Part Thirty-Eight

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Rheanna's POV

What am I going to do? I can't just go back with him, can I? He's made my life hell for the past month and I just can't put myself through that again. I have to say something though; Nathan is just staring at me, waiting for me to answer. Then suddenly Lewis looks at me and begins to walk towards me. I turn away and run out of the door. Nathan chases after me. "Tell me what's going on, Rheanna" He says, stopping. I stop running and look behind me, to see Nathan standing there, panting. He smiles at me reassuringly. However then I see that Lewis is running up behind him. "Nathan!" I shout, as Lewis pushes Nathan over. He falls to the floor. Lewis then walks over to me and grabs hold of my hair. He begins to drag me down the street. I try to wiggle away, but it just doesn't work. He is too strong. "I never said you could leave, did I? You little bitch!" He shouts at me. I can't even see anything because he is holding my head at arm's length and all I can see is the floor. Then all of a sudden Lewis falls over, dragging me down with him. I look up to see Nathan stood over us, kicking Lewis. He bends down and helps me up, with blood all over his face. I climb up and Nathan hugs me tightly, as if he never wants to let me go again. I stand there with my head on his shoulder, crying. After about two minutes, he pulls away and looks at me, deep in my eyes. "Are you ok?" He asks me, worried.

"Yes, I'm fine now" I tell him.

"So I take it you weren't with your sister in Scotland then?" He asks me. I shake my head and he hugs me again.

"You just don't get it do you?" I hear Lewis shout. Me and Nathan both pull away and look over at where Lewis was laying. He isn't there anymore. Then Lewis punches Nathan in the face. Nathan punches him back, repeatedly, until Lewis falls to the floor. He carries on kicking him and then after about five minutes of violence Nathan turns back to me and put his arms around me again. "I won't let him hurt you again" He tells me.

"Nathan?" I hear another voice say, from behind me. We both look up and see Renee stood there with make-up all over her face and crying. She storms over to us and slaps me right around the face.

"No! It wasn't good enough you taking him the first time was it, you had to take him again didn't you?" She says. "We've only been broken up about half an hour, Nathan!"

"Renee, it's not what you think" Nathan says pulling her off of me, but she didn't listen and she just walked off down the street.

Max's POV

The wedding was so amazing. It was it bit awkward between me and Rach though. I don't know why she just didn't tell me the truth in the first place. I asked her and she lied to me. She knew I didn't care about what it is, and I still don't, but it's the fact that she didn't tell me the truth about it in the first place. I had to find out from Maria! I know she has done wrong and I mean, who hasn't. I will forgive her one day, but I just need time. I mean if she couldn't tell me about that then what else is she hiding from me. I decide that I need some air; I can't be in the same room as her right now. It's killing me. I go outside and all I can see is Rheanna and Nathan hugging in the street, with Renee walking off down the street. What the hell is going on? Like they haven't already made a mess of their relationships once already, and I got pushed in a fountain for Gods sake. I mean what they are thinking. I go over to them, planning to give them a piece of my mind. However as I get closer, I notice that there is someone laying on the floor. Who is that? As I get closer I realise that it is Lewis and he has blood coming from his head. I begin to run over to them and they don't even seem bothered.

"What's going on? Has anyone called an ambulance?" I ask, in a fluster.

"Erm, no" Nathan says, awkwardly.

"What? Well don't you think someone should" I ask them, getting my phone from my pocket. I call the emergency services and tell them everything. I then kneel down next to him and hold onto his wrist to check his pulse. Thankfully he has one, but it's very weak. I can't believe that whilst poor lewis is fighting for his life, Rheanna is all over Nathan like a rash, it's ridiculous! And not to mention sick. I thought she was a nice girl, but I'm starting to change my mind.

*around ten minuets later*

Nathan and Rheanna still seem like they don't care. They are just cuddling and talking. How very romantic! I can now hear sirens which is a good sign. Then suddenly an ambulance pulls along side me, almost running me over and making me jump. Then two paramedics rush out and run to Lewis. They kneel beside him, as people start to come outside of the venue to see what all the commotion is about. Even Nathan and Rheanna seem to be interested now. "only one person can come with him" one of the paramedics say as the other one wheels Lewis into the ambulance on a wheeled stretcher bed. The paramedic is a young blond girl who looks at extremely pretty and much too young to have a career. She looks around, waiting for someone to speak up and go with Lewis. I look at Rheanna, "do you want to go?" I ask her.

"no" she says nervously and looking at the floor.

"fine, I'll go!" I say, bitterly. I climb into the ambulance next to him and then we begin to drive away with the sirens on.

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