Part Forty-Nine

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Rheanna's POV

Me and Nathan both sit there staring at Wouter and Angel. They just look down and say nothing.

"How the hell has Lauren not noticed something is going on with you two? You spend so much time with each other and I mean who does she think Alice-May's father is?" Nathan asks, confused. Angel looks up at this and looks even more guilty.

"We use code names" angel says still sounding guilty.

"Code names?" I say, confused.

"Yes I know it sounds ridiculous, but it was the only way to keep Lauren from suspecting anything. He's Elton and I'm Marilyn. I know it's wrong, and I wanted to tell her after the first kiss, but I just couldn't. I didn't want to hurt her and I-I-I love him ok?" she spits out.

"You love him? Lauren loves him! And they were quite happy until you came along! Why don't you find someone else to be in love with! You're a man thief and if you did this to me I would never be able to forgive you! So you better pray that when you tell Lauren and you will tell her, that she won't want your head above her fireplace!" I say furiously.

"Fine!" Wouter gives in.

"Good! I'm giving you twenty-four hours to tell her and if you don't, I will tell her myself!" I announce, before storming out of the cottage.

Max's POV

I feel so guilty about what happened. I never knew anything about the abuse and the theory that it was self-defence, but what was I supposed to think when I came out of the venue to see Lewis unconscious on the floor and Nathan and Rheanna all over each other. I wish I had have listened to them. I mean me and Rheanna were so close before, but this has torn us apart and not to mention me and Nathan. Think of how this could affect the band if he doesn't forgive me! What if we all spilt up over this and what if the papers get hold of the whole situation. We are all back at the flat now, and everyone is just sat around still in shock. Even Rach is here and I haven't even spoken to her since we split over the whole lying thing. She is watching me, like I'm on the discovery channel or something. However when I look at her, she looks away. She doesn't look to happy either, I mean it wasn't me that lied to her, was it. It was her! We are just sat in silence. Then all of a sudden, Claire bursts into tears. We all turn to look at her.

"What's up?" Jay asks, putting his arm around her, to comfort her.

"It's just, I should have known and I was so horrible to her at the wedding. I had no idea and I should have been there, shouldn't I. We are supposed to be like best friends and I didn't even check to see if she was ok" She sobs.

"I know, I know. Don't worry, baby. Nobody could have known" Jay tells her.

"I want to know, who it was that went to the house and interrupted them!" Claire demands. Jay just looks down at his lap, at this.

"Jay?" Kelsea says, still crying.

"Alright. It was me" He admits.

"What? Why didn't you tell me! Why were you even going to Rheanna's?" Kelsea says.

"Because I just did, I don't know. I just had a feeling something was going on, so I went over to her house and Lewis told me that she was ill and was in bed. I didn't think anything of it" He explains.

"What? So did you hear the screams then?" Max asks, getting slightly annoyed at the fact that Jay hadn't thought to share this information.

"Well yes, but I just thought that they were you know" he says, looking down in shame.

"No, I don't know!" Claire says angrily.

"I thought they were having sex" he says, quietly.

"Well yes Jay. Lewis was trying to force her to. You could have stopped all of this. You could have saved her and it would have never got to the point where she had to live in the bathroom and he would have never turned up at the wedding and our day wouldn't have been ruined and Rheanna wouldn't have nearly lost her baby. All because you thought they were having sex!" Claire shouts angrily.

"Don't you think I feel guilty enough? I could have stopped everything. In a way, this was my fault!" Jay says, putting his head in his hands.

"Alright, alright. He wasn't to know, babe. Just like we weren't, now let's just leave it shall we; the only person to blame here is Lewis and he is being punished now" Siva says, hugging Claire.

Nathan's POV

I have found out so much today. I mean I already knew that Lewis had been "Hurting" Rheanna, but I had no idea how. For all I knew he could have just hurt her feelings. However when she was up in court this morning it all became clear. I had to cover my face so that no one could see the tears in my eyes. It was so painful just thinking about what he did, let alone the fact that I could have stopped all of it, or that it could have been my fault. If I had never kissed Rheanna, that first time outside of that club, then maybe we might not have slept together. Then Lewis would have never walked in and caught us together and maybe he might not have been abusing Rheanna. I feel so guilty. If I hadn't have set my sights on her, none of this would have ever happened. I remember before, we were just friends and that's all I thought of her like, but then she got with Lewis and something clicked inside of me. Jealousy. I had to stop myself from telling her or doing something that I regretted. However that night outside the club, she looked so beautiful and I just couldn't handle it anymore. There was no one around and then before I could go in for a kiss or even just tell her how I felt, she kissed me. My world just lit up and I actually think there were fireworks, but then she blamed me and tried to tell me that I kissed her. It was horrible and it broke my heart. After that everything fell apart between me and Renee, I think it was because my love was somewhere else, but she was with Lewis and she couldn't be with me. But that's the past now. Then there was today! As if we hadn't had our fair bit of trouble, to then find out that Wouter and Angel have been having a secret affair and they have a baby together. This is just too much; I can't keep another secret like that. I just can't let Rheanna get into all of that crap again. I've promised myself and her that I will protect her and her baby, from now on.

Claire's POV

I can't believe that Jay went to the house. I mean why did he go in the first place? Forget the fact that he did nothing, maybe that's not his fault, but why did he go over there. It's not like they have ever been close and I mean why didn't he tell anyone about what happened or why he went over there? He didn't even tell Kelsea and also where are Nathan and Rheanna now? They disappeared straight after the trial. I saw her go over to some woman and then her and Nathan just went off in his car. I mean who the hell was that woman. I would call Rheanna but Lewis broke her mobile didn't he? And I don't have Nathan's number and even if I did, it would be a bit weird if I just called Nathan wouldn't it? Hang on; they might have gone back to Rheanna's house. That's it, I bet they have. I would go and check but I guess they wanted to be alone.

Jay's POV

I know what everyone is thinking. Their thinking "Why was he going to see Rheanna?" I would tell them, but it would ruin everything. They wouldn't understand and not to mention the fact that it would probably split the band up, not to mention the fact that the press might get a hold of it!

We've only just begun (A TW FanFiction - Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin