out over night. When you arrived you didn't have much time because you just went straight into the radio station and left us outside. When you came out two hours later we all got to meet you and I got a hug and picture with all of you.. Except Max. You were rushed away so quickly and ever since that day, two years ago, I made it my mission to meet you, whatever it takes. So that's why I did all of those things. I just wanted a chance for my dream to come true, just like yours did. I didn't mean for it to get all creepy, but it just happened and I couldn't stop" she says looking ashamed, then she looks up again, smiling "But Tom, you have finally helped it too come true, so thank you". She has changed completely since I first saw her and for the better too, I just hope this can be the end of this crazy behaviour, although it still pains me to see the marks on her arm, this has really cheered me up. Knowing that we mohair to power to change peoples moods all over the world, from bad to good, and just with our presence, it's amazing.

Siva's POV

I can't believe those lot. They have ruined our big day and Claire is devastated. She said she didn't even want to go on the honeymoon, as we haven't even had a proper wedding, I managed to persuade her though. It's horrible to think in years to come it won't be "Oh my god, do you remember siva and claire's wedding? Her cheek bones looked even better than siva's! There like the perfect couple and the day, oh the day, it was just perfect" but NO! it will all be "Do you remember their wedding? It was a sham! Jay and Nathan fighting and Rheanna and Nathan caught together again!" it was meant to be our day and they ruined it with their own domestics. You would have thought that the best man and chief brides maid would have at least been able to control themselves! Ha! That's a joke. I am laying in the king sized bed in the luxury cottage, which Nathan booked us as a surprise. It is so beautiful, but not as much as Claire obviously. I look over at Claire who is laying besides me, she looks so peaceful when she's sleeping. Even though we were travelling late last night to get here, she still managed to wash her face and take her hair down from a curly bun. At that moment she wakes up and smiles. Her smile is so amazing! I never really saw the big obsession with "beautiful" smiles, until I met her. I remember, I was just nineteen and I was in town with my brother Kumar, when someone just caught my eye. It was her, claire. She was in town with her friends, just messing about and having a laugh. That's what I liked about her. She just didn't care about who was watching. She was so beautiful and I remember Kumar telling me that I had gone bright red. When she looked at me, it felt like she melted my heart, there and then. Once I had gathered the courage I went over to her and asked her out for a drink. She also went bright red and that's how I knew, she liked me too! A couple of months went by and things were going really well, we were meeting up all the time. Since then she has always been in my life. She even stuck with me through all of the auditioning and boy band stuff. I mean it must have been hard for me, going from spending every day with her to being busy all the time. When they decided to move us to London, I didn't even have to ask her about her coming with me, it was just a given. I didn't know how she would respond to the boys, but they were fine. I mean we could have got our own place last year, but we all get on so well, that we didn't want too and Claire was happy for us to stay. However I suppose that is all going to change now we are married.

Rheanna's POV

*The next day*

PC Pywell has arranged a meeting at his office for today, to discuss what we are going to say in court. Obviously PC Pywell didn't need to be there, but I don't really want to talk about what Lewis did to me without him there. He is the only one who even knows that Lewis hurt me. He doesn't know anything else. He doesn't know how he hurt me, how he stopped me from leaving the house, how he told me what to wear, how he beat me, how he tried to rape me. I don't even like to think about it, let alone tell someone I have just met about it. I mean what if they think it's my fault? I did cheat on him after all! I go to the office, slightly nervous about the whole thing. I walk up to the door and slowly turn the handle to open the door. It seems like this moment is going in slow motion. I walk in to find angel and PC Pywell talking. They both look around at me.

"Rheanna, you look really pale, don't you think El-" Angel pauses and then giggles "I mean PC Pywell" she looks slightly embarrassed. He begins to laugh too, but then remembers that I am stood there and stops.

"Yes she does. Do you want me to get you a glass of water?" he asks, smiling at me and about to stand up.

"No, it's fine. I'll go" I say, leaving the room. I don't think I can do this! I go down the corridor where there is a water tank. I get a plastic cup and put it under the tap. I slowly push push the button down. I really don't know what to do. I mean I can't let Nathan go to jail and I can't let Lewis not go to jail, but I just don't know what do. I don't know whether I can tell them. It's so embarrassing and every time I think about what happened, I just feel dirty! You know what I'm going to do this! I'm going to be strong for my baby and for Nathan. I have to do this. I go back into the room, only to find Angel and PC Pywell kissing. I just stand in the doorway with my mouth hanging open at the sight.

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