Part Twenty

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Kelsea's POV

*In the church*

It was so awkward in the van and to be honest it isn't much better now were in the church. Everyone is just sitting there, not speaking to each other. What's going on? Rheanna is still wearing those ridiculous sun glasses. Which is a bit disrespectful, seeing as though we are in a house of God. The priest keeps looking at her too.

"Oi, take them glasses off, it's disrespectful" I tell her.

"I can't" she says.

"The priest keeps looking at you"

"Shhhh" Claire says, annoyed.

"Fine" Rheanna says, bitterly. She removes the glasses slowly, to reveal that she has a black eye.

"How the hell did that happen?" I ask her, confused. A couple of old women turn around from in font of us. They give us the dirtiest look I've ever seen.

"What's you looking at?" Rheanna says, rudely.

"You pair shut up, before you get us kicked out" Claire says bitterly.

"Sorry" I say, embarrassed.

Maria's POV

Surly that can't be her can it? I told her I never wanted to see her again, but yet here she is, hanging around like a bad smell. Surly she would have heard in magazines and things, that I'm going out with Tom. But yet she turns up here, never the less. What am I going to do? I can't be dealing with this right now! If I tell people how I know her, it is going to reflect really badly on me as well as her.

Rheanna's POV

*About three days later*

So it's been about a week since Renee found out about me and Nathan, and I still have a black eye, from where she punched me. It is also really awkward seeing as though we are both brides maids for the wedding and Nathan is the best man. I mean nothing good can come from that can it. It's pushing us together all the time and all I really want to do is be with Lewis, but this is making it so hard. If he finds out I've been spending time with Nathan he will think it's still going on and he will never take me back. It only happened once, ok, twice. But it's not like it meant anything. Nathan is just a friend and that's all he's ever been. It was just a stupid mistake, a mistake that I want to forget about.

Hang on a minuet isn't it the 12th today? Oh shit!

Lewis's POV

It's been weeks since I spoke to Rheanna. I mean how could she do this to me? All I've ever done is love her. I've been ignoring her calls and texts because she is just a dirty little liar and I hope I never see her again. Then there is a knock at the door. Typical! Just as I think to myself I don't want to see her again, she turns up. Wait, why is she wearing sun glasses. Scared of the paps? Maybe they've found out about her and Nathan, they will be all over that!

"What do you want?" I ask, bitterly.

"We need to talk" she says

"No what we need to do, is stay away from each other and never contact each other again!" I tell her

"Please, I need to talk to you! Can I come in?" she asks.

"Fine, but five minuets and then I want you gone!" she enters the house and goes into the living room.

"I still have a load of your stuff at my place, you know?" she say, trying to make conversation.

"What do you want, Rheanna?" I ask

"alright, alright!" she begins "I'm pregnant"

"What?" I ask, horrified, she looks down at her hands, where she is fiddling her thumbs.

"Tell me your joking" I tell her

"I'm not" she says, still looking down

"So is it mine or his?"

"That's the thing, I don't know" she says looking up.

"Oh my God! Get out!" I shout.

"What?" she asks.

"Get out now!" I say, walking into the other room and leaning over the sink. What sort of whore doesn't know who the father of her baby is? What does she expect me to do? Run at her with open arms. I mean does he even know about the baby? Or is it just me she's told? Even if it is my baby, how am I meant to forgive her?! I'm not going to lie, I've always wanted kids, but not like this. I wanted a happy family, with our all of this rubbish. I wanted a wife, who would love me and wants to be with me, not with someone else. I don't know what I am going to do? What if it is my baby? Or what if I take her back and it turns out it isn't mine? Hang on, I'm not taking her back! She broke my heart, for Gods sake! I hope I never see her again!

Max's POV

Maria and Rach have been acting really strange. I know they have only just met and so it's bound to be awkward, but let's face it, it shouldn't be this bad. They can't even look each other in the eye. It's like they hate each other or something. Or like they have done something. Maybe they will liven up, when they have gotten to know each other more. I supose I would be the same if I had only just met someone and my girlfriend already knew them. I mean I haven't even met any of her friends, so maybe it's time for us to become an official couple.

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