Part Fifteen

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Rheanna's POV

It's been three days since Me and Nathan, well you know. I feel so guilty and Lewis hasn't been answering my calls again. It's so hard being away from him because despite what people think or will think if they find out, I do love him and Nathan has just ruined it. How could I be so stupid? I knew Nathan would try something when he asked to come over, but I let him anyway. I just don't want to lose Lewis. I will break me if he doesn't forgive me. Then I hear my phone vibrate from the other side of the room. I jump up in the hope that it would be Lewis, but it isn't. Will he ever speak to me again? The text was from Claire saying "Don't forget, we have to go to church again tomorrow" Oh great! So on top of everything I have to go to church with Renee and Nathan! Could it get any worse?

Jay's POV

Me and Kelsea have been having a great time together. I never though it would happen but it has, and it turns out that she liked me for years too. I should have just made a move the first time I got these feelings and maybe we would have been together before. However, in a way it has kind of made us stronger because we have wanted this for so long. It's so amazing, I find myself wanting to be with her every minuet of the day and more. This is like a dream and I'm loving every minuet of it, and that's why I am going to ask her. I mean it's about time isn't it and I'm sure she will be happy with the idea. I mean we have been getting on so well lately. I pick up my phone and text her saying "Do you want to meet me for lunch?" I hope she says yes, to both this question and the one I will ask her when we meet. She is so amazing! I don't know what I would do without her. She texts back almost instantly "Ok then, the usual place?" the usual place is the bridge where we always meet. It is so beautiful and it is also the place where we first met. I had bumped into her and accidentally spilt my coffee all down her. Thankfully it was only warm. She wasn't even angry at what happened and she was so beautiful. We just got talking and everything, but unfortunately she had a boyfriend at that point so I just kept my feelings for her to myself. However he was horrible and cheated on her, but I didn't want to seem like I was taking advantage by telling her when they had just split up, so I just left it. But now it's finally happened after three long years and I couldn't be happier!

Renee's POV

Nathan has been acting really weird again. I mean one minuet he's normal and loves me and the next he can't stand to be in the same room as me. What is wrong with him? He's sending too many mixed signals and I just love him too much to let him go. But I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel like I'm just alone. I'm in the house all day on my own and Nathan doesn't even call. And when I talk to him, he only gives one word answers, as if he can't stand me. It's not even like I can talk to Maria about it these days, because she is too busy with Tom, I just feel so alone! I wish Nathan would just tell me what is going on.

Kelsea's POV

I go to meet Jay at the bridge, not really knowing what he wants to talk to me about. I am stood on the bridge, holding onto the hand rail and looking into the wanted when I feel someone put their hands over my eyes "Guess who?" Jay says, sweetly.

"Oh I don't know?" I say sarcastically. He takes his hands off of my eyes and he swings me round. He catches me in his arms and kisses me, passionately. He is so adorable. I can't believe I have managed to get such an amazing guy. He's like a dream come true. We go into a little café and we sit down opposite each other on a small table by the window. We order our drinks and then Jay says "I have something for you" he reaches into his pocket and gets on one knee with a little box in his hand. What is he doing? This is so embarrassing! Everyone is looking at us. Oh no, what am I going to say? I'm not sure if I'm ready to get married right now! Why can't we just continue the way that were going and see how it goes. We've only been together a few weeks and it seems so soon. He opens the box and inside there is a key.

"Will you move in with me, Kelsea?" he asks with a big smile on his face. What?

"You weirdo" I laugh "Of course I will move in with you" he smiles and gives me the box. He sits back down.

Siva's POV

*The next day*

So today is the second time we are going to church, which means we only have four more sessions after this, and then it's the wedding. I can't wait! I am finally marrying the girl of my dreams and she seems to be happy too. So it's about 7.00 and the service starts at 7.30. The girls have all just arrived and I can feel a lot of tension. I don't get why though. I mean their all like best friends. I can understand why Nathan might feel a little awkward though, being the only man, apart from me of course.

"So is everyone ready then?" I ask, trying to move everyone out of the house and towards the van. Once we get in the van Kelsea goes straight to the back and sits on her own. Then Rheanna sits by the window on the seat in-front of Kelsea and Renee joins her. Then Nathan sits by himself, and just looks out of the window. The whole journey is silent and awkward. Once we get to the church everyone climbs out of the van as quickly as possible to get away from the awkwardness. Rheanna and Nathan are the last two to get out and I can sense that something is going on between them, because of the way they look at each other.

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