Part Five

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Siva’s POV

So the plan is all in process, the only thing left to do is tell Claire about it. I just hope she doesn’t react too badly to the whole idea. She can over react sometimes, alright, all the time and it isn’t a good thing if you’re me.

When I get back to the flat, I make my way to my bedroom. I take a deep breath before opening the door. When I get inside, I realise that Claire isn’t even here. Where the hell would she be? I make my way back out of my room, where I notice Rheanna sitting on the sofa, texting.

“Are you alright?” I ask her, as I walk over to where she’s sitting.

“Yeah. I was just going” she says, but I can tell she’s upset.

“What’s up?” I ask her, as I sit down next to her.

“Nothing, it’s alright. I’ve just been feeling a little down lately, but it’s all good” she says, whilst flashing a weak smile at me. She then stands up and makes for the door.

“Well if you ever need to talk, you know where I am” I call after her.

“Thanks, Siva” she says, as she turns back to me and smiles. She then disappears out the door, leaving me alone. I suppose I better call Claire and find out where she’s wondered off to.

I pick up my phone and I quickly dial her number, before pressing the one to my ear.

“Hello?” she asks, down the phone.

“Where are you?” I ask her, and even though I can’t see her, I know she’s rolling her eyes.

“I’m with Kelsea” she says. Ever since me and Claire got together she’s felt the need to hang around with my friends and even Jay’s. It’s not a problem; I just think she should have her own friends, that way it gives us a chance to be apart sometimes.

“Ok then, but we need to talk. Can you come home?” I ask her.

“Fine” she says, before slamming the phone down. I wait patiently, but after half an hour, I realise that she’s purposely taking ages to get home. She does that when she’s annoyed with me, but I don’t understand why she would be annoyed with me. So I went out this morning. I didn’t think that was a crime.

At that moment the door swings open and Claire walks in, with Kelsea and Jay following behind her. Once their all in, she slams the door and then storms over to me.

“What?” she snaps, as Jay and Kelsea make their way towards Jay’s bedroom.

“Where are you going guys, sit down” she says and everyone knows that once Claire gets an idea into her head, you have to go along with it. Jay and Kelsea look at each other, before making their way over to the other couch. They both sit down and I can tell their trying to avoid eye contact with both me and Claire. “Go on then, we needed to talk” she says, which makes me feel even more awkward.

“Come on, let’s go to my room” I say, but she just scowls at me.

“I thought it was our room” she says, as she stares into my soul. I can see Jay and Kelsea shifting awkwardly.

“Come on, you’re making a show of yourself. Let’s talk in our room” I suggest, but she doesn’t seem to get the picture.

“Whatever you have to say to me, you can say it in front of everyone” she tells me.

“Fine” I scowl at her, before pulling the little box out of my pocket and throwing it at her.

“What’s this?” she says, as she picks it up and just stares at the box.

“Open it” I tell her, in the same bitter tone. She slowly opens it and as the light reflects off of the diamond, I see her face drop.

“Siva” she says, in sweet and quiet tone. “Are you?” she asks, but before she can finish the question, I cut her off.

“Claire Moore, I love you so much and there is nothing I would want more than to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” I ask her and I watch as her face drops even more.

“Of course I will” she says, as she leans in and kisses me. “I’m so sorry, for being so horrible to you” she tells me.

“Don’t worry about it, you weren’t to know” I tell her.

“I thought you were cheating on me” she tells me.

“What? Why would you think that? I would never do that” I tell her, to which she smiles.

Nathan's POV

Renee agreed to let us go slow and so far it's been fine. The only thing is, Rheanna has started to act weird. She is usually so nice and helpful but now she's being cheeky and aggressive. Not to mention the fact that she’s started to hang around the flat a lot more. Sure she’s always been a part of our little group, but never like this. Most of the time she would come over and sit with me, but now it’s like she doesn’t even want to know me. I think it probably has something to do with this new guy she’s been seeing and I just don't know whether our friendship is going survive this. I mean what is wrong with her! I haven't even done anything wrong, but she still seems to hate me right now. It's like I can't even talk to her!

Rheanna's POV

*The next day* 

I am really happy for Claire and Siva. I mean I was kind of expecting it, seeing as though they have been together so long and they are so sweet together. I hope I have a relationship like theirs one day. In the back of my mind I always had this tiny little feeling that me and Nathan would get together and be like that, but it's never going to happen. I mean he likes that Renee and she is so much prettier than me. Not to mention the fact that he acts like he hates me most of the time, these days. It's like I can't do anything right. That's why I knew I needed to find someone else to get with, to make myself feel good again. Then I met Lewis and he is amazing. I only met him a yesterday, but I just feel like we have chemistry. He is so handsome and has the softest hair I have ever felt, like silk. Then there are his eyes, they are so beautiful and blue. I don't think I have seen eyes so beautiful, well apart from Nathan’s. I don't know whether I should call him? Maybe it was just a one night thing, maybe he won't want to see me again or maybe he didn't even like me! Maybe he was just in it for the sex. That's it I'm ringing him! 

"Hello?" I hear a deep, sexy voice say down the phone. 

"Hey, it's me Rheanna. The girl from last night" I say nervously. 

"Yeah I remember you. I am quite glad you rang actually. I was kind of battling with myself to ring you. So, anyway, what's up?" He asks me, still sounding sexy. 

"Well I thought that you might want to, I don't know, meet up again?" I say nervously. 

"Yeah, I'd love to!" he tells me very enthusiastically. 

So we planned to meet up tomorrow. I can't wait! Maybe he really does like me. I know it seems stupid but I've never been in a real relationship before. I mean I've had boyfriends and that, but not someone that I really liked and I've never had a serious relationship. Maybe this could be the first.

Maria's POV

I actually can't believe everything that's happened. I mean just a few days ago I was sat in my bedroom watching Jeremy Kyle, not really having much to do or think about. My life was so boring that I had to watch other people's problems. But now, now everything's changed. Like an exposition, everything was so peaceful, and now everything is just a mess, and it will never be the same again. Maybe it's changed for the better. I mean I love The Wanted and Tom is just so fit, but do we really know them? What if they are nothing like we thought? What if they are just in it for the sex like every other guy I know? I mean I think Tom was actually trying to flirt with me the other day, but I'm just not sure if I want to get into that whole, dating a pop star thing. I like my peace and The Wanted are in the spot light all the time! Do I really want that? I mean I know Renee really likes Nathan and it seems like it could work, but for how long? I bet money on the fact that he is going to break her heart! And I just don't want that for my best friend!

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