Part Fifty-Three

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Nathan's POV

Everyone is sat around looking at Rheanna, wondering how the hell she got hit by a car. Every cloud has a silver lining and because she got hit by a car it meant that we could meet our son just a little bit sooner and it means I can find out if I'm the dad or not. However, there is another thing which I need to know, and that is what Renee gave to Jay and what does that have to do with Rheanna.

"Oh no, it looks like my surprise is ruined" Siva says upset.

"What?" we all say, looking at him suspiciously? What the hell is that weirdo on about now?

"Oh, did I say that out loud? Sorry" He says going red, but everyone carries on staring at him. "Fine then. I planned a surprise for us all, for in a months time, for us all to go on holiday, it was going to be amazing. I've booked us a beautiful viler in Egypt and it has its own pool and everything, but I don't think the baby will be able to come will it. Oh I keep calling him, it. What's his name?" Siva asks.

"Leo" I smile. "But when's this all for?"

"It's for in a month's time, on the fifth. I thought it would be the thing that would bring us all back together" he says.

"Well we can still go. No offence Rheanna." Tom smiles.

"Yeah, you can still go and anyway it depends if Leo is better. If he has been discharged then yes, we'd all love to come" Rheanna says, smiling.

Jay's POV

"hey, who wants coffee?" I ask everyone.

"Me" Claire and Siva say together. They are so in-sync these days, ever since they got married, they can't even be apart and now they have even started talking at the same time, it's just weird!

"I'll have one if your going" Rach says, trying not to look at Max, even though both of them have been staring at each other since Max arrived about two hours ago. I don't understand why they don't just make up. It's just awkward and then there's Maria who can't even look at Rach. I mean their sisters, this is just ridiculous. They are both involved in our group now, whether they like each other or not. There going to have to get along.

"What about you Rheanna?" I ask her smiling.

"No, I can't. They said I can only drink water, whilst I'm on this stupid drip" she replies.

"When can you come off it then? I mean you seem fine to me" I ask her.

"They said, tomorrow and they also said that I should be discharged by Monday" Today is Friday so that's not too long I guess. I walk out of the door and just as I was about to close the door, I hear Nathan say "I'll go help him, with those drinks". He then comes down the corridor after me.

"Tell me then Jay. What happened between you and Renee?" Nathan asks me, worried at what the answer could be.

"Ok, what happened was, we were sat on the bed and she pulled out some drugs. I said no at first, but then she started taking some of the drug, so I thought I'd join in. It was stupid and I regret it. All I remember is getting this really amazing buzz from it and I felt like I was flying" I say, putting the money into the coffee machine.

"What? What type of drug was it Jay?" He asks worriedly.

"Heroin" I say.

"Heroin? Where would you even get that from?" Nathan asks me, confused.

"Rheanna" I say quietly.

"What? So that's why you went to the house?" He asks me angrily.

"Well, at first no. I was buying it from Renee, but then I asked her where she was getting it from and she said that she gets it from different places, but she has got it from Rheanna once or twice. So I went and asked her about it and she sold me some" I explain.

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