Part Twenty-Eight

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Claire's POV

*Three days later*

We have to go to church again. It's only been a week, but it seems like so much longer. We have all been waiting here for about half an hour and there's sill no sign of Rheanna. I suppose Renee and Nathan are back together again, seeing as though they are sat on the couch together and Nathan has his arm around her. Maybe that's why she hasn't bothered to turn up yet.

Rheanna's POV

"Move out of my way, I'm late enough as it is!" I tell Lewis, running towards the door. Just as I am about to reach it, it puts his arm in front of me, to stop me. "What are you doing? I have to go!" I tell him.

"Your not going anywhere" he tells me.

"What? Come on now Lewis, this is important" I explain.

"I can't trust you around Nathan, so your not going"

"Don't be stupid Lewis, everyone will be there. I can't let them down!"

"So it's ok to let me down then is it" he says, aggressively.

"No of course not" I say, trying to crawl under his arm. He let's me go, but when I get to the door, it's locked. He begins to laugh. I look at him angrily and begin to look around the house for the keys. "You'll never find them" he laughs again. I punch his chest. "You idiot! I hate you!" I shout.

"Take that back now!" he says, pushing me into the wall.

"Give me the keys and then I will!" I tell him. He gets right up in my face. He has his arms either side of me so I can't even move. Then my phone begins to ring. I take it out of my bag and it's Claire. "Give it here!" he demands.

"But she'll keep ringing" I tell him.

"Fine answer it and tell her your ill!"

"Erm, ok then" I say as I answer the phone. "Hi, Claire I was just about to call you. Sorry I can't make it to the church today, I've been throwing up all day. I'm so sorry. I will be there next time I promise" his arms are still either side of me as he's looking down at me.

"Are you ok?" she asks.

"Yes" I say, as Lewis pulls my phone out of my hand and throws it against the wall, smashing it.

"What the hell did you do that for?" I shout.

"You won't be needing that anymore Rheanna, I'm the only person you need to speak to! Now go and cook me some breakfast!" he shouts.

"What?" I say, shocked that he actually believes that I am going to do anything for him.

"No!" he shouts slapping me around the face again, "The word is yes, Lewis!"

"Sorry" I say, trying to move.

"Say it then!" he shouts, pushing me back.

"Yes, Lewis" I say, with that me moves his arms from either side of me. As I walk away I feel him slap my bottom. What is going on? I go into the kitchen and get the pans out. Then I look back into the living room, to see Lewis is sitting on the sofa with his feet up on the coffee table watching the football. "Hurry up!" he shouts. After about half an hour, I finish making him breakfast. I take it into the living room and give it to him. He takes one bite and shouts "What the hell is this? Are you trying to poison me?"

"No" I say, nervously. But instead of listening to me, he throws the plate of food at me.

Max's POV

Rach stayed over again last night, hence why I'm up so late. I turn off to hug her, but there is no one there, instead there is a note, it reads "Sorry to leave without saying goodbye properly, but I have to go. It's not you, it's just everything is too much being here, with Maria and everything. I hope we can still be friends. Just know I will always love you and I will write I promise. Never forget me, love from Rach". I feel my eyes welling up. Why has she left me and where has she gone. I can't let her walk out of my life. I mean she is my life! I need to find her and now. I get out of bed, throw my clothes on and get in my car. I drive straight to her house. I knock on the door, but there is no answer, but I keep banging anyway. I open the letter box and shout "Rach if your in there please let me in!" but there is nothing. Then an old woman walks by and looks at me. "If it's Rach your looking for, her sister came round yesterday and the last I saw of her, she was getting in a taxi with her suitcase" she says.

"What? Where's she gone then? To the airport or something?" I ask, eagerly.

"I don't know!" she says, looking at me weird. I run back to my car and get in. I drive all the way to the airport, going as fast as I can and ignoring all of the speed cameras. When I get to the airport, there is nowhere to park. "Oh forget this!" I whisper as I stop the car in the middle of the road and get out. I run all the way into the airport and then I see her. She is about to give her ticket when I shout "Rach! Wait!" she turns and looks at me. She runs over to me, with open arms. When we finally get to each other, we hug. "I thought I'd lost you" I tell her.

"And I thought I lost you too. I'm so sorry!" she says, hugging me tightly.

"Please come home" I tell her. She pulls away. Then she comes back in close and kisses me. I don't know whether it is the right time to ask her why she left in the first place, so I will just wait till we get home, so she can't leave again. I don't know what I would have done if I had have missed her and she had left.

We've only just begun (A TW FanFiction - Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin