Part Fifty-Six

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Rheanna's POV

*6.30 PM*

I leave the house to meet Norman. I leave Nathan with Leo, and walk because I don't want him to see Nathan and start a fight or something. He doesn't like it when I bring company. I go down the dark ally where we always meet. I walk over to him, wearing a black hoodie and jeans; I have the hood up so that nobody can see my face. I then see a black figure down the ally, the figure also has his hood up, so I can't see who it is. I walk over to them and they suddenly pull their hood down. It's a girl with ginger curly hair, scraped back into a pony tail; she has freckles and is wearing glasses. She smiles at me knowingly. She is like Norman's sidekick. They are always together. Norman appears out of the shadows and spins Hannah round. He kisses her and then he turns to me.

"Have you got the money then?" He asks me, letting go of Hannah.

"Yes, but that's it, I'm out, finished" I tell him, handing him he notes, which were in my pocket. At this, both Hannah and Norman begin to laugh.

"You're out? There is no 'I'm out' and you know that!" Hannah laughs.

"What? I don't want to do this anymore! I have a family now" I tell them.

"So, what? It won't last. People like us, don't have families, you know that" Norman says, aggressively. At this is shake my head and I go to turn away, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Or do you want an anomalous tip off, like George did, when he told me he was out? Or do you want to turn out like Sally?" He asks me. Sally was a young girl, she was only seventeen. She got involved with Norman and she decided she didn't want to do it anymore. She ignored Norman when he said she had to stay. She moved away to Spain, but he found her and killed her. She went 'missing' and it was all over the news. They never did find the body but I know it was him. Everyone does, but there was no proof, so he got away with it.

"Well, I'm going to Egypt in two weeks" I tell him.

"Well I know where to find you, if you don't take these to Derik and Greg then!" he says, letting go of my arm and getting two packages out of his hoodie. He shoves them into my hoodie pocket. "They need this by tomorrow and they've already paid so don't worry about that. I will see you when you get back from Egypt, and I will see you. I will ring you" He tells me. I nod, before walking away. Instead of going back to the house, I go to Derik's flat. It is in one of the roughest parts of London. I enter the estate to see youths in hoodies, stood in ally ways everywhere. As I am walking towards the Harley block of flats, I am approached by a couple of youths. I can't see their faces, because their hood is creating a shadow over their faces.

"Yes, Rheanna" One of them says. It's a familiar voice. It's just one of Norman's many clients.

"You got any skunk?" He asks me.

"No, I'm only delivering today, Ben" I tell him.

"Oh, shame. Tell Norm, I will be coming down to see him on Saturday for some more of that meow meow" He tells me, before walking away. I carry on walking towards the block of flats. Once I get there I press the buzzer for, flat 27. I hear it buzz and I open the door. I walk up all of the stairs to floor three, as the lift is always disgusting. It always smells of wee and has graffiti painted on everywhere. I reach the flat and it has a metal door, with a peek hole. I knock on the door and then the door opens. I see a man, with huge muscles, stood there with brown hair and a glass eye.

"Hey Derik" I say, handing him the package.

"Is it all there?" he asks me.

"I think so, Norman just gave it to me like this" I tell him.

"Alright, then. Tell him that I need some more coke; I've run out and thanks. Where have you been, anyway? That weird Hannah's been delivering to me, this last month" he asks.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I was going through some stuff and I had my baby. But, I'm back now so don't worry. However in two weeks I'll be away again, because I'm going to Egypt" I tell him.

"Really. Great! It's nice to see you again, Rheanna and if I don't see you before, then have a nice time" He says, closing the door. I then run back down the stairs and as I go I can hear screams and banging. There is always stuff going on in this block. I would hate to live here. This has got to be one of the worst places in London. I then head out of the estate and into the nicer end. I go to one of the big houses and I knock on the door. Then a woman answers the door.

"Gregory! Rheanna is here, for you" She shouts in a posh voice. I can hear a violin playing in the background. He comes to the door, wearing a suit.

"Hello there, Rheanna" He says. I hand him the package and then he smiles and he says "How much is Norman paying you now? You must be his little assistant by now. You are always delivering to me and there's never anything missing" He too, speaks in an incredibly posh voice.

"No" I laugh "He only ways me 10% of what I make" I tell him.

"Well here you go, it's 30% from me, get yourself something nice" He says, handing me £30, and then he shuts the door. When I get back to the house, Nathan is sat on the sofa, watching Family guy. He looks up at me and asks "Where the hell have you been? It's 10.25!"

"Sorry, I ran into an old school friend. I was going to call, but I had no reception" I lie.

"Well at least your home now. Guess who I saw this morning"

"Who?" I ask him, hoping he didn't meet Norman.

"Wouter and he still hasn't told Lauren about Angel" He tells me.

"What? That slimy cheat! That's it, I'm going round there" I tell him, storming out of the house, just before the door shuts I hear Nathan call after me "They'll be asleep, Rheanna, come back" But I ignore him and keep walking. Even though I don't know my way from the boys flat to Lauren's, I do to my own house. I walk all the way to their house, still wearing my hoodie with the hood up. I bang on the door, for around ten minuets before Wouter answers the door.

"What do you want?" He whispers, but I ignore him. I push him out of the way and walk into the house. I see Lauren sat on the sofa with her feet up. She is watching some kind of documentary. She looks up and her face drops when she sees me.

"What the hell do you want?" She asks bitterly.

"I need to tell you something" I tell her.

"What that you're sleeping with Wouter? Well, I already know, you little whore!" She says, loudly. I hear Frankie-Olivia begin to cry, upstairs. "Look what you've done now! You've woken Frankie up"

"What that was you and no, I'm not sleeping with Wouter. Why would I do that to you?" I ask her.

"Well, something's been going on and I know you like him!" She tells me.

"No, I don't! I love Nathan!" I tell her. "Tell her Wouter!" I demand. Wouter just looks at me and then looks away.

"Tell her, now!" I shout.

"What's going on, now?" Lauren asks, worried.

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