Part Sixteen

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Nathan's POV

When we get back to the flat, after the service, it is rally awkward. I sit down on the couch next to Siva and Claire. Claire starts to give me evils again. Can't she just get over it? It's not even anything to do with her! Rheanna sits on the other couch, awkwardly and Renee joins her. What the hell? Since when have them two been all chummy? Oh no! What if Rheanna tells her? Renee will kill me and probably Rheanna at the same time. Surly she wouldn't be that stupid, would she?

"So..." Siva says trying to break the silence. It is just me, Siva, Rheanna and Renee now, as Kelsea has gone in Jay's room with him. Max is out with Rach and Tom is with Maria somewhere.

"So, I was thinking, we should go shopping to get dresses at tomorrow if your free" Claire says to Rheanna and Renee.

"Well I have got to go somewhere, but maybe another time" Renee says.

"I can make it though maybe we can just go and then take Renee for a fitting another time?" Rheanna asks.

"Yeah ok then, I'm sure Kelsea would be free to come with us" she says.

Rach's POV

I really like Max and I think he likes me. It's just the fact that I feel like he's hiding me away from everyone. I mean I've met Jay and that Kelsea, but that's about it. When is he going to introduce me to the rest. He was so nice when we first met and I just thought that maybe he would let me meet his friends. He just seems like he just wants it to be me and him the whole time and he doesn't care about the other stuff and in a way that's a good thing, but a part of me needs to meet these people. It's as if I can't know him properly without meeting these people. I feel like such an outsider whenever he talks about them.

Claire's POV

I can't stand all of this! I mean seriously I see the way Nathan looks at Rheanna, here is no way it was a one off. I already told him that I wouldn't see Renee get hurt and I will tell her if I find out that I'm true. This is just out of order, they're taking her for a ride and it's not fair. When I'm with Rheanna tomorrow, I'm hoping she will spill the beans and let me know what's going on with them and if there is, I will make sure Renee finds out about it. It's so sad. I should be concentrating on the wedding, but all I can think of is how angry these two are making me. And I mean, how can Lewis and Renee not see what's going on right under their noses?

*The next day, shopping with Rheanna and Kelsea*

I can't believe it is the 1st of May already! Which means we only have Eight weeks until the wedding! I'm so excited. Anyway, so me and the girls are at a local bridal shop, and I'm looking at the different wedding dresses. There all so beautiful, but I just can't decide if I like them or not. I end up picking up the most amazing dress ever. It is a cream colour, because I don't like the colour White very much and I don't want to be like every other bride out there. It has little White gems all over the top half and then it goes out, like a big princess dress. I instantly fall in love with the dress and buy it.

"Oh my God, it's gorgeous!" Rheanna says, smiling.

Then we go to another shop in town to try and find some flowers which will compliment my dress and go with the theme. Which I decided would be a pale pink colour and cream. We are looking at the flowers when Kelsea says "I hope I catch the bouquet" I smile at her.

"Yeah? That's nice" Rheanna says, not sounding interested at all.

"What's up with you? I mean don't you want to catch it?" Kelsea asks

"Well not really? I mean who would I marry anyway?" she asks. I was going to say Nathan, but then I thought against it and said "Lewis?" instead.

"Oh yeah. About that, we kind of broke up" she says, upset.

"What?" Kelsea asks, shocked. "When did this happen?"

"The other night. It just wasn't working out" she says.

"Yeah and we all know why that is don't we?" I say, snidely

"Erm do we?" Rheanna asks

"Yeah, I mean you couldn't make it more obvious, Rheanna. There's clearly something going between you and Nathan. I mean I saw you kiss for gods sake and now you've split up with Lewis. You can't tell me that's a coincidence" I blurt out, without really thinking. Kelsea just stares at me in shock.

"What?" Kelsea asks, with her mouth literally open. Rheanna just storms out of the shop. Oh no what have I done now?

"What the hell is going on then?" Kelsea asks, curiously.

"Shut up, Kelsea" I say, ruddily.

Rheanna's POV

Oh my God! I can't believe Claire has just blurted that out in the middle of a bloody shop! What is wrong with her? Yes something happened between me and Nathan, but it was a mistake and I just want to forget about it. I mean as if I don't feel bad enough as it is! She has to go and make it worse doesn't she. It wasn't even just me! It was him as well and now everyone is going to find out. I know for a fact that Kelsea will go straight back to Jay and tell him everything and I wouldn't be surprised if Siva already knows. These people are nothing but gossipers. I don't even know why I talk to them and everything. They will be the first ones to stab me in the back and make out like it's all my fault!

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