Part Twenty-One

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Rheanna's POV

I can't believe I've let myself get into this mess. I should have never got involved with Nathan. We were happy being just friends! Now look us! The worst thing is, I am going to have to meet him at some point, to tell him about the baby. I hope he doesn't react like Lewis. I really can't deal with this on my own and my friends won't understand. I mean Claire hates me for what me and Nathan did and when she finds out about the baby, she will be so disappointed in me.

Nathan's POV

Rheanna called me up earlier to ask me to meet her. I told her I would, but I'm not sure if it is the right thing to do. I mean I still like her and she's really sweet, but after everything I just don't trust myself around her, and if something does happen then Renee will never forgive me. She already hates me enough without that hanging over us. So I walk over to her house, as she asked, and knock on the door. The opens it after about five minuets, her hair is a mess and she's just stood in her pyjamas. I have never seen her like this before. She is always really happy and glamorous. She isn't even wearing make up. That's how bad it is!

"Erm, hi" I say awkwardly.

"I think you better come in" she says opening the door and beconing me in. We go into the living room and all I can think of is that night. We sit on the couch next to eachother. The same couch which it all happened. If only Lewis hadn't caught us, then maybe it would have never ended. Maybe this could still be going on. Maybe we could have been happy.

"I've got something to tell you" she says, almost in tears.

"What is it?" I ask her, curiously and putting my arm around her to comfort her.

"Don't!" she says, wiggling out of my arms.

"Sorry" I say, slightly hurt "what's up then?"

"I'm pregnant, Nathan" she says, bursting into tears.

"What?" I ask shocked, before putting my arm around her. She rests her head on my chest and continues to cry. "It's going to be ok, I promise" I say, resting my head on top of hers.

Maria's POV

I don't care I have to find out what Rach wants. I can't believe she's actually had the nerve to come here! Who does she think she is? That's it I'm going to find her. I remember Max telling Rach to go over to the flat again today. So I go to the flat but I don't knock on the door. I have a look through the window and I see Max and Rach sitting in the living room. So I decide to knock on the door. I then hide behind the wall and Max comes outside to see who it was. Then Rach comes out too. They look around a little bit and then Max goes inside.

"Come on" he says, so that Rach can follow him. She turns to go back into the flat and I grab her arm and pull her round the wall with me. The door swings shut.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"Erm, I'm here to see Max" she says trying to walk away. I hold her arm again and pull her back.

"Don't act stupid!" I say, aggressively.

"Alright, I didn't know you would be here did I? I just met Max in a bar one night and the next thing I know, your there" she says, innocently.

"Well finish with him then! I told you I never wanted to see you again and I meant it!" I shout. Then Max opens the door, steps out an says "Rach?". He can't see us because we are out of sight. I let go off Rach, she walks over to him.

"Sorry, I just needed to make a phone call" she lies.

"It's ok, babe" Max tells her, putting his arm around her and walking back into the flat.

Rach's POV

I don't know why Maria is alway thinking the worst of me. I know I've done wrong in the past, but I've changed. I'm not like I was back then. I just wish she would forgive me and we can move on. I'm happy with Max now. And it's barley going to happen again, now is it?

"So what do you think of Maria then?" Tom says, entering the living room, where me and Max are sat.

"Erm, she's nice" I say awkwardly. What are they all going to think when they find out that we know each other? I mean it's almost impossible to hide, especially if me and Max are going to get serious. He will need to know everything! I am just scared, of what his reaction will be to it all.

"You don't sound to sure" Max laughs.

"Well Erm, I don't really know her" I lie again. I know for a fact that he can tell something is wrong. Max and everyone aren't stupid either. It's only a matter of time before this whole thing is blown out of the water and I already know what's going to happen when it does. Everyone is going to hate me and be straight on Maria's side, because they've known her longer and I'm just going to be pushed out. Then it's just going to be a matter of time before the boys push me out and I'm left depressed and

Ruined, but maybe that's just karma, right?

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