Part Forty-Five

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Rheanna's POV

"We've not come to cause trouble ok?" Jay says, looking at me sympathetically. I can't even talk to them. Why does everyone have to take Lewis's side? Do they think I would lie about something like this? Or maybe they don't even know. I don't even bother to answer him, I just look away.

"Just leave her alone. She doesn't want to speak to you" Lauren says, ushering them away.

"No, listen. We've come to apologise. What happened that night, at the wedding? It was a mistake. We are here to support Nathan. He's always been like a brother to me and I just don't want this to be something we can't get over. He is one of my best friends and I just hope that we can get back on track, once the judge has decided that he is not guilty" Jay says, very baldly.

"Seriously?" I ask, slightly shocked at what he had just told me. He wants to forgive him? At least I'm not the only one fighting Nathan's corner after all of this.

"Yes. Anyway we have to go and get our seats, we'll see you in there right? And just to let you know, you are not on your own. We are all backing Nathan!" He smiles before turning to walk away.

"What even Max?" I call after him. He turns back round, with a disappointed expression on his face.

"Well, no. But he will soon come around" he says and walks away again, but this time not stopping. I turn to look at the others who are also smiling at me. When I turn back, I see Angel coming towards us. I then look back at Wouter, who is looking at the floor, then back at Angel again. I can't believe it! Lauren has walked right up to Angel and they are stood hugging. I then look back at Wouter who is still looking at the floor.

"How do you two-" I begin to say in shock.

"She's an old friend of the family and one of my dearest friends" Lauren says, grinning. What? So not only is Wouter cheating on Lauren, but he is also cheating on her with her best friend. This is bad! Really bad!

"We have got to start going in now, everyone. There is only ten minutes, until the trial starts" Angel says, beckoning us all in. We all go in only to find everyone is stood outside of the gallery waiting to go in and watch. When I say everyone, I mean everyone who knows either Nathan or Lewis. I recognise most of the people too and most of Lewis's family are just staring at me, wondering why I am here and why I am giving evidence. As far as everyone is concerned Lewis is perfect and there is no reason why he would be beaten within an inch of his life and why anyone would want to see him go to jail. After about thirty seconds of being stood there, an old man comes out, in a suite and wig. He looks around and then asks "Is there a Miss Rheanna Boyes here?" I turn around and nod. "Can you follow me then please?" At this I can hear people whispering all around me, as if I was a school kid, being called to the head teacher's office. I follow him into the court room and I freeze for a moment again. He then leads me to a seat near the stand, where I will be speaking from. I sit there like a naughty school girl. The jury is already sat there, scanning my whole body with their eyes, as if they are judging me already. Then I begin to see everyone piling into the gallery and staring me down as they sit. After everyone is seated, Nathan is brought in with Angel by his side. Wouter, Lauren and Frankie-Olivia are sat in the gallery smiling at me as if to say "You can do it!". I then look back at Nathan and I smile. He looks so relieved to see me. It seems like we have been apart for years! He then smiles back at me. Then I turn my head to see HIM! The man that I hope I will never have to set eyes on again after today, the man I hope will be sleeping in a cell tonight and the man I hate more than anything in the world. He sits down and smiles at me. He has the nerve to smile at me! I hate him so much! I wouldn't even waste my time and spit on him. There are two desks which are separated by an aisle. The first one is where Angel and Nathan are sat and then on the second one is where Lewis and his lawyer are sat. The two lawyers are on the side nearest the aisle; this is so that the pair are separated. Then all of a sudden I hear someone say "All rise. Honourable judge is proceeding into the court room". Everyone rises and turns to see an old looking man in a long coat and a white wig. He walks over to his seat and sits down.

"Please be seated" He says in an old and slow voice. Everyone then sits down. "We are all gathered at this courthouse today, to trial a Mr Nathan James Sykes, on the suspicion of assault. All parties are innocent until proven guilty. You have the option to plead not guilty, guilty, or no contest. No contest means the trail will continue without supporting evidence, which can still find you guilty. I advise you not to plead no contest. You also have the right to plead no counsel" he says in one long breath. He then pauses and takes a deep breath before continuing. "In the matter of Mr Lewis Bradley Robbins vs. Mr Nathan James Sykes we are here today to try the case regarding the assault of Lewis Robbins, committed by a Nathan Sykes and the assault and abuse of a Rheanna Boyes, committed by a Lewis Robbins. We will firstly be trailing Mr Lewis Robbins and depending on the result of the trail we will then be trailing Nathan Sykes. The consequences for both of the defendants will be between 6 moths to 7 years in-prisonment. Now would the first defendant, Lewis Robbins, please take the stand?" With this Lewis stands up and goes over to the stand which is along the wall next to the wall the stand that I am in is. I can't even bare to look at him. He looks all smug and innocent!

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