Part Four

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Claire’s POV

I wake to the sound of our bedroom door opening, “Siva” I mumble, as I open my eyes. I rub my eyes, before rolling over to face the door, where Siva is standing. “Where are you sneaking off to?” I ask him, with a weak smile on my face.

“I’ve just got to pop out, but don’t worry. I will be back soon” he tells me, to which I lift one eyebrow.

“I thought you didn’t have work today?” I ask him, in slight confusion. Where is he going?

“I know I’m just going to see a friend” he tells me, but I can tell he’s lying. We’ve been together for two years and you would have thought he would work out that things don’t get passed me, but obviously not.

“Who?” I ask him, knowing that his only real friends are the boys and the other people that work behind the band.

“Mark?” he says, but he phases it like a question, rather than an answer, which tells me that he’s defiantly lying to me.

“Why are you going to see him for?” I ask him. Mark is the bands writer and I’m sure Siva doesn’t even talk to him, unless it’s about the band,

“We’re just going for a pint” he says, but again, I can see the lies spilling out of his mouth.

“At this time?” I ask him, knowing that he never drinks alcohol at this time in the morning; it’s just one of his rules.

“Yeah. Look, I really have to go. I’ll see you later” he tells me, as he darts out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Why is he lying to me? Siva wouldn’t cheat on me would he? No, of course not. We love each other and if he was to make a mistake like that, he would come clean to me straight away and he would never let these things continue. Siva’s one of the good guys out there and I know he would never do anything to hurt me.

Rheanna’s POV

My head is pounding. I drank so much alcohol last night, and having Lewis stopping me from sleeping didn’t help. He seems like am really nice guy, but I suppose they all do. It doesn’t mean I’m going to see him again, not that I wouldn’t want to.

As I get out of bed and begin to get dressed, there is only one thing on my mind and that’s Nathan. I can’t believe he called me last night and for what? He didn’t even explain to me what he wanted, but I suppose that’s just his way.

“Morning” Lewis says, as he re-enters my room, with two cups of tea.

“Oh, you’re still here?” I ask him, slightly shocked at the fact.

“What? Do you want me to leave?” he asks me, as he looks around the room and he looks quite hurt at the suggestion.

“No, it’s just, when I woke up, you weren’t next to me. So, I thought you’d left” I smile, as I quickly throw some clothes on.

“Why would I do that?” he asks, as he puts the teas down on the bedside table and walks over to me. He wraps his hands around my waist and kisses me lightly on the lips.

“I don’t know, it’s just what normally happens” I explain, as he slowly pulls away again. He takes his hands from around me and then he picks up the teas again. He hands one to me, before taking a sip of his own.

“So what are you doing today?” he asks me.

“I’m just going to see a friend. We can meet up later though” I say and then I realise how quickly this is moving. “Well if you want to, that is” I add, trying to keep it cool.

“I’d love to” he tells me, with a smile, as he continues to drink his tea. I quickly drink mine too and as soon as it’s all gone, I decide it’s time for me to go and make peace with Nathan.

“Right, I’ve got to go” I tell him, as I put the empty mug on the bedside table.

“I’ll call you then?” Lewis asks me, as I make my way to the door, with him following behind me.

“Yeah” I say, with a smile emerging on my face. It looks like I don’t need Nathan after all.

It’s not long before I find myself knocking on the boy’s door. I wait several seconds, before the door swings open and Tom is standing before me in just his boxers.

“Why hello there” I smile, as I eye up his perfectly structured body.

“You alright?” he asks me.

“Yeah thanks, you?” I ask him, as I stare at his six-pack.

“Yep” he says, obviously noticing me ogling him. “You can touch it if you want?” he laughs.

“What?” I ask, nervously.

“My six-pack. You can touch it if you want” he smirks. I look at his face for a second and then I look back down at his six-pack. I slowly reach my hand out and I place my hand on his six-pack, before stroking it. “Alright, alright, that’s enough” he laughs, as he takes a step back and then opens the door so I can enter. I quickly shake my head at the thought of what just happened, not that I’m not used to it. Tom is always flirting with just about every girl he meets.

“So is Nathan here?” I ask him, as I close the door behind me.

“Oh how did I guess you were here for Nathan?” he asks me, with a cheeky smirk.

“What?” Nathan asks, as he pops his head over the sofa, so he’s now visible.

“Maybe you’re psychic” I say, as I poke Tom in his chest and then I make my way into the living room. “Hi” I say, as I sit down on the sofa, next to Nathan. “What’s going on?” I ask.

“What do you mean?” he asks and I can hear the confusion in his voice and Tom soon wonders off into his room.

“Well you called me last night and you sounded worried. Are you ok?”

“Oh it doesn’t matter. I just wanted your advice about something” he sounds slightly annoyed, which is odd. Why would he be annoyed at me? I haven’t done anything wrong.

“Well Nathan, I do have other things to do other than giving you advice, you know” I tell him, as I fold my arms in annoyance. It’s like he expects my life to revolve around him.

“Sorry! Anyway who was the guy you were with?” he asks and I can tell that he’s not sorry at all. He’s just saying it, so he can find out information about what happened, which is annoying in itself.

“It was just a guy. I don’t know why you’re so bothered about who I was with anyway” I tell him.

“Oh whatever!” he raises his voice, as he stands up and storms off into his room and slamming the door behind him. What is wrong with that guy? It’s like everyone else is allowed to have a love life apart from me. It’s as if he expects me to remain single, just so I can be his little puppet and help him along with his life. Well not anymore. I’m going to live my life the way I want to, and if he doesn’t like that, then I suppose I’m just going to have to lose a friend.

Max’s POV

I wake up next to a beautiful young woman. She was so nice and I really like her. She made me feel so alive last night and I’ve missed that. At that moment, she begins to move slightly and then her eyes flutter open.

“Morning” I smile, as I stroke her hair.

“Oh morning. I’m surprised your still here” she smiles, as if she’s relieved.

“Why?” I ask her.

“Well usually guys run off before I wake up” she says, with a slight giggle.

“Oh come on, I bet they don’t. You’re amazing” I tell her, as I lean in to kiss her, but she moves away.

“We only met yesterday” she tells me.

“Yeah, but I like what I do know about you” I reassure her. “Now can I kiss you?” I ask her, to which she nods and then kisses me on the lips.

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