Part Forty-One

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Max's POV

I still can't believe everything that has happened. It was supposed to be Siva and claire's day, but no! Them pair had to ruin it didn't they! I mean it seemed like everyone had finally got over the fact that Nathan and Rheanna slept together but then they go and pull a stunt like this! Once Lewis had woken up he told us about everything.

"I came to see if Rheanna was ok, because she left before I woke up and I was worried. Then I went outside to find her with Nathan, of course I was angry and I punched him, but he just went mental and hit me back and then he carried out hitting me, until I fell to the floor! After that it all went black and I woke up to find myself here" he explains, sounding emotional. By now it was just me and Tom, as Siva and Claire were sorting out the remainder of the wedding and everyone else went home. I don't know exactly what happened, but Tom said that it wasn't pretty and that everyone got into a fight. So I left it at that, as I was more worried about poor lewis. It's been a long day and to be honest I am really tired. I think I need some caffeine to keep me awake.

"I'm going to get a coffee, anyone else want one?" I ask, the pair of them.

"Nah, I'm ok thanks mate" Tom replied with a smile.

"Ok then, Lewis?"

"No thanks, my head is still pounding from Nathan's punches" he says in an innocent tone. I walk into the cafeteria and go over to the coffee machine. After I have got my drink, I decide to sit down with it. Hospital's make me feel sick and being in a room with a drip and with the wires coming out of Lewis, really isn't making it better. I walk over to a table in the corner, I slump down in my chair. I'm exorcised! I place my hands around the warm cup and just stare at it whilst thinking, thinking about Rach and how I treated her after she lied. I know it was wrong, but I'm just missing her so much. I mean everyone has a past, don't they? I had been sat just staring for at least ten minuets, before I look up. Once I do all I see is a girl on the table opposite me. I can only see the back of her head, but she looks really familiar. She has straight, dark brown hair and she is slouched over, perhaps reading something. Then out of nowhere, a police officer appears. It is a man and he looks about thirty, with brown wavy hair and a handsome face. The officer goes over to the girl and she says "Thanks for coming PC Pywell" she then pauses and sighs, before continuing "I've decided I would like to testify" she then looks down. I know that voice too! I defiantly know that girl, from somewhere, but who is it?

"Ok, shall we go back to your room to discuss the next steps?" the officer asks her. She nodes, before standing up. She turns around to face me, before walking past me, not even noticing me sat here. It's Rheanna! But why is she meeting a police officer? Why is she testifying? Why is she meeting him in the hospital? This is all just too bizarre!

Rheanna's POV

I sit on the hospital bed, with PC Pywell sat on the chair opposite me. "I know I told you to think about it and call me, but I didn't know it would be in the same day!" he laughs, with a smile on his face.

"Well, the more time that went on, the more I thought about what happened and the more I thought I can't let him get away with what he did to me!" I explained and he nodded.

"ok then. I'm happy you did. Anyway we have managed to get you lawyer for friday, her name is miss Angel Namaala, she is really good. We have used her before and she has 99% success rate. She is free tomorrow morning and has agreed to visit you here, to talk about what is going to happen" he explains.

*the next morning*

I hear someone moving closer and closer to me. I wake up suddenly, forgetting where I was and terrified that it was Lewis. I look round to see a nurse stood opening the blinds in my room. I sigh with relief. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" she says, smiling at me.

"it's ok" I smile back.

"I just came to tell you that you are free to go, now. We don't need to keep you here any longer" she smiles again. I just look down to the floor.

"What's up? You should be happy. You get to go home" she laughs. I force a smile on my face, even though I'm terrified to go back there. Back to the memories. Back to where everything happened. I slowly stand up and go to the bathroom, to get changed into my regular clothes, as I was sat in a gown, which the hospital had given me. I couldn't go home anyway, as I am meeting my new lawyer here this morning. I am so nervous! I don't have any idea what she will be like and to be honest I don't really want to talk about everything that Lewis put me through, with anyone, let alone with someone I've just met. After I'm changed I go to the cafeteria to get something to each. I get a full English breakfast, my favourite. I sit down on a two seated table and begin to eat. Then out of nowhere I hear someone say "Hello, I don't know whether you could tell me where to find a Rheanna Boyes?". I look up and there is a middle aged woman stood at the main reception, which Is right in front of where I'm sitting. The receptionist types something into her computer and then says "No sorry, she was discharged this morning" that must be the lawyer. Then I stand up to go and greet her, but before I do I see Tom go over to her and say "Rheanna Boyes you say? What do you want her for and who are you? And most importantly why was Rheanna in hospital?" he sounds pretty confused. I walk over to them all, embarrassed.

"You must be Angel. I'm Rheanna" I smile. She swings round to look at me, "Oh hi there. Erm, shall we sit down and talk?"she asks. I nod and we walk over to the seating area in the cafeteria. I sit back in the seat where I was originally. My food was still there, along with my other belongings. Tom follows us both as we sit down.

"What's going on Rheanna?" he asks, curiously.

"Erm, nothing. we'll talk later." I tell him as her gives me one last suspicious look and then walks away.

"So I wonder if you could tell me what happened." she says smiles.

"Erm, where shall I start?" I ask her, not knowing what to say.

"Well from the beginning. I just need to know everything about Lewis and you and Nathan and anyone else who might have been involved or might be able to back up what you are saying. If it helps I can get you some paper to write or down, if your not conferable with talking about it. It's just I need something to go on, in court." she says, reaching into her brief case, and pulling out a wad of lined paper and a pen. "Here" she says placing it in front of me.

"Ok, thanks" I say, beginning to write. I write none stop for about twenty minuets. I write everything from us getting back together to the present day. It seemed like a weight has been lifted off of my chest, just by writing it down, but I still don't know if I will be able to stand up and say it in court. I then look at her and say "I'm finished". She smiles and says "thanks". She then sits there and reads it, as she is reading I see the expression on her face change from normal to disgusted and I can see in her eyes that she is not enjoying reading it. She then hands it back to me and says, "Thanks, this is just what we need to get your friend off, and to get Lewis sent down. Now I just need you to sign it to certify that has been written by you and that you swear it is your own words". I quickly scribble my signature onto the top of the page and then print my name next to it. I then hand it back to her and smile, even though there is nothing happy about it.

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