Part Thirty-Six

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Rheanna's POV

I know I should have told her the truth, she is my best friend after all. However I know that if I tell her now it will just ruin her big day and I don't want that to happen. I know I seem like I'm being stupid, but I just don't want people worrying because he will only come back worse if everyone knows. I don't even know whether I will tell them at all! I've missed so much and I'm surprised that she has let me come back like this, but I just think I should wait till after the wedding to start to tell people about what happened. After all I don't want to take all of the attention and focus from her.

Nathan's POV

*At the wedding*

I can't believe it is the wedding already and our siva will no longer be ours he will now be Claire's, which will take away some of the fun on tour, but he loves her and thats all that matters. We are stood at the alter waiting for Claire to arrive. Then suddenly the big, church doors open and everyone turns as the music begins to play. Oh my God! Claire looks amazing! Like seriously. I know I shouldn't be looking at her in this way, seeing as though she is getting married to someone else, but boy, is Siva a lucky guy! Then after her I see three figures, all dressed in the same pink dress, they are holding bouquets of flowers and little tiny tiaras. I first look at Renee, my beautiful girlfriend. She looks so nice in her dress. Maybe one day I will make her my wife? Then I see Kelsea, she looks just as beautiful. Then after her I look at, hang on, Rheanna. It's so amazing to see her after all of this time! Where has she been? Who has she been with? Oh my God, she looks stunning! I literally have my mouth open in shock. I've missed her so much! I wonder if she feels the same way about me? Wait what am I thinking? I'm with Renee and we've only just got back on track! I don't want her to think that we are falling into previous patterns, when that would be ridiculous! I just can't take my eyes off of her! Then Claire finally reaches the alter and unlinks her fathers arm, as he goes to sit down. I then sit down to, next to Rheanna. Leaving Claire and Siva at the alter alone with the priest.

"Where have you been?" I whisper to Rheanna. She just put her fingers on her lips and says "shh" she then turns back to siva and Claire. We sit their quietly throughout the whole of the church service. After about half an hour we all go outside ready for the couple to come out of the big doors, so we can throw confetti over them.

Renee's POV

What the hell? Why is she back here? Where did she go? I promised myself, if I ever saw her again I would give her a piece of my mind, but I can't here. It's Claire and Siva's day. It wouldn't be right for me to just barge through there and start a fight with her. Oh my God and look at how he's looking at her! Oh no! He's going over to her. I walk over to them, angrily.

"What's going on here then?" I ask, bitterly.

"Just talking" Nathan says, awkwardly.

"Just talking? Just taking?" I begin to shout.

"Shh, your going to cause a scene. There's no need for this Renee, we're just friends who are catching up after a long time" Nathan explains.

"Fine, but as soon as this is over, your dead, Rheanna!" I say, before storming off again. Why does she have to come back here? I've only just gotten over what happened with her and Nathan and now she wants to come back. She probably wants to try and steal Nathan away again, but it isn't happening!

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