Part Fifty-One

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Nathan's POV

I sit there staring at Jay, waiting for him to continue, but he doesn't. He just looks back at his lap and doesn't answer.

"Go on then" I say slightly irritated.

"Fine, it started a couple of months ago, the day when you had that fight with Renee. You stormed out remember? She was really upset and everyone else went out." He starts.

"Oh my god! You didn't, did you?" I ask shocked.

"What?" He asks confused, but after a second I see the realisation on his face of what I am accusing him of. He looks slightly disgusted. "No of course not! I would never do that!"

"Good, what happened then?" I ask him, wondering what on earth the reason could have been.

"Well I went into your room, where she was still sitting. I made her a cup of tea because she seemed very depressed and I was feeling a bit down too. We were sat on the bed talking for a while, before she then reached into her bag and-" He says looking ashamed.

"What is it?" I ask curiously. Just as he opens his mouth to speak, my phone begins to ring. It is Rach. What's she ringing me for? I don't even know her that well.

Rach's POV

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. How the hell did this happen? I was just walking down the street normally walking down the street. Why did I have to be texting, why? It's my entire fault. I look down at the road, to see Rheanna lying on the floor, motionless. I can't help it, there are tears streaming down my face. I kneel down next to her, trying not to touch her. The man in the car is still sat there at the wheel in shock. He finally gets out and comes over to us.

"I've just called the ambulance. I'm so sorry. She just fell into the road, it all happened so fast" The man looks about thirty and he is also crying. After about ten minutes of me begging Rheanna to answer me, the ambulance pulls up alongside us with flashing lights. By this time there is an audience and the paramedics have to push their way through everyone.

"Can you tell me her name?" One of them asks. There is three of them, which is scary because they only usually have two.

"I', Rach and her names Rheanna and she is pregnant" I tell them, still sobbing.

"Well then Rach, you and your friend are going to come with us, come on" He says as one of the other paramedics wheels over the stretcher. Two of them slowly lift her up and take her into the back of the ambulance. They had already checked for broken bones and it must have been fine. They all look very worried as she is losing blood still, once we are in the ambulance, the first paramedic begins to do first aid on Rheanna, the second one is driving and the third is sitting with me, trying to calm me down. After what seems like years, we finally pull up outside the hospital, the doors swing open and before I could even move, Rheanna is wheeled away on the bed. I run after her and the paramedic tells me "We are going to have to take her straight to surgery now, Rach, because she could lose the baby if we don't. Now you sit in the waiting room just over there and contact her family and the baby's father", with that he leaves me standing there whilst he wheels her into theatre. I sit in the waiting room, shaking with both shock and fear. I pick up my phone and dial Nathan's number. I sit there waiting for him to answer. It seems like it takes forever, before he finally answers.

"Erm, hello?" He asks, confused,

"Nathan, you need to get to the hospital, its Rheanna, there's been an accident" I sob again. He doesn't say anything, he just hangs up. After about ten minutes, he comes running down the corridor, towards me.

"What happened?" He asks worriedly. I then notice Jay running behind him.

"She fell into the road and it's my entire fault. We bumped into each other and the car hit her" I say in a fluster/

"What, where is she?"Nathan asks me, with his eyes starting to fill up with tears.

"They've rushed her into theatre, and the baby, well it might die" I sob again.

"What?" he says sitting on the chair next to me and putting his head in his hands. Just then a doctor comes down the corridor. Nathan jumps up and runs over to them.

"Erm, my girlfriend got brought in, after being hit by a car and she's pregnant" He says panicked.

"Hang on, let me just check" he says going off down the corridor. Less than a minute later he returns.

"Well she's been taken into theatre and they are performing an emergency caesarean. There is a possibility that you could still lose the baby. However Rheanna seems to be alright. She will hopefully recover after the surgery in a couple of days. Although we do ask you to prepare yourself for the worst, just in case" he tells us, before walking away again.

Nathan's POV

I can't believe that all of this has happened, after everything, this could be the time where everything goes wrong and we lose the baby. I don't know how I will cope. I love Rheanna and although it's the first time I have admitted this to myself, it's true. I promised her that nothing was going to hurt her again, but here we are. I'm sat in a waiting room, waiting to find out whether my baby is going to survive or not. I can't handle this, it's just too much. I almost broke down when we almost lost the baby last time. Maybe this is a sign, maybe we just aren't meant to have a baby, and I don't even know if it's my baby. I just don't know what to do. I feel so useless sat here, whilst she's in there and our baby could be dying! Just then, another doctor comes down the corridor, but this time he actually comes over to us.

"Are you Mr Nathan Sykes?" he asks me. I nod, dreading to think what he is going to say. "I have both good and bad news. I stop dead, waiting for the news. Dreading what the bad news could be. Have we lost him? Or what if we've lost Rheanna? This is killing me.

"So which one do you want first? Good or bad?" he asks.

"bad" I reply, scared at what it could be.

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