Part Thirty-Two

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Rheanna's POV

I sit on the toilet with my head in my hands, dreading the moment that I will have to go out there and face Lewis. "Rheanna, I said hurry up!" He shouts again.

"Erm, yes I'm coming" I say, just loud enough for him to hear. What am I going to go? Just then I hear him bang on the door. "Get out, Rheanna! You've had long enough, now" He shouts. I slowly own the door. I have made up smudged all over my face. He smiles at me. Then he holds onto my waist. He is holding me so tight that I can barley even move. He kisses me. Why am I letting him do this to me? I don't even know if I love him anymore. Why couldn't I just have told Nathan the way I really felt, instead of running back to Lewis? He was nice when I first met him in that club and I thought he was the best thing that had ever happened to me, but now he's making me hate him. What would make someone do this? It's like torture. I have to do what he says, wear what he says and I even have to say what he wants. I am not even my own person anymore. I'm just a shell, I used to be so strong, but now look at me! I'm nothing. The worst part of all of this is that I'm pregnant and as if it isn't bad enough for the baby, him doing this to me, he could be the father and what if he isn't he is going to be even more angry at me. He might even take it out on the baby, I can't let that happen. He finally pulls his horrible, slimy lips off of mine. He then drags me to the bed and pushes me down. I kick him and scream, as he holds my hands down. At that moment there is a knock at the door. Lewis gets off of me and runs down the stairs. I take this opportunity to run into the kitchen and get as much food as I can. I run back up the stairs and grab hold of some clothes and a pillow, I then run into the bathroom and lock the door. I then sit in front of it and cry again. I can hear Lewis talking to someone down stairs.

"She's asleep right now" Lewis lies.

"Oh right, I just wanted to know if she was ok"

"Yes, she's fine" Lewis says. Who could that be? Maybe it's Nathan, maybe he has finally realised that it's me he wants. Or maybe it is the police coming to see me about the abuse. I hear the door slam. I run to the window and I see Jay walking back to his car. Jay? Why did he want to know if I was ok? I bang on the window to try and get his attention, but he can't hear me.

"Rheanna, come out, come out wherever you are!" Lewis shouts. I just sit in front of the door silently. Then I hear a bang on the door. "I know you're in there, Rheanna!" I stay silent.

"Come out now, before I bang that door down!" He shouts again.

Maria's POV

I can't believe that Max actually believes that I would hold a grudge for this long, just because she slept with my boyfriend once.

"Tell me what really happened then" Max says in front of everyone.

"Fine!" I say bitterly, looking at Rach as she holds her head in embarrassment, everyone is now watching us. "One it wasn't my boyfriend, it was my fiancé! And for your information, she didn't even bother to tell me. Instead she turned up at my wedding and told him that she loved him and that she wanted to be with him. She made me look like a fool. I was stood there in my wedding dress in front of all of my friends and family, whilst she decides to ruin it and humiliate me. The thing that hurt most of all was that he admitted to it in front of everyone and then they decided to kiss and run out of the church together, leaving me hear broken at the alter. Is that really the sort of person you want to be with?" Everyone just looks at me in shock.

"I'm sorry!" Rach says again.

"Your only sorry because you've ran into me. You haven't even bothered to contact me in the last two years! Oh, and I suppose she hasn't told you about the other stuff either then" I turn to Max.

"Other stuff?" Max says looking really embarrassed.

"Yes, other stuff!" I begin.

"No, Maria don't!" Rach begs.

"No, Maria do" Max says, looking at Rach in disgust.

"Ok, well I bet she never told you that she has been in jail, did she? And for what? Oh what was it again? Oh yeah for stealing money from people, including me and my mother. Oh and what was it for? Drugs of course"

"That's in the past! I'm clean now I swear!" She says, turning back to Max.

"You've made me look like an idiot! Why didn't you just tell me the truth in the first place, then we could have worked through this together" He says disappointed.

"Well, because I was embarrassed. I'm so sorry, Max, Please forgive me" She says, crying.

"No, get out. I don't even know who you are anymore!" He shouts as he gets up and goes to his room, slamming the door. Tom puts his arm around me and kisses me on my forehead holding me tightly.

Jay's POV

I went over to Rheanna's house to see if she was OK, because Kelsea keeps on telling me how Rheanna is letting everyone down by not coming to the Church services. I mean she is, isn't she. Claire chose her to be the maid of honour, but she just doesn't seem to care. She is making a mockery out of this wedding. If I was Siva I would have replaced her by now. However when I went round to her house, she didn't even come to the door, maybe she knew it was me and didn't want to face up to what she is doing or maybe she is actually ill. I mean Lewis did say that she was in bed. I just think that something needs to be done. The wedding is in like three weeks, for Gods sake!

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