Part Thirty-Nine

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Rheanna's POV

The only person who understands me is Nathan and even he doesn't know the whole truth. All he knows is what he saw. When the ambulance arrived to come and fetch Lewis, everyone expected me to go with him and when I didn't, nobody understood and they looked at me as if I had killed someone. They don't have any idea what he put me through and because of that I don't even want to see him again, even if he is dying.

"How come you didn't go with Lewis?" Kelsea says, approaching us. Me and Nathan are sat on a small wall outside of the venue. There are people still crowding around, however some went back inside once Lewis was taken away.

"Erm, well-"

"Leave her alone, Kelsea" Nathan interrupts harshly.

"I'm only asking, Jeez!" She says rudely.

"Well don't alright, it's nothing to do with you is it? You just want the gossip" Nathan says, loudly. Everyone is now staring at us again, and then I see Jay, approaching us and he doesn't look happy.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Jay tells Nathan, giving him evils.

"Well she doesn't need to get involved does she? It's nothing to do with her!" Nathan shouts back.

"I asked my friend a question alright! I didn't know that was a crime!" Kelsea shouts.

"Yeah, some friend you are" I mutter.

"What?" She asks, shocked.

"Never mind" I say, looking away.

"No! Tell me what you mean!" Kelsea shouts at me.

"Leave her alone, can't you see she doesn't want to talk to you" Nathan shouts at Kelsea again.

"I thought I told you not to talk to her like that!" Jay yells, squaring up to Nathan.

"Oh shut up Jay, take your girlfriend and run along!" Nathan says, getting really angry, now.

"Well at least I know how to treat my girlfriend! I mean where is Renee, whilst your here with that whore. I mean she won't even go to the hospital with her boyfriend! He could be dying for Gods sake and she's here! I mean who does that!" Jay shouts and with that Nathan punches him in the face. Everyone is just stood in shock and the two begin to attack each other. By this time everyone is running out of the venue chanting, "Fight, fight, fight, fight" and clapping their hands. Nathan is now punching Jay in his face repeatedly. Jay is hitting him back, with blood dripping from his face. Then all of a sudden Kelsea leaps onto Nathan's back and begins to hit him around the head, as Jay is hitting him around the face. I grab onto Kelsea's hair and pull her to the floor. She gets up and punches me in the face; I feel blood trickle down my face, as I punch her back. She falls to the floor and howls in pain. Nathan and Jay are still fighting.

"What the hell is going on?" Tom shouts, running over in shock. He then gets into the middle of the pair, but it doesn't work, they just push him out of the way and carry on. "Yo, Seev! Give us a hand!" Tom calls over to Siva, who is also in shock, and standing just outside of the door to the venue.

"Er, yeah" He says, nervously as he begins to run over.

"No, Siva, don't get involved!" Claire shouts after him, but it is too late. Tom stands behind Nathan and Siva stands behind Jay.

"One, two, three" Tom counts, on three they lift the pair up, and pull them away from each other. They are both shouting and trying to get out of the pairs tight lock, but it doesn't work. Once Jay has finally broken free, he just gives Nathan some evils and then storms off down the street. Kelsea climbs up off of the floor, still in pain and follows him. Then Tom let's goes of Nathan, who then wipes the blood from his nose and also walks off down the street. I chase after him, with tears and blood both dripping down my face, not to mention the smudged make up, as I run, I trip and fall onto my stomach. Nathan turns around to see me lying in tears on the floor. He quickly pulls me up, "Are you ok?" He asks, smiling and trying not to laugh at the whole situation of me lying on the floor like a beached whale.

"Ouch!" I grown and hold onto my stomach as it really hurting.

"Oh God, the baby! I'll call an ambulance" Nathan says, remembering the baby and pulling out his phone from his pocket. After he has rang the ambulance, I sit down on the floor because I am in so much pain. He sits down next to me and puts his arm around me. There are lots of cars driving past and people staring at us because we are just sat in the middle of street, like some hobo's. About ten minuets later the ambulance arrives, and two paramedics rush out. The first one is a man, he looks about twenty and he is quite handsome. The other is a woman who looks about forty-five.

"Can you tell me your name and what happened, please?" the younger one asks.

"Erm, Rheanna and I fell on my stomach" I tell them.

"And your boyfriend says your pregnant?" He asks me.

"Erm, he's not-" I begin.

"Yes, she is" Nathan interrupts me, panicking.

"Ok then, Rheanna, your going to need to come with us" The woman tells me, trying not to panic me, but I know from her face that she thinks it's serious. She puts her arm around me and walks me to the ambulance, where she then sits me down on the bed. "Are you going to go with her?" The man asks Nathan.

"Yes, of course" He says, getting into the ambulance next to me. The woman then gets into the back with us, as the other one slams the back doors and then goes around to the font of the ambulance to drive. I look at Nathan and his eyes are starting to water, which makes me cry too.

"It's going to be ok, don't worry" The paramedic says trying to comfort us, but it doesn't. I can tell she is just saying that so we don't worry, but I can't help it, I just carry on crying.

"I'm so sorry, Rheanna" Nathan sobs.

"Sorry for what?" I ask confused.

"If I had have never had that fight with Jay, then you wouldn't have chased after me and fell. Now we could have lost the baby and it's all my fault!" He says still sobbing. At this the paramedic didn't say anything, which was basically conformation that we had lost the baby. I burst out crying again and Nathan is also sobbing, with his head in his hands.

After another ten minuets the ambulance stops and the back doors open to let us out. Both me and Nathan wipe our eyes and the woman helps me out of the ambulance and then nurse comes along with a wheel chair. I sit down in it and the nurse wheels me into the hospital and down the corridor, Nathan is walking along side me, holding my hand as we go. He still has tears in his eyes. The nurse takes us into a room where there is another nurse sitting looking like she is feeling sorry for us. The first nurse wheels me in opposite the other nurse and then leaves. Nathan sits on the hair which I was wheeled next to and he holds my hand again. The nurse smiles at us unsure. "Do you want to just pull your dress up? I have some spare bottoms here if you want to just slip them on" She says handing me the bottoms. I stand up and slip them on under my dress. My legs feel so weak that I feel like my legs are going to snap. "Would you just like to lay down on this" She says, tapping the doctor's bed next to her. I slowly go over and lay down. I lift my dress up over my stomach, so that she could scan it. Nathan squeezes my hand, but not so that it hurt. We both cross our fingers, as she scans my belly. Then all three of us look at the scan. Me and Nathan both burst into tears.

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